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The purification of web development

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Nicolas Gallagher @necolas

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Before code…

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Assumptions and the history of ideas

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Heraclitus (535 BC – 475 BC)

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Democritus (460 BC – 370 BC)

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“You cannot step twice into the same river; for fresh waters are flowing in upon you.” – Heraclitus

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CSS and the purification of HTML

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“To increase the granularity of control over elements, a new attribute has been added to HTML: 'CLASS'.” - CSS1 spec

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Don’t use “unsemantic” class names?

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“Your HTML, like diamonds, should be forever.” -

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“…authors are encouraged to use [class attribute] values that describe the nature of the content, rather than values that describe the desired presentation of the content.” - HTML5 spec

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“A structure based on CLASS is only useful within a restricted domain, where the meaning of a class has been mutually agreed upon.” - CSS1 spec

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Class names are for us, not machines

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We can pick our own meaning

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Don't write ugly class names?

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/* Component */ .button {…} /* Component */ .button-group {…} /* Component modifier */ .button.primary {…} /* Component child */ .button-group .item {…}

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/* Component */ .Button {…} /* Component modifier */ .Button--primary {…} /* Component */ .ButtonGroup {…} /* Component descendant */ .ButtonGroup-item {…}

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  • Save
  • Cancel

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Structured class names are useful

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Don’t use extra elements?

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{{> partials/close-button }}

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Some words

{{/content}} {{/box_with_close}}

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Look at what they make you give

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Web Components

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“Web Components…let web application authors define widgets with a level of visual richness not possible with CSS alone” - W3C Introduction to Web Components

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“…specify the extra presentation using markup…” - W3C Introduction to Web Components

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No content

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Encapsulation, interoperability, reuse

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Shadow DOM Encapsulation and DOM boundaries Custom elements; extend native elements Clonable, inert DOM fragments

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@host { /* css to unstyle button */ } .visHidden { /* css to hide text */ }
// javascript

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No content

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It’s ok to rely on extra elements

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Step back into the river

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The end