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Where CNP Fraud Is Heading
Credit card fraudsters are nothing if not predictable, as they always migrate to the path of
least resistance. With EMV protecting in-store transactions, online fraud can be expected to
expand rapidly.
CNP fraud in the U.S.
is expected to grow from
$4.0 billion in 2016 to
$7.2 billion in 2020*
Online commerce accounts for
8.5% of total U.S. transaction
volume—but 49% of fraud**
2016 2020
$7.2 B
$4.0 B
8.5% 49%
U.S. eCommerce
U.S. Credit
Card Fraud
* Aite Group, EMV: Issuance Trajectory and Impact on Account Takeover and CNP, May 2016
** Javelin Strategy & Research: Fixing CNP Fraud, October 2014