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ڡ奍揾ාᑀ䋊ਹጱள䰐ஃஃ ฎ䰼䋿僻嶆֕ӧŏ Johnson Wu, Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer LINE Taiwan

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• 1 3, 3 03 • ,. 023 @ 8C B98 ABC89 BA • ,1 CB 9

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Data Engineer ML Engineer/Scientist? Data Scientist? Data Analyst

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ML Engineer/Scientist? Data Scientist?

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• . / / • / / / . / • / / / A day in the life of a Data Scientist •

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2 0 2 0 2 6/ 0 1 / Among the data I processed Figures matter An amount that won’t make you feel as easy as you face at school

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Skills that fit

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Projects/activities I participated/ing in LINE • LINE Fact Checker • LINE Music TW • TW User Tagging • SPOT POI recommendation …. • Internal research like automatic speech recognition, reinforcement learning, recommendation task. • Technical sharing like LINE Dev day, LINE Techpulse, R-ladies.

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- LINE數位當責計畫

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How ML helps LINE Fact Checker? Verified Messages Similar Messages Total Messages ML Near- Duplication ML Classification

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ML models • Pre-trained BERT classifier: verify topics • fine-tuned with TODAY articles • A Approximate Nearest Neighbor model: find similar articles

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ML system under hood Scheduling, Orchestration Serving Training Data Ingestion Async Execution Model Management Model Deployment Index-based Vector Search (ANN)

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LINE Music TW Toward intelligent music service

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Simple Data mining: Autocomplete ranking • 18M user query logs using sql to autocomplete

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Music Knowledge graph on auto-suggest composed compose lyrics_written write_lyircs sing_song same_album

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Analysis on Music Knowledge graph

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Research: time for learning • Inside: RL study group, hackathon, and paper reading. • Collaboration with NLP, AD teams in KR, JP side. • External : e.g. Google/AWS/Microsoft workshop, conference.

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Activities • Let people (not your close colleagues) know what you are doing. • Dev day, TechPulse, R-ladies, AI workshop, internal tech sharing x2.

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Takeaway • What I‘ve been doing: finding data-driven solutions for project needs • Knowledge graph, Speech recognition, POI recommendation, Embedding, ML. • Data x ML x optimization x speech • Plain but fun J

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About our Team : Data dev team TW

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We are hiring!