The "*app*" perspective is how the app processes inside the pod see the environment.
This example pod will use a set of three apps:
| Name | Version | Image hash
| | 1.0.0 | sha512-277205b3ae3eb3a8e042a62ae46934b470e43
| | 1.0.0 | sha512-3e86b59982e49066c5d813af1c2e2579cbf57
| | 1.0.0 | sha512-86298e1fdb95ec9a45b5935504e26ec29b8fe
#### Filesystem Setup
Each app in a pod will start chrooted into its own unique read-write filesystem before execut
An app's filesystem must be *rendered* in an empty directory by the following process (or equ
- The `rootfs` contained in the ACI is extracted
- If the ACI contains a non-empty `dependencies` field in its `ImageManifest`, the `rootfs` o
is extracted, in the order in which they are listed
- If the ACI contains a non-empty `pathWhitelist` field in its `ImageManifest`, *all* paths n
must be removed
Every execution of an app MUST start from a clean copy of this rendered filesystem.
The simplest implementation will take an ACI (with no dependencies) and extract it into a new
Slide 7
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What we want?
Image Format Storytime!
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you as a sw engineer
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with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello_World is
use Ada.Text_IO;
Put_Line("Hello, world!");
int main()
printf("Hello, world!\n");
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, world!")
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your container
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your /bin/java
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your /bin/python
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Signed By: Alice
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you as an ops engineer
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Towards a Standard
Journey to OCI
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An image format
A container runtime
A log collection daemon
An init system and process babysitter
A container image build system
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An image format
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17 Months Ago
November 2014
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Docker Image Format Circa 2014
- Very fluid format and evolution
- Not content-addressable
- No name delegation/discovery
- Like MX records
- No mechanism for signing
appc image in a nutshell
● Image Format (ACI)
○ what does an application consist of?
● Image Discovery
○ how can an image be located?
● Content-addressing
○ what is the cryptographic id of an image?
● Signing
○ how is an image signed?
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a modern, secure container runtime
a simple, composable tool (CLI)
an implementation of an open standard (appc)
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shell scripts
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12 Months Ago
April 2015
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Docker v2.2 Image Format Circa 2014
- Versioned v2.0, v2.1, v2.2 schema
- Content-addressable
- No name delegation/discovery
- Like MX records
- Optional and non-prescribed signing
● A serialized image format
● Content-addressable
Optional stuff
○ Signatures that are based on signing image content
○ Naming that is federated based on DNS and can be
OCI Image Format Spec Project
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Where are we going?
● Goal: standard container
○ Runtime
○ Image
○ Identity & Signing
○ Discovery & Naming
○ Distribution
● Goal: Enable Innovation
○ Build systems
○ Runtimes
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Container Networking
Connectivity and Beyond
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Container Networking
Initially designed for rkt, used lots of places
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Connectivity for "pod" network model
- IP per pod
- Pods in the cluster can be addressed by their IP
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How to network containers together?
Open vSwitch
Project Calico
GCE networking
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How to allocate IP addresses?
- From a fixed block on a host
- IPAM system backed by SQL database
- SDN assigned: e.g. Weave
- Container can join multiple networks
- Network described by JSON config
- Plugin supports two commands
- Add container to the network
- Remove container from the network
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User configures a network
$ cat /etc/cni/net.d/10-mynet.conf
"name": "mynet",
"type": "bridge",
"ipam": {
"type": "host-local",
"subnet": ""
Slide 48
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CNI: Step 1
Container runtime creates network namespace
and gives it a named handle
$ cd /var/lib/cni
$ touch myns
$ unshare -n mount --bind /proc/self/ns/net myns
CNI Flexibility
- Plugins manage their own state
- Essential for network vendors who often have complex
control planes
- Process model exposes full Linux network stack
- External plugins implement the API and get out
of the way
- Metaswitch networks, Weaveworks
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CNI Community
- Maintainers from CoreOS, Pivotal, and Weaveworks
- Used by rkt, Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry, kurma, and
usable with runC
- External plugins from
- Metaswitch networks, Weaveworks
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Container Networking
CNM is implemented in github.
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Defining a new network model
- Network
- A logical network (think vlan)
- Endpoint
- Connects a sandbox to a network
- Sandbox
- A container level network configuration for DNS, routes,
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CNM for Cluster and Local Networking
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"Battery Included Plugins"
- Bridge
- "Default Docker Networking"
- Overlay
- VXLAN and coordinated internally using libkv
- Remote
- Everyone else uses this
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Remote Plugins
- Operate a long running plugin API service
- Linux networking features restricted to API
- External plugins
- Difficult to integrate because of API model
- Existing control planes don't get useful metadata
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- Maintainers from Docker, and Tencent
- Used by docker engine
- External plugins from
- Metaswitch networks, Weaveworks
libnetwork Community
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Container Networking
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CNM creates a new interface to the network world
- Hard to integrate into existing systems like Kubernetes
- Exposes networking concepts through new API/model
- Adopted by Docker Engine
CNI is a simple model for container networking
- Simple to integrate with process based workflow
- Exposes full Linux network stack
- Adopted by rkt, kurma, Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry, and
easy integration with runC