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Beginning ClojureScript How not to learn a new language @gregoltsov

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No content

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Watched & loved Simple Made Easy. “I’m learning Clojure”

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Watched & loved Simple Made Easy. “I’m learning Clojure”

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This was 5 years ago

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— Why? — Too much Angular. Front-end never felt right. Gulp, webpack, whaaa?

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Enter ClojureScript Re-frame Re-frisk Figwheel

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— Re-frame — Amazing wiki Starter apps Simple toolbelt Easy-ish to start for noobs like me

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— Re-frame — A lot of JS intro with Leaflet.js Translating to JS is annoying to begin with, but Figwheel kicks in. DB as a global state + no args events for super-quick prototyping.

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— Re-com + re-frisk — Crazy fast for building interfaces. No more CSS hate. Hard to style nicely. Global state + re-frist = happiness.

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Starter App TodoMVC

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Lessons learned

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If you’re starting, Clojure + Emacs = Fail

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Start with tech you already know Python + Flask

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lein vs boot

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lein vs boot

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tooo vs calendar

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todo vs calendar Plan ( vs Todoist

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Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought — Matsuo Basho

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Commit to a project

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Commit to a project

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Commit to a giving a talk I have no idea what I’m doing

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Consistency >> Inspiration

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1 hour daily “one small improvement” rewarding 3 hours every Saturday huge leap daunting, feeling behind Consistency >> Inspiration

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Decent resources Lambda Island, helps with JS intro CLJSJS for importing JS libraries re-frame-template for general awesomeness Clojure for Brave and True — great learning book Parens of the Dead — funky way of learning CLJS — Because “imagine everyone's naked” is terrible advice.

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(end rant) Thanks! @gregoltsov