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TAMING THE MONOLITH Are microservices just an implementation detail? Microservice Meetup Hamburg | July 13th, 2015 | Dennis Traub | @DTraub

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- A sphere of knowledge, influence, or activity - - What an organisation does, and the world it does it in - DOMAIN

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- A system of abstractions describing selected aspects of a Domain - - Used to solve problems related to that Domain - MODEL

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Sit down with the experts and listen

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- A language structured around the Domain Model - - Used by all team members and throughout the code - UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE

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There is no such thing as a Ubiquituous Language … at least not company-wide …

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Customer Marketing Target Group

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Customer Marketing Target Group Website Visitor

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Customer Marketing Target Group Website Visitor Shopping Cart Buyer

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Customer Recipient Shipping Marketing Target Group Website Visitor Shopping Cart Buyer

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Customer Recipient Shipping Marketing Target Group Hotline Caller Website Visitor Shopping Cart Buyer

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Customer Recipient Shipping Marketing Target Group Hotline Caller Website Visitor Shopping Cart Buyer Purchasing Customer

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Customer Recipient Shipping Marketing Target Group Hotline Caller Website Visitor Shopping Cart Buyer Purchasing Customer

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Customer Recipient Shipping Marketing Target Group Hotline Caller Website Visitor Shopping Cart Buyer Purchasing Customer

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- An explicit boundary within which a Domain Model exists - - Inside, all terms have a specific meaning - - They are part of the Ubiquitous Language - BOUNDED CONTEXT

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KEY ATTRIBUTES OF A BOUNDED CONTEXT High Cohesion Loose Coupling Represents Business Capability Context-specific Model

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KEY ATTRIBUTES OF A MICROSERVICE High Cohesion Loose Coupling Represents Business Capability Context-specific Model

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Business Logic Data Access Presentation our “Architecture”

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Business Logic Data Access Presentation our “Architecture”

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Business Logic Data Access Presentation our “Architecture”

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Business Logic Data Access Presentation our “Architecture”

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Enterprise Service Bus

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 vs. Choreography

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Key Takeaways:

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Don’t model reality. Model useful abstractions.

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Don’t build a model. that works for everyone.

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Don’t design a one-size-fits-all architecture.

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So, what are Microservices all about?

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THANK YOU! Dennis Traub | @DTraub |