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Scene 1 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes INT. SPACE PORT & AIR BAR NEXT DAY IW Part3 Page 1/207

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Scene 1 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes We're inside a busy space port. Various Alien races mill around the port and Air Bar. Two massive glowing tablets glow in the distant background. IW Part3 Page 2/207

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Scene 2 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Sitting at the table is a well dressed nervous and severely SCARRED human. IW Part3 Page 3/207

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Scene 2 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Sitting at the table is a well dressed nervous and severely SCARRED human. IW Part3 Page 4/207

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Scene 2 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Sitting at the table is a well dressed nervous and severely SCARRED human. IW Part3 Page 5/207

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Scene 2 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Sitting at the table is a well dressed nervous and severely SCARRED human. IW Part3 Page 6/207

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Scene 2 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Sitting at the table is a well dressed nervous and severely SCARRED human. IW Part3 Page 7/207

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Scene 2 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes Sitting at the table is a well dressed nervous and severely SCARRED human. IW Part3 Page 8/207

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Scene 3 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Breslin sees Dorian walk into the bar -- IW Part3 Page 9/207

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Scene 3 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Breslin sees Dorian walk into the bar -- IW Part3 Page 10/207

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Scene 3 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Breslin sees Dorian walk into the bar -- IW Part3 Page 11/207

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Scene 3 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Breslin sees Dorian walk into the bar -- IW Part3 Page 12/207

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Scene 3 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Breslin sees Dorian walk into the bar -- IW Part3 Page 13/207

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Scene 4 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes -- and waves him over. IW Part3 Page 14/207

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Scene 4 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes -- and waves him over. IW Part3 Page 15/207

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Scene 5 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 16/207

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Scene 5 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 17/207

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Scene 6 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes He begins to light a cigarette. IW Part3 Page 18/207

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Scene 6 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes He begins to light a cigarette. IW Part3 Page 19/207

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Scene 6 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes He begins to light a cigarette. IW Part3 Page 20/207

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Scene 6 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes He begins to light a cigarette. IW Part3 Page 21/207

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Scene 6 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 22/207

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Scene 6 Panel 6 Dialog IW Part3 Page 23/207

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Scene 7 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 28/207

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Scene 7 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 29/207

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Scene 7 Panel 4 Dialog BRESLIN Have you no couth? IW Part3 Page 30/207

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Scene 7 Panel 5 Dialog BRESLIN Have you no couth? IW Part3 Page 31/207

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Scene 8 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Dorian settles into the table, taps on the table that resembles a massive Ipad, largely ignoring Breslin. IW Part3 Page 32/207

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Scene 8 Panel 2 Dialog IW Part3 Page 33/207

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Scene 8 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Dorian settles into the table, taps on the table that resembles a massive Ipad, largely ignoring Breslin. IW Part3 Page 34/207

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Scene 8 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Dorian settles into the table, taps on the table that resembles a massive Ipad, largely ignoring Breslin. IW Part3 Page 35/207

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Scene 8 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Dorian settles into the table, taps on the table that resembles a massive Ipad, largely ignoring Breslin. IW Part3 Page 36/207

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Scene 8 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes Dorian settles into the table, taps on the table that resembles a massive Ipad, largely ignoring Breslin. IW Part3 Page 37/207

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Scene 9 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 38/207

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Scene 9 Panel 2 Dialog BRESLIN How do I even know this is the right creature? IW Part3 Page 39/207

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Scene 9 Panel 3 Dialog BRESLIN How do I even know this is the right creature? IW Part3 Page 40/207

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Scene 9 Panel 4 Dialog BRESLIN How do I even know this is the right creature? IW Part3 Page 41/207

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Scene 10 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 42/207

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Scene 10 Panel 2 Dialog DORIAN Take a peek in the bag. IW Part3 Page 43/207

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Scene 10 Panel 3 Dialog BRESLIN We both know I'm not going to do that. IW Part3 Page 44/207

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Scene 10 Panel 4 Dialog BRESLIN We both know I'm not going to do that. IW Part3 Page 45/207

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Scene 10 Panel 5 Dialog BRESLIN We both know I'm not going to do that. IW Part3 Page 46/207

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Scene 10 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 47/207

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Scene 10 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 48/207

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Scene 10 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes Breslin raises two fingers -- IW Part3 Page 49/207

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Scene 10 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes Breslin raises two fingers -- IW Part3 Page 50/207

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Scene 10 Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes Breslin raises two fingers -- IW Part3 Page 51/207

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Scene 10 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes -- and a small Pig like creature SCURRIES over -- IW Part3 Page 52/207

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Scene 10 Panel 12 Dialog Action Notes -- and a small Pig like creature SCURRIES over -- IW Part3 Page 53/207

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Scene 11 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 54/207

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Scene 11 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 55/207

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Scene 11 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 58/207

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Scene 11 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes -- and picks up the head. IW Part3 Page 59/207

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Scene 11 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes -- and picks up the head. IW Part3 Page 60/207

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Scene 11 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes -- and picks up the head. IW Part3 Page 61/207

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Scene 11 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes It slams on the ground IW Part3 Page 62/207

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Scene 11 Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 63/207

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Scene 11 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 64/207

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Scene 12 Panel 1 Dialog DORIAN That guy was a pain my ass. IW Part3 Page 66/207

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Scene 12 Panel 2 Dialog DORIAN All that for a quarter? IW Part3 Page 67/207

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Scene 12 Panel 3 Dialog DORIAN All that for a quarter? IW Part3 Page 68/207

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Scene 12 Panel 4 Dialog DORIAN All that for a quarter? IW Part3 Page 69/207

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Scene 12 Panel 5 Dialog DORIAN I mean you gotta get me some better contracts. IW Part3 Page 70/207

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Scene 13 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 71/207

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Scene 13 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 72/207

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Scene 13 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Breslin taps on the table -- IW Part3 Page 73/207

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Scene 13 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Breslin taps on the table -- IW Part3 Page 74/207

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Scene 13 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Breslin taps on the table -- IW Part3 Page 75/207

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Scene 13 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes -- then slides the payment across the table. IW Part3 Page 76/207

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Scene 13 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes -- then slides the payment across the table. IW Part3 Page 77/207

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Scene 15 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 78/207

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Scene 15 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 79/207

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Scene 15 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 81/207

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Scene 15 Panel 6 Dialog BRESLIN About that... I have another contract. IW Part3 Page 83/207

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Scene 15 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes A holographic waiter appears on the screen. IW Part3 Page 84/207

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Scene 15 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes A holographic waiter appears on the screen. IW Part3 Page 85/207

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Scene 15 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes A holographic waiter appears on the screen. IW Part3 Page 86/207

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Scene 15 Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes A holographic waiter appears on the screen. IW Part3 Page 87/207

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Scene 16 Panel 1 Dialog WAITER Can I interest either of you in some fine cuisine? Perhaps some Bovine flesh or since you guys look like big spenders maybe some vintage water? IW Part3 Page 88/207

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Scene 16 Panel 2 Dialog WAITER Can I interest either of you in some fine cuisine? Perhaps some Bovine flesh or since you guys look like big spenders maybe some vintage water? IW Part3 Page 89/207

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Scene 16 Panel 3 Dialog WAITER Can I interest either of you in some fine cuisine? Perhaps some Bovine flesh or since you guys look like big spenders maybe some vintage water? IW Part3 Page 90/207

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Scene 17 Panel 1 Dialog BRESLIN If you want to order something, go ahead. It's on me. IW Part3 Page 91/207

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Scene 17 Panel 2 Dialog BRESLIN If you want to order something, go ahead. It's on me. IW Part3 Page 92/207

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Scene 18 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 93/207

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Scene 18 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 94/207

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Scene 18 Panel 3 Dialog DORIAN Nope. IW Part3 Page 95/207

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Scene 18 Panel 4 Dialog DORIAN No Chance. No way. IW Part3 Page 96/207

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Scene 18 Panel 5 Dialog DORIAN It's gonna be something awful -- IW Part3 Page 97/207

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Scene 18 Panel 6 Dialog DORIAN -- or somewhere awful. IW Part3 Page 98/207

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Scene 18 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 99/207

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Scene 18 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 100/207

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Scene 19 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 106/207

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Scene 19 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 107/207

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Scene 20 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Dorian looks sideways at Breslin. IW Part3 Page 108/207

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Scene 20 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Dorian looks sideways at Breslin. IW Part3 Page 109/207

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Scene 21 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 110/207

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Scene 21 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes A man wearing a white robe passes by. IW Part3 Page 111/207

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Scene 21 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes He glances at their table. IW Part3 Page 112/207

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Scene 21 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 113/207

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Scene 22 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Both men barely notice. IW Part3 Page 114/207

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Scene 22 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Both men barely notice. IW Part3 Page 115/207

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Scene 22 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 116/207

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Scene 23 Panel 1 Dialog BRESLIN What's your balance? IW Part3 Page 117/207

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Scene 24 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 118/207

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Scene 24 Panel 2 Dialog DORIAN C'mon. You know my balance. IW Part3 Page 119/207

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Scene 25 Panel 1 Dialog BRESLIN I want you to say it out loud. It must be audible. IW Part3 Page 120/207

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Scene 25 Panel 2 Dialog BRESLIN I want you to say it out loud. It must be audible. IW Part3 Page 121/207

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Scene 26 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 122/207

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Scene 26 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 123/207

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Scene 26 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 124/207

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Scene 26 Panel 4 Dialog DORIAN 1.44. IW Part3 Page 125/207

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Scene 26 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 126/207

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Scene 26 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes A massive animal leg is delivered to the table. IW Part3 Page 127/207

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Scene 26 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes A massive animal leg is delivered to the table. IW Part3 Page 128/207

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Scene 26 Panel 8 Dialog BRESLIN And yet you ENDURE. Risking life and limb, well short of even an unplug. IW Part3 Page 129/207

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Scene 26 Panel 9 Dialog BRESLIN And yet you ENDURE. Risking life and limb, well short of even an unplug. IW Part3 Page 130/207

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Scene 26 Panel 10 Dialog BRESLIN And yet you ENDURE. Risking life and limb, well short of even an unplug. IW Part3 Page 131/207

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Scene 26 Panel 11 Dialog BRESLIN And yet you ENDURE. Risking life and limb, well short of even an unplug. IW Part3 Page 132/207

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Scene 28 Panel 1 Dialog BRESLIN And yet you ENDURE. Risking life and limb, well short of even an unplug. IW Part3 Page 133/207

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Scene 29 Panel 1 Dialog BRESLIN In fact, they requested you directly -- IW Part3 Page 134/207

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Scene 29 Panel 2 Dialog BRESLIN In fact, they requested you directly -- IW Part3 Page 135/207

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Scene 29 Panel 3 Dialog BRESLIN In fact, they requested you directly -- IW Part3 Page 136/207

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Scene 29 Panel 4 Dialog BRESLIN In fact, they requested you directly -- IW Part3 Page 137/207

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Scene 29 Panel 5 Dialog BRESLIN In fact, they requested you directly -- IW Part3 Page 138/207

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Scene 29 Panel 6 Dialog BRESLIN In fact, they requested you directly -- IW Part3 Page 139/207

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Scene 30 Panel 1 Dialog BRESLIN -- and were your saints on your last adventure as well. IW Part3 Page 140/207

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Scene 31 Panel 1 Dialog DORIAN Is it the Zorgathians? IW Part3 Page 141/207

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Scene 31 Panel 2 Dialog DORIAN Is it the Zorgathians? IW Part3 Page 142/207

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Scene 31 Panel 3 Dialog DORIAN Is it the Zorgathians? IW Part3 Page 143/207

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Scene 31 Panel 4 Dialog DORIAN Is it the Zorgathians? IW Part3 Page 144/207

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Scene 32 Panel 1 Dialog BRESLIN With a contract this large you know I can't reveal their identity. IW Part3 Page 145/207

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Scene 33 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 146/207

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Scene 33 Panel 2 Dialog DORIAN Are the Zorgathians the little clam people or the balding horse face looking things? I hate'em both so much. -- IW Part3 Page 147/207

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Scene 33 Panel 3 Dialog DORIAN Are the Zorgathians the little clam people or the balding horse face looking things? I hate'em both so much. -- IW Part3 Page 148/207

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Scene 33 Panel 4 Dialog DORIAN Are the Zorgathians the little clam people or the balding horse face looking things? I hate'em both so much. -- IW Part3 Page 149/207

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Scene 33 Panel 5 Dialog DORIAN Are the Zorgathians the little clam people or the balding horse face looking things? I hate'em both so much. -- IW Part3 Page 150/207

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Scene 33 Panel 6 Dialog DORIAN Are the Zorgathians the little clam people or the balding horse face looking things? I hate'em both so much. -- IW Part3 Page 151/207

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Scene 33 Panel 7 Dialog DORIAN Are the Zorgathians the little clam people or the balding horse face looking things? I hate'em both so much. -- IW Part3 Page 152/207

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Scene 33 Panel 8 Dialog DORIAN Are the Zorgathians the little clam people or the balding horse face looking things? I hate'em both so much. -- IW Part3 Page 153/207

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Scene 33 Panel 9 Dialog DORIAN Are the Zorgathians the little clam people or the balding horse face looking things? I hate'em both so much. -- IW Part3 Page 154/207

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Scene 33 Panel 10 Dialog DORIAN -- The balding horse things are actually nice, but they're just nightmare... IW Part3 Page 155/207

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Scene 33 Panel 11 Dialog DORIAN -- The balding horse things are actually nice, but they're just nightmare... IW Part3 Page 156/207

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Scene 33 Panel 12 Dialog DORIAN -- The balding horse things are actually nice, but they're just nightmare... IW Part3 Page 157/207

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Scene 33 Panel 13 Dialog DORIAN -- The balding horse things are actually nice, but they're just nightmare... IW Part3 Page 158/207

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Scene 33 Panel 14 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 159/207

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Scene 33 Panel 15 Dialog Action Notes WHACK. Breslin SLAMS his hand on the table. IW Part3 Page 160/207

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Scene 33 Panel 16 Dialog Action Notes WHACK. Breslin SLAMS his hand on the table. IW Part3 Page 161/207

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Scene 33 Panel 17 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 162/207

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Scene 33 Panel 18 Dialog BRESLIN This isn't a game, Dorian. IW Part3 Page 163/207

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Scene 34 Panel 1 Dialog BRESLIN This is not a contract made in jest. It's enough to PROVIDE you with some HOPE. IW Part3 Page 164/207

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Scene 34 Panel 2 Dialog BRESLIN This is not a contract made in jest. It's enough to PROVIDE you with some HOPE. IW Part3 Page 165/207

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Scene 34 Panel 3 Dialog BRESLIN This is not a contract made in jest. It's enough to PROVIDE you with some HOPE. IW Part3 Page 166/207

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Scene 35 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 167/207

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Scene 35 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Dorian continues to mash on his lunch. IW Part3 Page 168/207

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Scene 35 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Dorian continues to mash on his lunch. IW Part3 Page 169/207

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Scene 36 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 170/207

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Scene 36 Panel 2 Dialog DORIAN Look you know, I don't do any of that Time Travel Bullshit. IW Part3 Page 171/207

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Scene 36 Panel 3 Dialog DORIAN Look you know, I don't do any of that Time Travel Bullshit. IW Part3 Page 172/207

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Scene 36 Panel 4 Dialog DORIAN Look you know, I don't do any of that Time Travel Bullshit. IW Part3 Page 173/207

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Scene 36 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 174/207

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Scene 36 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes IW Part3 Page 175/207

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Scene 36 Panel 7 Dialog DORIAN It fucking hurts. To be completely honest, I don't like the way it makes me feel. And don't make believe you're not profiting from our little arrangement here. IW Part3 Page 176/207

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Scene 36 Panel 8 Dialog DORIAN It fucking hurts. To be completely honest, I don't like the way it makes me feel. And don't make believe you're not profiting from our little arrangement here. IW Part3 Page 177/207

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Scene 36 Panel 9 Dialog DORIAN It fucking hurts. To be completely honest, I don't like the way it makes me feel. And don't make believe you're not profiting from our little arrangement here. IW Part3 Page 178/207

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Scene 36 Panel 10 Dialog DORIAN It fucking hurts. To be completely honest, I don't like the way it makes me feel. And don't make believe you're not profiting from our little arrangement here. IW Part3 Page 179/207

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Scene 36 Panel 11 Dialog DORIAN It fucking hurts. To be completely honest, I don't like the way it makes me feel. And don't make believe you're not profiting from our little arrangement here. IW Part3 Page 180/207

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Scene 36 Panel 12 Dialog DORIAN It fucking hurts. To be completely honest, I don't like the way it makes me feel. And don't make believe you're not profiting from our little arrangement here. IW Part3 Page 181/207

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Scene 36 Panel 13 Dialog DORIAN It fucking hurts. To be completely honest, I don't like the way it makes me feel. And don't make believe you're not profiting from our little arrangement here. IW Part3 Page 182/207

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Scene 37 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Breslin puts out his cigarette -- IW Part3 Page 183/207

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Scene 37 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Breslin puts out his cigarette -- IW Part3 Page 184/207

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Scene 37 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Breslin puts out his cigarette -- IW Part3 Page 185/207

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Scene 37 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Breslin puts out his cigarette -- IW Part3 Page 186/207

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Scene 37 Panel 5 Dialog BRESLIN (whispering) No Dorian. No. IW Part3 Page 187/207

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Scene 37 Panel 6 Dialog BRESLIN (whispering) I speak towards REAL HOPE. IW Part3 Page 188/207

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Scene 37 Panel 7 Dialog BRESLIN (whispering) I speak towards REAL HOPE. IW Part3 Page 189/207

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Scene 37 Panel 8 Dialog BRESLIN (whispering) I speak towards REAL HOPE. IW Part3 Page 190/207

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Scene 37 Panel 9 Dialog BRESLIN (whispering) I speak towards REAL HOPE. IW Part3 Page 191/207

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Scene 37 Panel 10 Dialog BRESLIN (whispering) Your true intention of flying around this frozen universe. Do this well and you will get more than just a piece of the puzzle, you'll get the whole damn thing. IW Part3 Page 192/207

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Scene 37 Panel 11 Dialog BRESLIN (whispering) Your true intention of flying around this frozen universe. Do this well and you will get more than just a piece of the puzzle, you'll get the whole damn thing. IW Part3 Page 193/207

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Scene 37 Panel 12 Dialog BRESLIN (whispering) Your true intention of flying around this frozen universe. Do this well and you will get more than just a piece of the puzzle, you'll get the whole damn thing. IW Part3 Page 194/207

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Scene 37 Panel 13 Dialog BRESLIN (whispering) Your true intention of flying around this frozen universe. Do this well and you will get more than just a piece of the puzzle, you'll get the whole damn thing. IW Part3 Page 195/207

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Scene 38 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes With two hands Breslin pushes all the information over to Dorian. IW Part3 Page 196/207

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Scene 38 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes With two hands Breslin pushes all the information over to Dorian. IW Part3 Page 197/207

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Scene 38 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes With two hands Breslin pushes all the information over to Dorian. IW Part3 Page 198/207

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Scene 38 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes With two hands Breslin pushes all the information over to Dorian. IW Part3 Page 199/207

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Scene 39 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Dorian's screen flashes. The text blinking on the screen. Do you accept 6.5 tokens for the assassination of Benjamin Franklin? IW Part3 Page 200/207

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Scene 40 Panel 1 Dialog DORIAN 6.5 credits? IW Part3 Page 201/207

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Scene 40 Panel 2 Dialog DORIAN 6.5 credits? IW Part3 Page 202/207

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Scene 41 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Dorian wipes his chin as he thinks about it. IW Part3 Page 203/207

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Scene 41 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Dorian wipes his chin as he thinks about it. IW Part3 Page 204/207

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Scene 41 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Dorian wipes his chin as he thinks about it. IW Part3 Page 205/207

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Scene 41 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Dorian wipes his chin as he thinks about it. IW Part3 Page 206/207

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Scene 41 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Dorian wipes his chin as he thinks about it. IW Part3 Page 207/207