Making Security Approachable for
Developers and Operators
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Armon Dadgar
Co-Founder and CTO, HashiCorp
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Nomad Consul
Vagrant Packer Terraform
Consul Enterprise
Terraform Enterprise
Vault Enterprise
Application Infrastructure
Nomad Enterprise
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Make Security Approachable
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“Security is approachable! I don’t think about it!”
Narrator: We want to make security approachable for our developers…
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Security Mindset
Start with Security Model
Simplifying Assumptions
Transparent to developers
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No content
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Castle & Moat Security
Network Perimeter Based
Traffic over ingress/egress filtered
Network middleware heavy
Firewalls, WAFs, SIEMs, etc.
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Castle & Moat Mentality
Outside is adversarial and low trust
Inside is vetted and high trust
Network provides confidentiality and integrity
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Division of Labor
Security Teams
Network Teams
Operation Teams
Developer Teams
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Security Teams
Responsible for Policies and Rules
Firewall rules govern traffic flows
IP-based, millions of rules
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Network Teams
Responsible for network topology
Must constrain traffic through middleware
Zone A Zone B
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Operations Teams
Responsible for infrastructure and application
Must deploy to correct zone
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Developer Teams
Responsible for application development
Security imposed at the network layer
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What’s wrong?
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Castle & Moat Model
Simplifying abstraction, not perfect
Make assumptions, which allow us to omit concerns
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Consider: Insiders
Assumption: Insiders (employees, contractors, etc) are
all trustworthy and have good intent.
Real World: Insiders are not universally trustworthy,
and a major source of breaches and data exfiltration.
Insiders also subject fo phishing, malware, social
engineering, etc.
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Consider: Network Integrity
Assumption: Network Perimeter is effective and lets
us assert an external low trust and internal high trust.
Real World: Perimeter is porous. Workstations and
mobile devices are connected via VPNs and corporate
fabrics. Software bugs lead to remote code execution
or attackers on box.
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Castle & Moat in Practice
Real world does not match our assumptions
Assumptions were good enough for a while
Larger, more complex networks today
All-or-nothing vs defense-in-depth
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Alternate Security Models
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Zero Trust Model
Perimeter is 80% effective, not 100%
Do not trust the private network (or insiders)
Breaks our assumptions and approach
Demands more of applications
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Secret Management
Secrets are sprawled everywhere in plaintext
Limited AuthN, AuthZ, and Audit of access
Zero Trust requires better hygiene
Centralized, Encrypted, Tightly Controlled
Applications need secrets!
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Data Protection
Sensitive data written in plaintext to storage
Databases might use Transparent Disk Encrypt (TDE)
Protects against stealing a disk drive
Does not protect “SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS”
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Data Protection
Encrypt Data
Store Encrypt Data
Key Management
Crypto APIs
Data Warehouse
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Data Protection
Two factor compromise required
Keys cannot be exported or exfiltrated
Requires decryption to be done online
Strictly better than Transparent Disk Encryption
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Traffic AuthN / AuthZ
Applications assumed network integrity / confidentiality
Not safe in Zero Trust model
Need caller identity (AuthN)
Need explicit caller authorization (AuthZ)
Applications network traffic must be encrypted for
Application Concerns
Existing Concerns
SQL Injection
User Passwords
Session Management
Access Controls
New Concerns
Secret Management
Data Protection
AuthN / AuthZ of RPCs
Traffic Encryption
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Complexity of Security
Security is a deep and broad domain
Not very accessible to beginners
Language makes heavy use of jargon
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Java 7: Cipher Class Documentation:
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Java Documentation
What is a block cipher?
What is padding and why does it matter?
What is AEAD / Authenticated Encryption with Associated
What are modes? GCM, CBC, CCM, ECB?
What is an IV? How is it related to a nonce?
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Approachable Security
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Path Forward
Not reasonable to make developers security experts
Externalization of concerns
Specialization of labor
Practitioner Education
Application Middleware
Tools like HashiCorp Vault, Auth0, AWS KMS
Services with APIs
Key Management, Crypto APIs, User Passwords,
Data Protection
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Vault for Cryptographic Offload
“Transit” backend, key management / crypto API
Define a named key
API for high level operations (encrypt, decrypt, random
bytes, etc)
Simple REST call
No knowledge of AES, GCM, IVs, etc. needed
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Opinionated Frameworks (Rails, Django, etc)
Guard against common application logic issues
XSS, SQL Injection, Session Management, Access
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Application Logic
Always vulnerable to logic bugs
Avoid re-inventing the wheel when possible
Consume APIs (middleware) and Libraries
Safe languages to many classes of issues
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Division of Labor
Security Teams
Network Teams
Operation Teams
Developer Teams
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Security Teams
Responsible for Policies and Rules
Logical Service Rules (not Firewall Rules)
“Web Server to Database” not “IP1 to IP2”
Thousands vs Millions of Rules
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Network Teams
Responsible for network topology
Traffic not constrained through middleware
Applications not assuming networking integrity
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Operations Teams
Responsible for infrastructure and application
Provide facilities for secret management, data
protection, traffic filtering on endpoints
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Developer Teams
Responsible for application development
Leverage frameworks, security middleware, and
platform features
Understand the threat model
Concerns externalized but not transparent
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Practitioner Education
Specialization of labor
T-Shaped Specialists
Security language needs to be accessible
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Teaching Security
Motivate the problems.
Mandate: Encrypt your data
Prompt: Consider if an attacker can reach the
Simple explanations
Descriptive power vs precision
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Traditional Security
Castle & Moat / Perimeter Based
Based on simplifying assumptions that are wrong
Allowed developers to ignore many security concerns
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Zero Trust
Zero Trust acknowledges perimeter is 80% effective
Network does not provide integrity or confidentiality
Requires secret management, data protection, service
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Growing Application Concerns
Developers already have many concerns (XSS, SQL
Inject, etc)
Lack of network trust adds even more to their plate
Impractical to assume deep security expertise
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Involving and Scaling Developers
Security Aware / T-Shaped Practitioners
Zero Trust embedded into the Platform
Externalize to Frameworks, Services, and Platforms
Specialization of Labor
Practitioner-oriented education