Slide 29
Slide 29 text
What's new in OpenShift 4.6
New Operator Bundle Format
Product Manager: Daniel Messer
The Bundle format uses standard container technology for
shipping the metadata and allows developers to publish their
own Operator update streams in catalogs. This is very similar to
how OCI artifact spec plans to ship non-runnable image artifacts
through registries.
Changes to building custom catalogs
● Using opm was optional, now it is mandatory
● Much easier UX to add/remove/update catalog content
OpenShift now has per-version Operator catalogs
● Teams can ship to very intentional ranges of OCP versions
● 4.1 to 4.5 will continue to share a single catalog
Operator objects:
Deployment/STS, Roles, RoleBindings, ServiceAccount,
icon, channels, dependencies, related images, CR
examples, links
Operator Bundle
Supplemental objects:
ConfigMap, Secrets, HPA, PDBs SCCs, PriorityClass, ...
Operator Lifecycle:
Full OLM feature set
Simplified Lifecycle:
Create & Recreate
Drives Resolution, Updates and
Catalog UIs
opm index add
--bundles # add this bundle
--tag # to this catalog