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Spark Machine Learning 101 Chu-Yu Hsu @ HadoopCon 2015

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About Me Chu-Yu Hsu, 許儲⽻羽 • Software Engineer • Machine Learning Practicer • Used Spark ML and Python in daily work and Kaggle competition •

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Outline • Introduction to Spark ML • Alternative Least Squares (ALS) • Hands-on example

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Apache Spark MLlib • To Make practical machine learning easy and scalable • spark.mllib - the primary API • - a higher-level API for constructing ML workflows Apache Spark spark.mllib

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What’s in MLlib Utilities Data types Basic statistics Classification and regression SVM Logistic regression Linear regression Naive Bayes Decision trees Ensembles of trees Isotonic regression Collaborative filtering Alternating least squares (ALS) Clustering K-means Gaussian mixture Power iteration clustering Latent Dirichlet allocation Streaming k-means Dimensionality reduction SVD PCA Frequent pattern mining FP-growth Optimization Stochastic gradient descent Limited-memory BFGS

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ML Workflow can be VERY complex

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Types of Recommenders • Editorial and hand curated • Simple aggregates • Tailored to individual users

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Who Uses Recommenders

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Approaches • Content based method • Item based method • Model based method

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Collaborative Filtering • One of mostly known “Recommendation Algorithm” • Widely used in E-commerce application • The data size can be enormous • Need to be delivered as soon as possible

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Collaborative Filtering Main idea: Find set N of other users whose ratings are “similar” to X’s ratings

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Users Preferences • This is a baby example • Users: > 2M • Items: > 30M • Sparsity: > 2%

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Low Rank Assumption • Matrix can be reduced to the product of low rank matrixes • That is also understood as “latent factors” • We assume that the low factor can represent the hidden factors we do not know Action Romance Thriller

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Low Rank Assumption Action Romance Thriller Action Romance Thriller

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Matrix Factorization

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• Our goal is to find P and Q such that (Sum of Square Error):
 • Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)

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Alternative Least Squares • Because p and q are both unknown, the object function is not convex • If fix one of the unknowns > can be solved as a least squares problem

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Amazon Reviews Dataset 35 million ratings, 6.6 million users, 2.4 million products
 on 16-node (m3.2xlarge)

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And More Resources • Source code examples examples • Apache Spark JIRA

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Dataset • MovieLens Dataset • “ratings.dat”
 UserID::MovieID::Rating::Timestamp • “movies.dat”

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Conclusion • Spark MLlib grows fast, but still need some time • Spark MLlib is a strong tool, if you use it right • Sharpening ML skills is first priority

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Q&A Visit me on: Github: Thanks

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References • • • • spark-mllib.html • • learning-easy-and-scalable • with-mllib