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Mercari Atte and Automaton Vu Nhat Minh / @orakaro Souzoh iOS Talk

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Mercari Atte Scala / Swift Engineer / @orakaro

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Mercari Atte iOS development • Full RxSwift • Aggressive use of Driver • Define input/output type for ViewModel • Composition over Inheritance • Automaton

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State Machine variations • Finite state machine • Transition function (s, a) -> s • Mealy Machine • Transition function (s, a) -> s • Output function (s, a) -> b • Moore Machine • Transition function (s, a) -> s • Output function s -> b

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Finite State Machine • Finite state machine • Transition function (s, a) -> s • Mealy Machine • Transition function (s, a) -> s • Output function (s, a) -> b • Moore Machine • Transition function (s, a) -> s • Output function s -> b design pattern for state machines

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Binary Gap A binary gap within a positive integer N is any maximal sequence of consecutive zeros that is surrounded by ones at both ends in the binary representation of N. Ex: 9 = 1001 → 2

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A binary gap within a positive integer N is any maximal sequence of consecutive zeros that is surrounded by ones at both ends in the binary representation of N. Ex: 9 = 1001 → 2 Started Zero One Binary Gap

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Visual Format Language class func constraints(withVisualFormat format: String, options opts: NSLayoutFormatOptions = [], metrics: [String : Any]?, views: [String : Any]) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] "H:|-15-[iconImageView(30)]-[appNameLabel]-[skipButton]-15-|"

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Visual Format Language class func constraints(withVisualFormat format: String, options opts: NSLayoutFormatOptions = [], metrics: [String : Any]?, views: [String : Any]) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] "H:|-15-[iconImageView(30)]-[appNameLabel]-[skipButton]-15-|" Direction Start Line Number Label [ ] ( ) End

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For a “healthy” codebase Try to avoid large if-else block Try to avoid global variables Try to write pure functions

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Signup Flow ʁ ʁ ʁ ʁ ʁ

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Signup Flow Signup by email Facebook login One click signup by second party app Reset Password Login by Email

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Signup Flow

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Signup condition

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Facebook Login

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Login by email

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Signup Flow Graph Root Register Root Profile Register Start With Mercari AtteLogin Facebook Email Login Register With Mercari Confirm SMS Home PassCode Email SignUp Reset Password

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Root Register Root Profile Register Start With Mercari AtteLogin Facebook Email Login Register With Mercari Confirm SMS Home PassCode Email SignUp Reset Password

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Transitions is Domain knowledge and should be placed at Model layer MVC / MVP / MVVM

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Each screen represents State

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Transition by event Root Register Root Atte Login Start With Mercari Atte Resource Mercari Resource

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RegistrationStateViewController protocol RegistrationStateViewController { var state: RegistrationState { get } func nextViewController(event: RegistrationEvent) -> UIViewController? } extension RegistrationStateViewController { func nextViewController(event: RegistrationEvent) -> UIViewController? { let machine = AutomatonManager.registrationMachine guard let state = machine.transition(from: state, by: event) else { return nil } switch state { //... } } Automaton

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Define Transition struct Transition { let from: S let to: S let by: E } from to by State State Event

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Implement State Machine class Automaton { var routes: [S: [E: S]] = [:] init(initialState: S, transitions: [Transition]) { for t in transitions { addRoute(t) } } private func addRoute(_ t: Transition) { var dict = routes[t.from] ?? [:] dict[] = routes[t.from] = dict } func transition(from: S, by: E) -> S? { guard let next = routes[from].flatMap({ $0[by] }) else { return nil } return next } }

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Implement State Machine class Automaton { var routes: [S: [E: S]] = [:] init(initialState: S, transitions: [Transition]) { for t in transitions { addRoute(t) } } private func addRoute(_ t: Transition) { var dict = routes[t.from] ?? [:] dict[] = routes[t.from] = dict } func transition(from: S, by: E) -> S? { guard let next = routes[from].flatMap({ $0[by] }) else { return nil } return next } } use dictionary for storing transitions

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Define State and Event enum RegistrationState { case root case registerRoot case profileRegister case startWithMercari case emailLogin case atteLogin case home } enum RegistrationEvent: Hashable { case showRegisterRoot(loginMode: RootViewController.LoginMode?) case registerWithFacebook(profile: FacebookProfile?) case startWithMercari(resource: MercariIdResource?, tokenPair: TokenPair?, showsCloseButton: Bool) case loginWithEmail(showsCancelButton: Bool) case loginWithAtte(resource: MercariIdResource?, tokenPair: TokenPair?) case loginAndShowHome(tokenPair: TokenPair?, userId: Int64, hasMercariItem: Bool) }

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Define transition graph let registrationGraph: [Transition] = [ Transition(from: .root, to: .registerRoot, by: DefaultEvent.showRegisterRoot), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .profileRegister, by: DefaultEvent.registerWithFacebook), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .startWithMercari, by: DefaultEvent.startWithMercari), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .emailLogin, by: DefaultEvent.loginWithEmail), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .atteLogin, by: DefaultEvent.loginWithAtte), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .home, by: DefaultEvent.loginAndShowHome), ] let registrationMachine = Automaton( initialState: .root, transitions: registrationGraph )

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Test for transition logic only describe("ΞϓϦىಈ࣌τʔΫϯ͕ଘࡏ͠ͳ͍") { it("ϝʔϧͰ৽نొ࿥͕Ͱ͖Δ") { self.tryRoute(events: [ DefaultEvent.showRegisterRoot, DefaultEvent.registerWithEmail, DefaultEvent.showProfileRegister, DefaultEvent.confirmSMS, DefaultEvent.loginAndShowHome ]) XCTAssert(self.currentState == .home) } } //... private func tryRoute(events: [RegistrationEvent]) { for event in events { { state in self.currentState = self.machine.transition(from: state, by: event) } } }

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No content

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still have problems

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RegistrationStateViewController protocol RegistrationStateViewController { var state: RegistrationState { get } func nextViewController(event: RegistrationEvent) -> UIViewController? } extension RegistrationStateViewController { func nextViewController(event: RegistrationEvent) -> UIViewController? { let machine = AutomatonManager.registrationMachine guard let state = machine.transition(from: state, by: event) else { return nil } switch state { //... } } Should I create ViewController here?

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RegistrationStateViewController switch state { case .root: return RootViewController.make(withDependency: ()) case .registerRoot: return RegisterRootViewController.make(withDependency: ()) case .profileRegister : switch event { case .registerWithFacebook(.some(let profile)): return ProfileRegisterViewController.make(withDependency: .init(facebookProfile: profile)) default: return nil } case .startWithMercari: switch event { case .startWithMercari(.some(let resource), .some(let token)): return StartWithMercariViewController.make(withDependency: .init(resource: resource, token: token)) default: return nil } case .emailLogin: return EmailLoginViewController.make(withDependency: ()) case .atteLogin: switch event { case .loginWithAtte(.some(let resource), .some(let token)): return AtteLoginViewController.make(withDependency: .init(resource: resource, token: token)) default: return nil } case .home: switch event { case .loginAndShowHome(.some(let token), let userId): return HomeViewController.make(withDependency: .init(token: token, userId: userId)) default: return nil } default: return nil } Not so much different from large if-else block

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Define transition graph let registrationGraph: [Transition] = [ Transition(from: .root, to: .registerRoot, by: DefaultEvent.showRegisterRoot), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .profileRegister, by: DefaultEvent.registerWithFacebook), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .startWithMercari, by: DefaultEvent.startWithMercari), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .emailLogin, by: DefaultEvent.loginWithEmail), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .atteLogin, by: DefaultEvent.loginWithAtte), Transition(from: .registerRoot, to: .home, by: DefaultEvent.loginAndShowHome), ] let registrationMachine = Automaton( initialState: .root, transitions: registrationGraph ) DefaultEvent !?

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What is DefaultEvent? • In Swift 3 we still can not use default value for associated value in enum • Proposal: SE-0155 Accepted status but not included in Swift 4 struct DefaultEvent { static let showRegisterRoot: RegistrationEvent = .showRegisterRoot() static let registerWithFacebook: RegistrationEvent = .registerWithFacebook(profile: nil) static let startWithMercari: RegistrationEvent = .startWithMercari(resource: nil, token: nil) static let loginWithEmail: RegistrationEvent = .loginWithEmail() static let loginWithAtte: RegistrationEvent = .loginWithAtte(resource: nil, token: nil) static let loginAndShowHome: RegistrationEvent = .loginAndShowHome(token: nil, userId: 0) }

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Optional type associated value enum RegistrationEvent: Hashable { case showRegisterRoot(loginMode: RootViewController.LoginMode?) case registerWithFacebook(profile: FacebookProfile?) case startWithMercari(resource: MercariIdResource?, tokenPair: TokenPair?, showsCloseButton: Bool) case loginWithEmail(showsCancelButton: Bool) case loginWithAtte(resource: MercariIdResource?, tokenPair: TokenPair?) case loginAndShowHome(tokenPair: TokenPair?, userId: Int64, hasMercariItem: Bool) } Optional

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Automaton + FP

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Transition function (aka Reducer) • Finite State Machine • Transition function (s, a) -> s • Mealy Machine • Transition function (s, a) -> s • Output function (s, a) -> b • Moore Machine • Transition function (s, a) -> s • Output function s -> b

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Transition (s, a) -> s Output (s, a) -> b Mealy Machine / Moore Machine Reducer (s, a) -> (s, b) Transition (s, a) -> s Output s -> b Reducer s -> (a -> s, b)

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Mealy Machine vs Elm Elm Architecture fun update(state: State, action: Action): Pair Transition (s, a) -> s Output (s, a) -> b Reducer (s, a) -> (s, b)

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Mealy Machine Reducer a -> s -> (s, b) Transition (s, a) -> s Output (s, a) -> b Reducer (s, a) -> (s, b)

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Mealy Machine Reducer a -> s -> (s, b) Transition (s, a) -> s Output (s, a) -> b Reducer (s, a) -> (s, b) Stateful Computation !!

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Stateful Computation A stateful computation is a function that takes some state and returns a value along with some new state: s -> (s, a) class State { private let run: (S) -> (S, A) init(f: @escaping (S) -> (S, A)) { = f } func run(s: S) -> (S, A) { return } }

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State Monad extension State { func map(g: @escaping (A) -> B) -> State { return State { s in let (s1, val) = s) return (s1, g(val)) } } func flatMap(g: @escaping (A) -> State) -> State { return State { s in let (s1, val) = s) return g(val).run(s: s1) } } } A stateful computation is a function that takes some state and returns a value along with some new state: s -> (s, a)

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Monad = flatmappable type Image credit: Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures

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Swift Monads Maybe Monad Either Monad Reader Monad Observable Monad State Monad I/O Monad … Swift Optional antitypical/Result Statically typed Dependency Injection Signal / Observable Mealy Machine

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Mealy Machine Reducer a -> s -> (s, b) Transition (s, a) -> s Output (s, a) -> b Reducer (s, a) -> (s, b) Reducer a -> State[s, b] State Monad

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MonadicAutomaton class MonadicAutomaton { typealias T = (A) -> State private var f : T init(f: @escaping T) { self.f = f } func transition(from: S, by: A) -> (S, B) { return f(by).run(s: from) } } Reducer A -> State[S, B] A:InputɺB: Output A = Event enumɺB = UIViewController

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Define States and Events enum RState { case any case root case registerRoot case profileRegister case startWithMercari case emailLogin case atteLogin case home } enum REvent { case showRegisterRoot case registerWithFacebook(profile: FacebookProfile) case startWithMercari(resource: MercariIdResource, token: String) case loginWithEmail case loginWithAtte(resource: MercariIdResource, token: String) case loginAndShowHome(token: String, userId: Int64) } custom type

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Define transition graph let transitionFunc: (REvent) -> State = { event in switch event { case .registerWithFacebook(let profile): let vc = ProfileRegisterViewController.make(withDependency: .init(facebookProfile: profile)) return State { s in let s1: RState = s == .registerRoot ? .profileRegister : .any return (s1, vc) //... } } let registrationMachine = MonadicAutomaton(f : transitionFunc) A S B A S B

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Automaton + FRP

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Automaton + FRP • State Machine for UI inside one screen • Use stream to represent events • ReactiveSwift • inamiy/ReactiveAutomaton • RxSwift • kzaher/RxFeedback

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Recap • State Machine • Finite State Machine • Mealy Machine • Moore Machine • Design pattern for state management • Can use FSM for simple transitions • Mealy Machine = State Monad

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