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̏େϑϨʔϜϫʔΫʢAngular, React, Vue.jsʣൺֱʹΑΔ
 ΤϯλʔϓϥΠζ Web ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ։ൃͷ࠷దԽ ࠤ઒ ෉ඒ༤ Ξγϥεגࣜձࣾ
 ୅දऔక໾ AD16

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೥݄೔ʹઃཱͨ͠ਆށʹ͋Δ ϑϩϯτΤϯυઐ໳ͷձࣾ

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ΞδΣϯμ Web Application
 A Comparison of JavaScript Framework
 Getting Started
 DevOps for Front-end

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Web Application

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Web αΠτͱҧ͏ʁ

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Application Web Site

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Web ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯͷ௒ʑجૅ

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ϓϩάϥϜΛॻ͘ͱ͖ؾʹ͢Δ͜ͱ Մಡੑ ϦϑΝΫλϦϯά ࠶ར༻ੑ ςετ etc.

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Atomic Design

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Atomic Design

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Web Components

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Web Components Custom Elements
 HTML Templates
 HTML Imports
 Shadow DOM ϐʔεʹ໊લΛ෇͚Δ

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HTML Imports HTML Templates Custom Elements Shadow DOM

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Custom Elements ৽͍͠ཁૉΛొ࿥͢Δ var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-component'); ΧελϜλάΛΠϯελϯεԽ

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HTML Templates
Template used
div { font-size: 20px; } console.log('x-component.html');

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HTML Imports

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Shadow DOM var imports = document.querySelector('link[rel="import"]').import; var templates = imports.querySelector('template'); var contents = templates.content; var xcomponents = document.querySelector('x-component'); xcomponents.createShadowRoot().appendChild( contents.cloneNode(true) );

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No content

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Scoped CSS

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JavaScript Framework

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JavaScript Framework

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Web Application Framework

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A Comparison of JavaScript Framework

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ͲͷϑϨʔϜϫʔΫΛ࢖͏͔ʁ ֶशίετ ཁһ֬อ ։ൃͷ༰қੑ ࣮ߦ଎౓ ӡ༻ίετ

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ͲͷϑϨʔϜϫʔΫΛ࢖͏͔ʁ ֶशίετ ཁһ֬อ ։ൃͷ༰қੑ ࣮ߦ଎౓ ӡ༻ίετ

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Getting Started

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γϯϓϧʹ࢝ΊΔ - QuickStart

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Angular $ npm install -g @angular/cli $ ng new hello-angular $ cd hello-angular $ ng serve

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Angular $ npm install -g @angular/cli $ ng new hello-angular $ cd hello-angular $ ng serve

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Vue.js $ npm install -g @vue/cli $ vue create hello-vue $ cd hello-vue $ yarn serve … <script>

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React $ npm install -g create-react-app $ create-react-app hello-react $ cd hello-react $ yarn start $ yarn eject

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config/ loader: require.resolve('css-loader'), options: { importLoaders: 1, modules: true, localIdentName: ‘[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]’ },

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config/ loader: require.resolve('css-loader'), options: { importLoaders: 1, modules: true, minimize: true, sourceMap: true },

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App.js // import ‘./App.css’; import styles from ‘./App.css’; class App extends Component { render() { return (

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App.css /* .App-logo { */ .AppLogo { animation: App-logo-spin infinite 20s linear; height: 80px; } /* .App-header { */ .AppHeader { ackground-color: #222; height: 150px;

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Angular CLI add Add support for a library to your project. new Creates a new directory and a new Angular app. generate Generates and/or modifies files based on a schematic. update Updates your application and its dependencies. build Builds your app and places it into the output path (dist/ by default). serve Builds and serves your app, rebuilding on file changes. test Run unit tests in existing project. e2e Run e2e tests in existing project. lint Lints code in existing project. xi18n Extracts i18n messages from source code. run Runs Architect targets. eject Temporarily disabled. Ejects your app and output the proper webpack configuration and scripts. config Get/set configuration values. help Help. version Outputs Angular CLI version. doc Opens the official Angular API documentation for a given keyword.

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DevOps for Front-end

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͍ͭࠒ ݟΕ·͔͢ʁ

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No content

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Project Management

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GitHub ϓϩδΣΫτ؅ཧʢਐḿɺλεΫɺ୲౰ʣ Ϟδϡʔϧ؅ཧ ίʔυϨϏϡʔ υΩϡϝϯτ؅ཧ

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Microsoft Azure ϦϦʔεɾαʔό ϞοΫɾαʔό σϞɾαʔό ͦͷଞ

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Custom Vision Service

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Step 1

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Step 2

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Step 3

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Swagger Codegen OpenAPI
 Document API
 Client Module REST Server Module

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WebΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ։ൃ͸ίϯϙʔωϯτࢦ޲ ։ൃޮ཰ΛͲΕ্͚ͩ͛ΒΕΔ͔
 ϑϩϯτΤϯδχΞͦ͜ Azure ΛϚελʔͤΑ

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Special Thanks גࣜձࣾࣛࣇౡ෋࢜௨ΠϯϑΥωοτ EMAT ϝϯόʔ

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Ask the Speaker ͷ͝Ҋ಺ ϒϨΠΫΞ΢τηογϣϯऴྃޙͷٳܜ࣌ؒʹɺ ొஃͨ͠εϐʔΧʔʹ௚઀࣭͝໰͍͚ͨͩΔ ίʔφʔΛ ʮAsk The Speakersʯ Room ʹ ༻ҙ͓ͯ͠Γ·͢ɻηογϣϯ಺༰ͷΑΓਂ͍ ཧղͷͨΊɺͥͻ͓໾ཱ͍ͯͩ͘͞ɻ ■ ʮAsk The Speakersʯ Room

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ηογϣϯΞϯέʔτʹ͝ڠྗ͍ͩ͘͞ɻ ެࣜΠϕϯτΞϓϦͰɺʮde:code 2018 ࢀՃऀΞϯέʔτʢඞਢʣʯ ͱ ʮ֤ηογϣϯ Ξϯέʔτʢ 4 ͭҎ্ʣʯɺ߹Θͤͯ 5 ͭҎ্ ͷΞϯέʔτʹ͝ճ౴͍ͩ͘͞ɻ΋Εͳ͘ de:code 2018 ΦϦδφϧάοζΛଃఄ͍ͨ͠·͢ɻ Twitter ͷ͝Ҋ಺ ຊηογϣϯʹؔ͢Δ࣭͝໰΍͝ײ૝͸ɺ#decode18 ͱ ηογϣϯ ID ͷ ϋογϡλάͰɺ͝౤ߘΛ͓ئ͍͠·͢ɻ #decode18 #AD16

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© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ຊ৘ใͷ಺༰ʢఴ෇จॻɺϦϯΫઌͳͲΛؚΉʣ͸ɺ࡞੒೔࣌఺Ͱͷ΋ͷͰ͋Γɺ༧ࠂͳ͘มߋ͞ΕΔ৔߹͕͋Γ·͢ɻ