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Course: Biological Science for Social Justice Topic: Open the Gates! Democratizing Data Science By: Rayna Harris @raynamharris Rebecca Calisi @BeccaCalisi With thanks to Titus Brown @ctitusbrown Greg Wilson @gvwilson Suggested reading: Reproducible Research in Computational Science by Roger D. Peng @rdpeng May 2, 2019

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Pre/post-class question on Canvas Your 6th cousin Arianna’s DNA was tested as part of a National Geographic funded research project to sample the genomes of 100 human populations. Later, the data generated by her DNA is used to support a scientific claim and implicate you in a crime . How would you evaluate the data and the results?

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Dr. Rayna Harris Scientist Educator Community Builder Translator

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Social justice Equitable distribution of privileges within a society • 

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Democratizing Data Science Social justice Equitable distribution of privileges within a society • 
 1. Introduce a democratic system to data science. 2. Make data science accessible to everyone.

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Reproducibility Democratizing Data Science Social justice Equitable distribution of privileges within a society The minimum standard for judging scientific claims when full independent replication of a study is not possible • 
 1. Introduce a democratic system to data science. 2. Make data science accessible to everyone.

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What developments have lead to the rise of reproducible data science research?

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Reproducibility Democratizing Data Science Social justice Equitable distribution of privileges within a society The minimum standard for judging scientific claims when full independent replication of a study is not possible • 
 1. Introduce a democratic system to data science. 2. Make data science accessible to everyone. Methodological advances Compute power Public data sets

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How can we make data science more equitable?

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Reproducibility Democratizing Data Science Social justice Equitable distribution of privileges within a society The minimum standard for judging scientific claims when full independent replication of a study is not possible • 
 1. Introduce a democratic system to data science. 2. Make data science accessible to everyone. Community governance Open access education Methodological advances Compute power Public data sets

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What cultural and technological privileges influence reproducibility?

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Reproducibility Democratizing Data Science Social justice Equitable distribution of privileges within a society The minimum standard for judging scientific claims when full independent replication of a study is not possible • 
 1. Introduce a democratic system to data science. 2. Make data science accessible to everyone. Community governance Open access education Cultural barriers Technology barriers Methodological advances Compute power Public data sets