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ELK Log processing at Scale DevOpsDays 2015, Singapore Angad Singh

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About me DevOps at Viki, Inc - A global video streaming site with subtitles. Previously a Twitter SRE, National University of Singapore Twitter @angadsg, Github @angad

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Elasticsearch - Log Indexing and Searching Logstash - Log Ingestion plumbing Kibana - Frontend {

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Metrics vs Logging Metrics ● Numeric timeseries data ● Actionable ● Counts, Statistical (p90, p99 etc.) ● Scalable cost-effective solutions already available

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Logging ● Useful for debugging ● Catch-all ● Full text searching ● Computationally intensive, harder to scale Metrics vs Logging Metrics ● Numeric timeseries data ● Actionable ● Counts, Statistical (p90, p99 etc.) ● Scalable cost-effective solutions already available

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Alerting and Monitoring at Viki Deeper level debugging with application logs Success Rate Alert for service X

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Logs ● Application logs - Stack Traces, Handled Exceptions ● Access Logs - Status codes, URI, HTTP Method at all levels of the stack ● Client Logs - Direct HTTP requests containing log events from client-side Javascript or Mobile application (android/ios) ● Standardized log format to JSON - easy to add / remove fields. ● Request tracing through various services using Unique-ID at Load Balancer

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● Log aggregator ● Log preprocessing (Filtering etc.) ● 3 stage pipeline ● Input > Filter > Output Logstash

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● Log aggregator ● Log preprocessing (Filtering etc.) ● 3 stage pipeline ● Input > Filter > Output Logstash Elasticsearch ● Full text searching and indexing ● on top of Apache Lucene ● RESTful web interface ● Horizontally scalable

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● Log aggregator ● Log preprocessing (Filtering etc.) ● 3 stage pipeline ● Input > Filter > Output Logstash Elasticsearch ● Full text searching and indexing ● on top of Apache Lucene ● RESTful web interface ● Horizontally scalable Kibana ● Frontend ● Visualizations, Dashboards ● Supports Geo visualizations ● Uses ES REST API

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Input Any Stream ● local file ● queue ● tcp, udp ● twitter ● etc.. Logstash Filter Mutation ● add/remove field ● parse as json ● ruby code ● parse geoip ● etc.. Output ● elasticsearch ● redis ● queue ● file ● pagerduty ● etc..

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● Golang program that sits next to log files, lumberjack protocol ● Forwards logs from a file to a logstash server ● Removes the need for a buffer (such as redis, or a queue) for logs pending ingestion to logstash. ● Docker container with volume mounted /var/log. Configuration stored in Consul. ● Application containers with volume mounted /var/log to /var/log/docker//application.log Logstash Forwarder

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Logstash pool with HAProxy 4 x logstash machines, 8 cores, 16 GB RAM 7 x logstash processes per machine, 5 for application logs, 2 for HTTP client logs. Fronted by HAProxy for both lumberjack protocol as well as HTTP protocol. Easily scalable by adding more machines and spinning up more logstash processes.

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Application Service Container 1 Application Service Container 2 Logstash-Forwarder Container Mounted /var/log to /var/log/docker/ on host

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Elasticsearch Hardware 12 core, 64GB RAM with RAID 0 - 2 x 3TB 7200rpm disks. 20 nodes, 20 shards, 3 replicas (with 1 primary). Each day ~300GB x 4 copies (3 + 1) ~ 3 months of data on 120TB. Average 6k-8k logs per second, peak 25k logs per second.

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Elasticsearch Hardware

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● < 30.5 GB Heap - JAVA compressed pointers below 30.5GB heap ● Sweet spot - 64GB of RAM with half available for Lucene file buffers. ● SSD or RAID 0 (or multiple path directories similar to RAID 0). ● If SSD then set I/O scheduler to deadline instead of cfq. ● RAID0 - no need to worry about disks failing as machines can easily be replaced due to multiple copies of data. ● Disable swap. Hardware Tuning

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● 20 days of indexes open based on available memory, rest closed - open on demand ● Field data - cache used while sorting and aggregating data. ● Circuit breaker - cancels requests which require large memory, prevent OOM, http://elasticsearch:9200/_cache/clear if field data is very close to memory limit. ● Shards >= Number of nodes ● Lucene forceMerge - minor performance improvements for older indexes ( html) Elasticsearch Configuration

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Prevent split brain situation to avoid losing data - set minimum number of master eligible nodes to (n/2 + 1) Set higher ulimit for elasticsearch process Daily cronjob which deletes data older than 90 days, closes indices older than 20 days, optimizes (forceMerge) indices older than 2 days And also...

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Marvel - Official plugin from Elasticsearch KOPF - Index management plugin CAT APIs - REST APIs to view cluster information Curator - Data management Monitoring

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Thanks email: twitter: @angadsg