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Eric Snow Fusion-io Slides:

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Namespaces in Python

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"Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!" - Tim Peters, The Zen of Python

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What do we mean, "namespaces"? What do namespaces look like? How are they used? How do they work?

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What are Namespaces?

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A concept: a set of independently identifiable expectations + a unique (within set) label for each member

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A concept: a set of independently identifiable expectations + a unique (within set) label for each member context + name => value

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Nested namespaces? with nesting without nesting spam spam sys.version_info sys_version_info os.path.exists() os_path_exists()

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"Flat is better than nested." - Tim Peters, The Zen of Python

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Namespaces in C? PyObject Py_TYPE PyDict_SetItem PyErr_SetString Py_None

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Namespaces in C? PyObject Py_TYPE PyDict_SetItem PyErr_SetString Py_None Py . Object Py . TYPE Py . Dict . SetItem Py . Err . SetString Py . None

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Namespace Containers

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Namespace Containers (Image CC com/photos/greeblie/)

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Namespace Containers mapping-based attribute-based property-based

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Namespace Containers mapping-based VOLATILE attribute-based STABLE property-based STATIC

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A Type for sys.implementation ● Python implementation specifics: PEP 421

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A Type for sys.implementation ● Python implementation specifics: PEP 421 ● the type must communicate the nature of the namespace

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A Type for sys.implementation ● Python implementation specifics: PEP 421 ● the type must communicate the nature of the namespace ● dict too soft

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A Type for sys.implementation ● Python implementation specifics: PEP 421 ● the type must communicate the nature of the namespace ● dict too soft ● namedtuple too hard

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A Type for sys.implementation ● Python implementation specifics: PEP 421 ● the type must communicate the nature of the namespace ● dict too soft ● namedtuple too hard ● object just right...

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A Type for sys.implementation ● Python implementation specifics: PEP 421 ● the type must communicate the nature of the namespace ● dict too soft ● namedtuple too hard ● object just right... ● types.SimpleNamespace

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Communicate the nature of your namespace! mapping-based VOLATILE attribute-based STABLE property-based STATIC

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Mapping-based Namespaces

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mapping-based containers (volatile namespaces) ● a raw key is mapped to a value

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Important Mappings: ● obj.__dict__ ● execution locals, globals, and builtins ● sys.modules ● os.environ

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Syntax: obj[key] obj[key] = value del obj[key] key in obj

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Some available types: ● dict ● collections.defaultdict ● collections.OrderedDict ● configparser.ConfigParser ● shelve.Shelf ● types.MappingProxyType ● weakref.WeakKeyDictionary ● weakref.WeakValueDictionary

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How they work: obj[key] obj[key] = value del obj[key] key in obj obj.__getitem__(key) obj.__setitem__(key, val) obj.__delitem__(key) obj.__contains__(key)

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How they work: obj[key] obj[key] = value del obj[key] key in obj obj.__getitem__(key) obj.__setitem__(key, val) obj.__delitem__(key) obj.__contains__(key)

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class ReadOnlyProxy(Mapping): def __init__(self, mapping): self._mapping = mapping def __len__(self): return len(self._mapping) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._mapping) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._mapping[key]

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Gems: ● dict(mapping, **other_mapping) ● d.update(mapping, **other_mapping) ● dict.from_keys() ● dict.setdefault() ● str.formatmap() ● operator.itemgetter() ● threading.local

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Property-based Namespaces

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property-based containers (static namespaces) ● a proper name aliases an underlying key ● the key is associated with a value ● the names and values are fixed in place (i.e. read-only)

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Example: >>> sys.version_info sys.version_info(major=3, minor=4, micro=0, releaselevel='alpha', serial=0) >>> os.times() posix.times_result(user=0.09, system=0.04, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=17248877.17)

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Some available types: ● collections.namedtuple ● structseq (in C)

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namedtuple: context + names Spam = namedtuple('Spam', "a b c") class Spam(tuple): def __new__(cls, a, b, c): return super().__new__(cls, a, b, c) @property def a(self): return self[0] ...

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class ReadOnlyProxy: def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj @property def spam(self): return self._obj.spam @property def eggs(self): return self._obj.eggs

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Attribute-based Namespaces

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attribute-based containers (stable namespaces) ● a proper name is associated with a value

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How they work: = value del obj.__getattribute__(name) obj.__setattr__(name, val) obj.__delattr__(name)

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How they work: = value del obj.__getattribute__(name) obj.__setattr__(name, val) obj.__delattr__(name)

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How __getattribute__() works: 1. use a "data" descriptor, if there is one 2. pull from the instance, if it has __dict__ 3. use a "non-data" descriptor, if there is one 4. use __getattr__(), if there is one 5. raise AttributeError

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Descriptors obj.__get__() obj.__set__() obj.__delete__() (

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Descriptors (non-data) obj.__get__() obj.__set__() obj.__delete__() (

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Descriptors (data) obj.__get__() obj.__set__() obj.__delete__() (

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Descriptors obj.__get__() obj.__set__() obj.__delete__() property classmethod staticmethod

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How __getattribute__() works: 1. use a "data" descriptor, if there is one 2. pull from the instance, if it has __dict__ 3. use a "non-data" descriptor, if there is one 4. use __getattr__(), if there is one 5. raise AttributeError

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How __getattribute__() works: 1. use a "data" descriptor, if there is one 2. pull from the instance, if it has __dict__ 3. use a "non-data" descriptor, if there is one 4. use __getattr__(), if there is one 5. raise AttributeError MRO!

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How __getattribute__() works: 1. use a "data" descriptor, if there is one 2. pull from the instance, if it has __dict__ 3. use a "non-data" descriptor, if there is one 4. use __getattr__(), if there is one 5. raise AttributeError Method Resolution Order!

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class ReadOnlyProxy: def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._obj, name)

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Some available types: ● object ● types.SimpleNamespace ● argparse.Namespace ● multiprocessing.Manager.Namespace ● xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy ● unittest.Mock

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Gems: ● __qualname__ ● operator.attrgetter()

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Communicate the nature of your namespace! mapping-based VOLATILE attribute-based STABLE property-based STATIC

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Objects ● are namespace containers ● have namespaces (mostly) ● ergo, as container, proxies a namespace

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Objects ● are namespace containers ● have namespaces (mostly) ● ergo, as container, proxies a namespace >>> ns = SimpleNamespace() >>> ns_ns = vars(ns) >>> ns.__dict__ is ns_ns True

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Objects ● are namespace containers ● have namespaces (mostly) ● ergo, as container, proxies a namespace ● base object type has slots ● assignment/definition: "bind" object to namespace

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Object access helpers: ● getattr() ● setattr() ● delattr() ● hasattr() wrapper around getattr() ● dir() calls obj.__dir__() ● vars() exposes namespace* ● inspect.getattr_static() ● inspect.getmembers()

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__dict__ ● most builtins don't have one ● key exception: function objects

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__dict__ ● most builtins don't have one ● key exception: function objects ● module namespaces exposed as __dict__

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__dict__ ● most builtins don't have one ● key exception: function objects ● module namespaces exposed as __dict__ ● read-only proxy of class namespaces exposed as __dict__ ● use metaclass __prepare__() to customize the namespace used during class definition

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__dict__ vs. __slots__ ● slots are turned into descriptors ● __dict__ is disabled

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Name lookup: ● explicit lookup happens relative to containers ● Method Resolution Order (MRO) ● lookup on class vs. on objects ● special method lookup

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Name lookup: ● explicit lookup happens relative to containers ● Method Resolution Order (MRO) ● lookup on class vs. on objects ● special method lookup ● implicit lookup happens relative to execution namespaces...

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Implicit lookup: 1. f_locals 2. f_globals 3. f_builtins

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Scope (a.k.a. implicit lookup): 1. locals ● function execution namespace ● use vars() or locals() 2. non-locals (closures) 3. globals ● module execution namespace ● use vars() or globals() 4. builtins ● interpreter execution namespace ● use builtins or __builtins__

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Interpreter "top-level" namespaces: ● implicit execution-globals: builtins ● explicit execution-globals: sys.modules

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sys.modules >>> mordor = sys.modules['mordor']

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Interpreter "top-level" namespaces: ● implicit execution-globals: builtins ● explicit execution-globals: sys.modules

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sys.modules >>> import mordor Traceback (most recent call last): File ".../", line 14, in raise ImportError(boromir_says) ImportError: One does not simply import Mordor.

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Interpreter "top-level" namespaces: ● implicit execution-globals: builtins ● explicit execution-globals: sys.modules ○ access via import statement

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Interpreter "top-level" namespaces: ● implicit execution-globals: builtins ● explicit execution-globals: sys.modules ○ access via import statement ● id()

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APIs: mapping-based ● see property-based ● use properties + "private" attributes attribute-based ● __getattribute__() and __getattr__() ● __setattr__() ● __delattr__()

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Key object attributes: ● __dict__ ● __dir__() ● __slots__() ● __mro__ (for classes)

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Helpers: ● globals() ● locals() ● vars() ● dir() ● getattr() ● setattr() ● delattr() ● hasattr() ● inspect.getattr_static() ● id()

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● namespaces: context + name => value ● containers: ○ mapping-based (volatile) ○ property-based (static) ○ attribute-based (stable) ● pervasive in Python ● rich APIs ● rich tools for objects

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Questions? Eric Snow Fusion-io Slides: