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KMM Kickstart For Android Developers Kevin Galligan

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KMM Kickstart For Android Developers:

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KMM Kickstart For Android Developers: we’re hiring

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Xcode Frameworks K/N Threading Linker?

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You fell victim to one of the classic blunders!

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We’ll Cover • Overview of KMP/KM M • Status/future of the tec h • KaMP Ki t • Architecture Thought s • Tool s • Next Steps

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Technology Definitions

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Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP)

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Common JVM JS Native

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It’s the interop generally very good

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Common JVM JS Native

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Common JVM JS Native iOS Mac Linux Windows Android/NDK Wasm Others… Java-6 Java-8 Android Browser Node Typescript(?)

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Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)

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KMM •is mostly a branding designation (it’s still KMP ) •has a dedicated website and docs to help get starte d •has an Android Studio plugin built just for mobile (ish)

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kot·lin mul·ti·plat·form /ˌkätˈlin məltiˈplatfôrm,ˌkätˈlin məltīˈplatfôrm/ noun noun: kotlin multiplatform 1.optional, natively-integrated, open-source, code sharing platform, based on the popular, modern language kotlin. facilitates non-ui logic availability on many platforms.

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kot·lin mul·ti·plat·form /ˌkätˈlin məltiˈplatfôrm,ˌkätˈlin məltīˈplatfôrm/ noun noun: kotlin multiplatform 1.optional, natively-integrated, open-source, code sharing platform, based on the popular, modern language kotlin. facilitates non-ui logic availability on many platforms. Oh, and JetBrains!

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Shared Native Code not “cross platform”

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Android is Kotlin half of it isn’t “cross platform”

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Not (necessarily) UI Compose and Swift UI compatible!

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Low Risk bigger orgs worry about such

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Memory Lane

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2020 is KMP’s year it’s all coming together

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KMM Developer

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KMM Developer (Remote, now and post-pandemic)

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KMM Status it’s complicated

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Slide 34 text Kotlin/JVM Stable Kotlin/Native Runtime Beta Multiplatform Gradle plugin Beta Kotlin/Native interop with C and Objective C Beta CocoaPods integration Beta Multiplatform IDE support Alpha KMM plugin for Android Studio Experimental

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KaMP Kit

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May 2021 where are we?

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First 5 Minutes hit the ground running

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Alternatives we like…

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But Compose?! one new thing at a time

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OK, Actually Starting they say never live code…

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OK, Actually Starting they say never live code…

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General Patterns what we’re seeing

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Specific Modules

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Analytics Android Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff

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Shared Architecture

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Analytics Android Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff

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App Stuff Android Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff

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KaMP Kit is Shared Architecture

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I’m mostly not UI layer

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LinearLayout FTW Compost? fill_parent?

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App Stuff Android Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff

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App Stuff Framework

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App Stuff Framework lambda lambda

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App Stuff Framework VM/Lifecycle Coroutines

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Android is pretty simple iOS is a debate

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App Stuff Framework lambda VM/Lifecycle Coroutines

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Compiler Created Interfaces call suspend functions from iOS

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Community Libraries

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Working on a thing coming soon…

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App Stuff Framework VM/Lifecycle Coroutines VC/Lifecycle- Aware Coroutine Scope/ Interface Manager

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App Stuff Framework lambda VM/Lifecycle Coroutines

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Libraries • SQLDelight (DB ) • Ktor (Networking ) • Kotlinx.Serialization (Json ) • Kotlinx.Coroutines (Async/ Concurrency) • Kermit (logging ) • Multiplatform Settings (Key/Value ) • Stately (K/N Concurrency ) • Koin (DI/not-DI?)

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CREATE TABLE Breed ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, favorite INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); selectAll: SELECT * FROM Breed; selectById: SELECT * FROM Breed WHERE id = ?; selectByName: SELECT * FROM Breed WHERE name = ?; insertBreed: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Breed(id, name) VALUES (?,?); deleteAll: DELETE FROM Breed; updateFavorite: UPDATE Breed SET favorite = ? WHERE id = ?;

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public data class Breed( public val id: Long, public val name: String, public val favorite: Long ) { public override fun toString(): String = """ |Breed [ | id: $id | name: $name | favorite: $favorite |] """.trimMargin() }

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public interface TableQueries : Transacter { public fun selectAll(mapper: ( id: Long, name: String, favorite: Long ) -> T): Query public fun selectAll(): Query public fun selectById(id: Long, mapper: ( id: Long, name: String, favorite: Long ) -> T): Query public fun selectById(id: Long): Query public fun selectByName(name: String, mapper: ( id: Long, name: String, favorite: Long ) -> T): Query //Yada yada }

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Android Studio obviously

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Xcode you’re *definitely* going to use Xcode

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Some More Info

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Kotlin/Native Concurrency

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Common JVM JS Native

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Two Rules it’s actually pretty simple

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Mutable == 1 thread

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Immutable == many threads

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Immutable means Frozen call freeze()

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Xcode Frameworks like AAR’s (kind of)

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Xcode Frameworks like AAR’s (kind of)

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Xcode Frameworks like AAR’s (kind of)

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Interface is Objective-C swift is pretty good at talking to Objc

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Analytics Android Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff

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Analytics Android Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff Tax Calc Framework

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Analytics Android Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff Tax Calc Framework

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What’s Next?

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KaMP Kit Docs • More on Concurrenc y • “Selling” to your tea m • Some info on integrating with existing project s • Other assorted docs

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Kotlin Slack this is critical

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Final Words quick Touchlab pitch

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KMM Developer

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KMM Developer Will train Android devs!

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KMM Developer (Also looking for KMP/KMM experts)

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Thanks! @kpgalligan