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The Advanced Persistent Adversary and You a lesson on why not to rewrite your slides the day before your talk Brad Lhotsky!!

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$WORK Disclaimer: The views presented here are almost certainly! do not reflect the views of my $EMPLOYER.

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$PLAY Owner (how did that happen?) of Baltimore PM!! ! ! Co-founder and regular of CharmSec!!

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security noun 1 the security of the nation's citizens: safety, freedom from danger, protection, invulnerability. ANTONYMS vulnerability, danger. 2 he could give her the security she needed: peace of mind, feeling of safety, stability, certainty, happiness, confidence. ANTONYMS disquiet. 3 security at the court was tight: safety measures, safeguards, surveillance, defense, protection. 4 additional security for your loan may be required: guarantee, collateral, surety, pledge, bond.

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getting CISSP-ie wit it

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learning from war, because ‘computer’ eq ‘gun’

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APT! not just a package manager anymore!

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not tangible

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No content

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Advanced Persistent Adversary

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“.. APT is ‘who’ not a ‘how’ .. ” Source: Mandiant, LLC

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what does that mean?

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Organized Crime

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possibly Bristol Palin.

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what’s the harm?

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Compromised: DoD • In April of 2009 malware was discovered on the DoD Classified network, it stole at least 6 terabytes of data before being detected! • The entire volume of data pertaining to the Joint Strike Fighter Program was taken

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Compromised: HB Gary • Aaron Bar decides to unmask Anonymous in late 2010! • Feb 5th 2011, Anonymous announce compromise of HB Gary including internal email and documents! • Feb 7th, Anonymous release torrent of all the data! • FBI/DoD were contracting HB Gary to develop malware for domestic spying initiatives

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Compromised: RSA • March 17th, RSA announces they’ve been breached, details unknown. Says SecurID is “safe”! • April, Level 3 announces a breach believed to be related to SecurID! • May, DoD, DHS, and Lockheed Martin announce breaches confirming SecurID has been compromised

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Compromised: Sony • January 11th, 2011, Sony files a suit against George Hotz for a mod to the PS3 which allows another OS to be run! • Since April 14th of 2011, Sony and its holdings have experienced 20 major compromises, totaling more than 200 MILLION Customer records

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Sony may be a game changer

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Sony Stock, 6m

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Panasonic Stock, 6m

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Compromised: AZPD • While I was writing this presentation, LulzSecurity released details of their compromise of the AZPD due to SB1070, the racial profiling bill! • Included in the press release were threats to continue targeting corrupt companies, politicians, law enforcement and military agencies.

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who else?

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if your company’s on this list

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you’re probably screwed.

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that’s not true.

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we’re all screwed.

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ok. what the fuck does this have to do with Perl?

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more than you think ..

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but I’m data driven, so ..

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Verizon DBIR 2011

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Verizon DBIR 2011

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Verizon DBIR 2011

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and that brings me to: Standards Compliance

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boo! ! right?

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what do we call this ...

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when this guy says it?

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useless bull shit

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when this guy says it?

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WebOps ! *Ops ! WebDevSecOps!!

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and I think we’re already doing it

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recommendations •Auditing! •Log fucking everything! •Configuration Management! •Puppet / Chef / whatever! •Visibility and Accessibility! •Graphs, Metrics! •Contingency Planning! •Risk Assessments! •Did you know it’s OK to have risks?

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cool deploy macros subversion::deploy { ‘project’:! owner => apache, group => apache,! svnurl => ‘svn+ssh://svn/repo/project’,! target => ‘/var/www/project’,! notify => Service[‘httpd’]! } It just got DevOpsy up in here ..

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do something cool w/ metrics

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small IT department lots of users

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forced efficiency

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Open Source Software and some glue, duct tape, and WD-40 • Netdisco (Network Discovery via SNMP, CDP, LLDP)! • Custom libpcap based detectors at key points in the network (Service Discovery, DNS Monitoring, Traffic Monitoring)! • syslog-ng (Communication Bridge)! • dhcpd (Node Discovery)! • snort (Security Event Detection)! • Windows Event Logs (Correlation / Discovery)! • OSSEC HIDS (Correlation / Detection / Prevention)! • PostgreSQL Database (Storage / Correlation)! • RRDTool (Storage / Visual Analysis)! • Perl (Glue / Duct Tape / WD-40)

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it makes my job simpler

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Security Under the Veil of Utility Identify and Locate Users

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Get useful information on our users

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No content

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No content

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all of these things satisfy requirements

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talk to your security staff

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talk to your help desk

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talk to your core business groups

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how can you help them solve their problems?

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chances are .. you already have.

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and if you haven’t ...

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you’re Perl programmers ..

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and you can.

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how will that help with security?

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Other stuff •! • DNS Statistics! • DNS Anomaly Detection (soon)

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Thank you!