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animation 11% animation +1 % 1

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안성용 Sungyong An 네이버웹툰

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animation 11% • "a method in which pictures are manipulated to appear as moving images." Animation Link:

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animation 11% Animation Category ੿ܻೞӝ ݾ಴

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animation 11% • Drawable Animation • StateListAnimator • ViewPropertyAnimator • DynamicAnimation • View Animation • Shared Elements • Lottie (3rd party) • Interpolator • Animator • LayoutTransition • CircularReveal • Transition • MotionLayout ❌ animation

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animation 11% Lottie (3rd party) Drawable Animation StateListAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator DynamicAnimation View Animation Shared Elements Interpolator Animator Transition CircularReveal MotionLayout LayoutTransition animation View inner Multiple views Single view Between screens

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animation 11% Animate view inner View ղࠗ গפݫ੉࣌

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Animation Drawable

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animation 11% • res/drawable/ic_battery_anim.xml AnimationDrawable ...

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animation 11% • res/drawable/ic_battery_anim.xml AnimationDrawable ...

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animation 11% • res/drawable/ic_battery_anim.xml AnimationDrawable ...

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animation 11% AnimationDrawable // private void setFrame( int frame, boolean unschedule, boolean animate) { ... selectDrawable(frame); ... scheduleSelf(this, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + mAnimationState.mDurations[frame]); }

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animation 11% AnimationDrawable // private void setFrame( int frame, boolean unschedule, boolean animate) { ... selectDrawable(frame); ... scheduleSelf(this, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + mAnimationState.mDurations[frame]); }

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animation 11% AnimationDrawable // private void setFrame( int frame, boolean unschedule, boolean animate) { ... selectDrawable(frame); ... scheduleSelf(this, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + mAnimationState.mDurations[frame]); }

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Animated StateList Drawable API 21

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animation 11% AnimatedStateListDrawable

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animation 11% AnimatedStateListDrawable 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

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animation 11% AnimatedStateListDrawable

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animation 11% AnimatedStateListDrawable

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animation 11% android:id="@+id/selected" android:drawable="@drawable/ic_battery_100" android:state_checked="true" /> AnimatedStateListDrawable

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animation 11% ... AnimatedStateListDrawable

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animation 11% AnimatedStateListDrawable

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+ Animated Vector Drawable API 21

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animation 11% + AnimatedVectorDrawable

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animation 11% + AnimatedVectorDrawable 0 400 420 570 720 750 950

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animation 11% + AnimatedVectorDrawable

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animation 11% + AnimatedVectorDrawable

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animation 11% + AnimatedVectorDrawable

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animation 11% + AnimatedVectorDrawable

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animation 11% + AnimatedVectorDrawable

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animation 11% + AnimatedVectorDrawable

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animation 11%

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animation 11%

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animation 11% android:pathData="M 9.5 15 C 10.881 15 12 ..." android:fillColor="#ffffff" android:fillAlpha="0.7"/>

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animation 11%

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animation 11%

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animation 11% android:interpolator="@android:interpolator/linear_out_slow_in"/> + AnimatedVectorDrawable

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animation 11% + AnimatedVectorDrawable

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Seekable A nimated V ector D rawable

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animation 11% val savd = SeekableAnimatedVectorDrawable.create(context, R.drawable.avd) imageView.setImageDrawable(savd) savd?.start() // seekable savd?.currentPlayTime = 100L Seekable A V D

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animation 11% Progress Bar Rotate Drawable

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animation 11% ProgressBar + RotateDrawable

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animation 11% ProgressBar + RotateDrawable

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animation 11% ProgressBar + RotateDrawable

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animation 11% ProgressBar + RotateDrawable

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animation 11% ProgressBar + RotateDrawable

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animation 11% Progress Bar Clip Drawable

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animation 11% ProgressBar + ClipDrawable

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animation 11% ProgressBar + ClipDrawable

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animation 11% ProgressBar + ClipDrawable

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animation 11% ProgressBar + ClipDrawable

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Ripple Drawable API 21

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animation 11% Ripple Drawable

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animation 11% RippleDrawable

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animation 11% RippleDrawable

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animation 11% RippleDrawable

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animation 11% RippleDrawable

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animation 11% RippleDrawable

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StateList Animator API 21

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animation 11% StateList Animator

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animation 11% StateList Animator

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animation 11% StateList Animator

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animation 11% StateList Animator

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animation 11% StateList Animator

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animation 11% Animate single view ױੌ View গפݫ੉࣌

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View Property Animator API 12

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animation 11% View Property Animator view.animate() // ViewPropertyAnimator

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animation 11% view.animate() .translationX(100f) View Property Animator

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animation 11% view.animate() .translationX(100f) .setStartDelay(300L) // ms .setDuration(1000L) // ms .setInterpolator(Interpolators.ACCELERATE_DECELERATE) View Property Animator

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animation 11% view.animate() .translationX(100f) .translationY(50f) .rotation(90f) .scaleX(1.5f) .scaleY(0.5f) .alpha(1f) View Property Animator

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animation 11% view.animate().cancel() view.translationX = 0f view.animate() .translationX(100f) View Property Animator

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animation 11% view.animate().cancel() view.translationX = currentTranslationX view.animate() .translationX(100f) View Property Animator

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animation 11% view.animate().cancel() view.translationX = view.translationX view.animate() .translationX(100f) View Property Animator

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animation 11% view.animate().cancel() // view.translationX = view.translationX view.animate() .translationX(100f) View Property Animator

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animation 11% view.animate() .translationX(100f) .withLayer() ❓ API 16 View Property Animator

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animation 11% Render into off-screen buffers. View Layer (Hardware vs Software) Link: Android Graphics Performance (Google I/O '13) API 11

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animation 11% Hardware Layer view.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null) // do animate! Link:

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animation 11% Hardware Layer view.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null) // do animate! view.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_NONE, null) Link:

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animation 11% Hardware Layer view.animate() .withLayer() Link: API 16

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animation 11% • Viewী Alphaܳ ࢎਊೞח ҃਋, Viewܳ ࢚ࣘ೧ࢲ falseܳ ߈ജೞח Ѫ੉ ࢿמী ਬܻೞ׮. • ױ, View ղࠗ ਃٜࣗ੉ Ҁ஖૑ ঋইঠ ৢ߄ܰѱ Ӓ۰૓׮. An optimization when alpha is set on a view. View#hasOverlappingRendering() Link: Hidden Cost of Transparency (100 Days of Google Dev) API 16

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animation 11% View#hasOverlappingRendering()

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animation 11% View#hasOverlappingRendering()

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animation 11% View#hasOverlappingRendering()

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animation 11% View#hasOverlappingRendering()

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animation 11% View#hasOverlappingRendering()

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animation 11% View#hasOverlappingRendering() < AlphaOptimizedConstraintLayout android:alpha="0.5">

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animation 11% View#hasOverlappingRendering() class AlphaOptimizedConstraintLayout @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0 ) : ConstraintLayout(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { override fun hasOverlappingRendering(): Boolean { return false } } Link:

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Dynamic Animation

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animation 11% • app/build.gradle DynamicAnimation implementation 'androidx.dynamicanimation:dynamicanimation:1.1.0-alpha02' implementation 'androidx.dynamicanimation:dynamicanimation-ktx:1.0.0-alpha02' API 11

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animation 11% SpringAnimation val spring = SpringAnimation( view, DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_X, 300f) .withSpringForceProperties { dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_LOW_BOUNCY stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_LOW } spring.start()

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animation 11% SpringAnimation val spring = SpringAnimation( view, DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_X, 300f) .withSpringForceProperties { dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_LOW_BOUNCY stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_LOW } spring.start()

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animation 11% SpringAnimation val spring = SpringAnimation( view, DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_X) .withSpringForceProperties { dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_LOW_BOUNCY stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_LOW } spring.animateToFinalPosition(300f)

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animation 11% SpringAnimation val spring = SpringAnimation( view, DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_X) .withSpringForceProperties { dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_LOW_BOUNCY stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_LOW } spring.animateToFinalPosition(300f) spring.animateToFinalPosition(0f)

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animation 11% SpringAnimation val spring = SpringAnimation( view, DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_X) .withSpringForceProperties { dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_LOW_BOUNCY stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_LOW } spring.animateToFinalPosition(300f) spring.animateToFinalPosition(0f) spring.animateToFinalPosition(500f)

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Link: Motional Intelligence: Build Smarter Animations (Google I/O'19)

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Link: Motional Intelligence: Build Smarter Animations (Google I/O'19)

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Link: Motional Intelligence: Build Smarter Animations (Google I/O'19)

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Link: Motional Intelligence: Build Smarter Animations (Google I/O'19)

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Link: Motional Intelligence: Build Smarter Animations (Google I/O'19)

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animation 11% Interpolator

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animation 11% • 0f, 1f ࢎ੉੄ чਸ ੸੺ೞѱ ࠁрػ чਵ۽ ߈ജೠ׮. • ઺р੄ ч਷ 0f ~ 1f ߧਤܳ ߩযզ ࣻ ੓૑݅, द੘җ ՘਷ 0f, 1fܳ ࠁ੢ೠ׮. • ױࣽ൤ Inputী Outputਸ ߈ജೞח Ѫ੉޲۽, Singletonਵ۽ ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓׮. Animation੉ ߸ചೞח ੿ب Interpolator

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animation 11% Interpolator // package android.animation; public interface TimeInterpolator { // input : 0 and 1.0 // output: The interpolation value. float getInterpolation(float input); } // package android.view.animation; public interface Interpolator extends TimeInterpolator { }

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animation 11% Interpolator Link: android/view/animation/ • res/interpolator/{file_name}.xml -> LinearInterpolator -> AccelerateInterpolator -> DecelerateInterpolator -> AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator -> CycleInterpolator -> AnticipateInterpolator -> OvershootInterpolator -> AnticipateOvershootInterpolator -> BounceInterpolator -> PathInterpolator

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animation 11% Interpolator AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator( context, android.R.interpolator.linear) val animation: Animation = ... animation.setInterpolator( context, android.R.interpolator.linear)

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animation 11% PathInterpolator android.view.animation API 21

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animation 11% PathInterpolator android.view.animation // Quad PathInterpolator(0.33f, 0f) // Cubic PathInterpolator(0.33f, 0f, 1f, 1f) // Path PathInterpolator(Path().apply { moveTo(0f,0f) lineTo(1f, 0f) lineTo(0f, 1f) }) API 21

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animation 11% PathInterpolatorCompat androidx.core.view.animation // Quad PathInterpolatorCompat.create(0.33f, 0f) // Cubic PathInterpolatorCompat.create(0.33f, 0f, 1f, 1f) // Path PathInterpolatorCompat.create(Path().apply { moveTo(0f,0f) lineTo(1f, 0f) lineTo(0f, 1f) }) implementation 'androidx.interpolator:interpolator:1.0.0' API 14

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animation 11% Link: Easing Interpolator

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animation 11% Easing Interpolator Link:

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animation 11% Easing Interpolator val EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC by cubicBezier(0.645f, 0.045f, 0.355f, 1f) private fun cubicBezier( x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float ): Lazy { return lazy { PathInterpolatorCompat.create(x1, y1, x2, y2) } }

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animation 11% Animate multiple views ৈ۞ View গפݫ੉࣌

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animation 11% • XML ౵ੌ۽ ࢶ঱ೡ ࣻ ੓׮. • VSYNC৬ োزೞৈ 60fps۽ ز੘ೠ׮. package android.animation Animator

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animation 11% AnimatorInflater Link: animation/ • res/animator/{file_name}.xml -> AnimatorSet -> ValueAnimator -> ObjectAnimator -> PropertyValuesHolder[]

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animation 11% Animator abstract class Animator class AnimatorSet extends Animator class ValueAnimator extends Animator class ObjectAnimator extends ValueAnimator class TimeAnimator extends ValueAnimator

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animation 11% The VSYNC signal synchronizes the display pipeline. (60fps) VSYNC (Vertical Synchronization)

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animation 11% • ValueAnimatorо Choreographerܳ ੉ਊೠ׮. VSYNCܳ ੉ਊೞৈ, ٣झ೒ۨ੉ ೐ۨ੐ ۪؊݂ झாેਸ ҙܻ Choreographer Link: API 16

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animation 11% Choreographer val choreographer = Choreographer.getInstance() choreographer.postFrameCallback { // draw next frame }

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animation 11% Choreographer val choreographer = Choreographer.getInstance() choreographer.postFrameCallback { // draw next frame } // Not this // But this view.postOnAnimation { ... }

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animation 11% Choreographer val choreographer = Choreographer.getInstance() choreographer.postFrameCallback { // draw next frame } // Not this view.invalidate() // But this view.postInvalidateOnAnimation()

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animation 11% public class ValueAnimator extends Animator implements AnimationHandler.AnimationFrameCallback { private void start(boolean playBackwards) { ... AnimationHandler.getInstance() .addAnimationFrameCallback(this, delay); ... } public final boolean doAnimationFrame(long frameTime) {} } public class AnimationHandler { Choreographer: Animator

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animation 11% private final Choreographer.FrameCallback mFrameCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() { @Override public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) { doAnimationFrame(getProvider().getFrameTime()); Choreographer.getInstance() .postFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); } }; public void addAnimationFrameCallback(...) { Choreographer.getInstance() .postFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); } } Choreographer: Animator

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animation 11% ... } public final boolean doAnimationFrame(long frameTime) {} } public class AnimationHandler { private final Choreographer.FrameCallback mFrameCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() { @Override public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) { doAnimationFrame(getProvider().getFrameTime()); Choreographer.getInstance() .postFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); } }; public void addAnimationFrameCallback(...) { Choreographer.getInstance() .postFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); Choreographer: Animator

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animation 11% public final boolean doAnimationFrame(long frameTime) {} } public class AnimationHandler { private final Choreographer.FrameCallback mFrameCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() { @Override public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) { doAnimationFrame(getProvider().getFrameTime()); Choreographer.getInstance() .postFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); } }; public void addAnimationFrameCallback(...) { Choreographer.getInstance() .postFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); } } Choreographer: Animator

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animation 11% public class ValueAnimator extends Animator implements AnimationHandler.AnimationFrameCallback { private void start(boolean playBackwards) { ... AnimationHandler.getInstance() .addAnimationFrameCallback(this, delay); ... } public final boolean doAnimationFrame(long frameTime) {} } public class AnimationHandler { private final Choreographer.FrameCallback mFrameCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() { @Override public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) { doAnimationFrame(getProvider().getFrameTime()); Choreographer: Animator

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Animator API 11

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animation 11% Animator ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f).apply { repeatMode = ValueAnimator.REVERSE repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE duration = 1_000L interpolator = Interpolators.ACCELERATE_DECELERATE }

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animation 11% Animator

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animation 11% Animator

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animation 11% Animator floatType intType pathType colorType

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animation 11% Animator ValueAnimator.ofFloat() ValueAnimator.ofInt() ValueAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder() ValueAnimator.ofArgb()

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animation 11% Animator FloatEvaluator() IntEvaluator() PathDataEvaluator() ArgbEvaluator()

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animation 11% Animator

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animation 11% Animator

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animation 11% Animator ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f).apply { repeatMode = ValueAnimator.REVERSE repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE duration = 1_000L interpolator = Interpolators.ACCELERATE_DECELERATE }

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animation 11% val animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f).apply { repeatMode = ValueAnimator.REVERSE repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE duration = 1_000L interpolator = Interpolators.ACCELERATE_DECELERATE } Animator

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animation 11% val animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f).apply { repeatMode = ValueAnimator.REVERSE repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE duration = 1_000L interpolator = Interpolators.ACCELERATE_DECELERATE } animator.addUpdateListener { updateUi(it.animatedFraction) // or updateUi(it.animatedValue as Float) } animator.removeAllUpdateListeners() animator.start() animator.cancel() Animator

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animation 11% updateUi(it.animatedFraction) Animator

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animation 11% Animator private fun updateUi(fraction: Float) { { rotation = lerp(0f, 360f, fraction) alpha = lerp(1f, .5f, fraction) scaleX = lerp(1f, 2f, fraction) scaleY = lerp(1f, .5f, fraction) translationX = lerp(0f, maxTranslationX, fraction) translationY = lerp(0f, maxTranslationY, fraction) } bugView.translationX = lerp(0f, maxTranslationX, fraction) }

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animation 11% Lerp fun lerp(from: Float, to: Float, progress: Float): Float { return from + (to - from) * progress }

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Layout Transition API 11

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animation 11% LayoutTransition container.addView(...) container.removeView(...) container.childAt(...).setVisibility(...)

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animation 11% LayoutTransition // case R.styleable.ViewGroup_animateLayoutChanges: boolean animateLayoutChanges = a.getBoolean(attr, false); if (animateLayoutChanges) { setLayoutTransition(new LayoutTransition()); } break;

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animation 11% PropertyValuesHolder pvhLeft = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("left", 0, 1); PropertyValuesHolder pvhTop = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("top", 0, 1); PropertyValuesHolder pvhRight = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("right", 0, 1); PropertyValuesHolder pvhBottom = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("bottom", 0, 1); PropertyValuesHolder pvhScrollX = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("scrollX", 0, 1); PropertyValuesHolder pvhScrollY = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("scrollY", 0, 1); defaultChange = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder((Object)null, pvhLeft, pvhTop, pvhRight, pvhBottom, pvhScrollX, pvhScrollY); defaultFadeIn = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(null, "alpha", 0f, 1f); defaultFadeOut = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(null, "alpha", 1f, 0f); LayoutTransition

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animation 11% container.layoutTransition.apply { setInterpolator(LayoutTransition.APPEARING, Interpolators.ACCELERATE_DECELERATE) setDuration(LayoutTransition.APPEARING, 300) } // LayoutTransition.APPEARING // LayoutTransition.DISAPPEARING // LayoutTransition.CHANGE_APPEARING // LayoutTransition.CHANGE_DISAPPEARING // LayoutTransition.CHANGING LayoutTransition

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Transition API 19

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animation 11% Transition TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(container) outerBackground.visibility = View.GONE innerBackground.visibility = View.GONE

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animation 11% Transition TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(container) outerBackground.visibility = View.VISIBLE innerBackground.visibility = View.VISIBLE

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animation 11% Transition TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(container, AutoTransition()) outerBackground.visibility = View.VISIBLE innerBackground.visibility = View.VISIBLE

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animation 11% Transition val transition = TransitionInflater.from(it.context) .inflateTransition(R.transition.auto_transition) TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(container, transition) outerBackground.visibility = View.VISIBLE innerBackground.visibility = View.VISIBLE

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animation 11% Transition =

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animation 11% TransitionInflater Link: transition/ • res/transition/{file_name}.xml ... -> AutoTransition -> Fade -> ChangeBounds -> Slide -> Explode -> ChangeImageTransform -> ChangeTransform -> ChangeClipBounds -> TransitionSet ...

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animation 11% • TransitionValuesח View ё୓৬ View IDী ӝ߈ೞৈ ஭୊ػ׮. Transition public abstract class Transition { public abstract void captureStartValues( TransitionValues transitionValues); public abstract void captureEndValues( TransitionValues transitionValues); protected void animate(Animator animator) { ... } }

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Motion Layout

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animation 11% Motion Layout

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animation 11% Motion Layout

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animation 11% Motion Layout

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animation 11% Motion Layout

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animation 11% Motion Layout // Start transition motionLayout.transitionToStart() motionLayout.transitionToEnd() // Reset transition motionLayout.setTransition(, // Seekable transition motionLayout.progress = 0f // ~ 1f

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Circular Reveal API 21

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animation 11% Circular Reveal

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animation 11% // Show revealView.showContents() private fun View.showContents() { visibility = View.VISIBLE createCircularRevealOf(fab, 0f, radius) { duration = 300 interpolator = Interpolators.DECELERATE }.start() } // Hide revealView.hideContents() private fun View.hideContents() { Circular Reveal

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animation 11% createCircularRevealOf(fab, 0f, radius) { duration = 300 interpolator = Interpolators.DECELERATE }.start() } // Hide revealView.hideContents() private fun View.hideContents() { createCircularRevealOf(fab, radius, 0f) { duration = 300 interpolator = Interpolators.ACCELERATE doOnEnd { visibility = View.GONE } }.start() } private inline fun View.createCircularRevealOf( target: View, Circular Reveal

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animation 11% doOnEnd { visibility = View.GONE } }.start() } private inline fun View.createCircularRevealOf( target: View, startRadius: Float, endRadius: Float, block: Animator.() -> Unit ): Animator { return ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal( this, target.centerX(), target.centerY(), startRadius, endRadius ).apply(block) } Circular Reveal

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animation 11% Circular Reveal : MDC API 14

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animation 11% interface CircularRevealWidget class CircularRevealLinearLayout extends LinearLayout class CircularRevealRelativeLayout extends RelativeLayout class CircularRevealGridLayout extends GridLayout class CircularRevealFrameLayout extends FrameLayout class CircularRevealCoordinatorLayout extends CoordinatorLayout class CircularRevealCardView extends MaterialCardView Circular Reveal : MDC

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animation 11% Animate between screens ചݶ р গפݫ੉࣌

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View Animation API 1

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animation 11% • ViewPropertyAnimator৬ ਬࢎೞ׮. • Windowр Animationী ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓׮. • Activity <—> Activity • Fragment <—> Fragment package android.view.animation View Animation

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animation 11% View Animation

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animation 11% View Animation

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animation 11% View Animation

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animation 11% View Animation

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animation 11% View Animation

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animation 11% View Animation

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animation 11% View Animation

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animation 11% Window Animation activity.overridePendingTransition( R.anim.slide_in_right, // enterAnim R.anim.slide_out_left // exitAnim ) fragmentManager.beginTransaction() .setCustomAnimations( R.anim.slide_in_right, // enterAnim R.anim.slide_out_left, // exitAnim ) .replace(...) .commit()

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Shared Elements API 21

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animation 11% Shared Elements // Between activities val activityOptions = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation( activity, Pair.create(view, view.transitionName) ) ActivityCompat.startActivity(context, intent, activityOptions.toBundle()) // Between fragments fragmentManager.beginTransaction() .addSharedElement(view, view.transitionName) .replace(...) .setReorderingAllowed(true) .commit()

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animation 11% Shared Elements // Between activities val activityOptions = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation( activity, Pair.create(view, view.transitionName) ) ActivityCompat.startActivity(context, intent, activityOptions.toBundle()) // Between fragments fragmentManager.beginTransaction() .addSharedElement(view, view.transitionName) .replace(...) .setReorderingAllowed(true) .commit()

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animation 11% Shared Elements // In Kotlin view.transitionName = context.getString(R.string.transition_name)

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animation 11% Shared Elements

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animation 11% Shared Elements

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animation 11% Shared Elements class MasterFragment : Fragment() class DetailFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) sharedElementEnterTransition = ...(R.transition.move_shared_element) sharedElementReturnTransition = ...(R.transition.move_shared_element) } }

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animation 11% • View ղࠗ গפݫ੉࣌ • Drawable Animation • StateListAnimator • ױੌ View গפݫ੉࣌ • ViewPropertyAnimator • DynamicAnimation Summary • ৈ۞ View গפݫ੉࣌ • Animator (+ lerp) • Transition • MotionLayout • ചݶ р গפݫ੉࣌ • View Animation • SharedElements

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animation 11% Codelab ௏٘ە ৘ઁ:

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animation 11% Animation UseCase ҳഅ೧ࠁӝ ݾ಴

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animation 11% • AnimatedVectorDrawable • ইې ܻࣗझܳ ࢎਊೞৈ Splash Animationਸ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. • ic_splash.svg • ic_splash_blink.svg • Tip: Shape Shifter ࢎਊೡ Ѫ Splash

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animation 11% PathData р morphܳ ਊ੉ೞѱ ೞח ӝמ੉ ઁҕػ׮. Shape Shifter Link:

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animation 11% Splash val avd = AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat .create(this, R.drawable.avd_splash) splashIcon.setImageDrawable(avd) avd?.start()

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animation 11% • ViewPropertyAnimator • ಕ੉૑о ߸҃ؼ ٸ, ࢸݺޙ Animationਸ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. OnBoarding

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animation 11% OnBoarding override fun onPageSelected(...) { { text = ... animateSlideUp() } } private fun View.animateSlideUp() { animate().cancel() alpha = 0f translationY = 40f animate() .alpha(1f) .translationY(0f) .setDuration(800) .setInterpolator(Interpolators.EASE_OUT_QUINT) .withLayer() .withEndAction(null) }

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animation 11% • AnimatedVectorDrawable • చਸ ࢶఖೡ ٸ, Animationਸ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. • ic_home.xml • ic_settings.xml Main

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animation 11% Main

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animation 11% Main

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animation 11% • MotionLayout • SeekableAnimatedVectorDrawable • ക ചݶਸ झ௼܀ ೡ ٸ, ੹ജ Animationਸ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. • ic_home_top.svg • ic_home_search.svg Home

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animation 11% Home

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animation 11% Home

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animation 11% Home var savd = SeekableAnimatedVectorDrawable .create(view.context, R.drawable.avd_search) header.icon.setImageDrawable(it) AppBarLayout.OnOffsetChangedListener { appBarLayout, verticalOffset -> val progress = -verticalOffset / appBarLayout.totalScrollRange.toFloat() binding.header.root.progress = progress savd?.currentPlayTime = (100 * progress).toLong() }

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animation 11% • StateListAnimator • Animator • ߡౡ੉ ׂ۰૑ח ബҗ৬ ೞ౟ Animationਸ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. Detail

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animation 11% Detail

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animation 11% Detail private class Heart( var targetX: Float = 0f, var targetY: Float = 0f, var x: Float = 0f, var y: Float = 0f, var alpha: Float = 0f ) hearts.forEach { heart -> heart.targetX = lerp(drawableSize, width - drawableSize, random.nextFloat()) heart.targetY = lerp(drawableSize, height / 2, random.nextFloat()) } animator.start() fun lerp(from: Float, to: Float, progress: Float): Float { return (1 - progress) * from + to * progress }

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animation 11% Detail val animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f).apply { duration = 1000 interpolator = LinearInterpolator() addUpdateListener { ... } } override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { hearts.forEach { heart -> canvas.withTranslation(heart.x, heart.y) { drawable.alpha = (255 * heart.alpha).toInt() drawable.draw(canvas) } } }

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animation 11% Detail val moveInterpolator = FastOutSlowInInterpolator() val alphaInterpolator = AccelerateInterpolator() addUpdateListener { val moveProgress = moveInterpolator.getInterpolation(it.animatedFraction) val alphaProgress = alphaInterpolator.getInterpolation(it.animatedFraction) val startX = width / 2f val startY = (height - drawableSize).toFloat() hearts.forEach { heart -> heart.x = lerp(startX, heart.targetX, moveProgress) heart.y = lerp(startY, heart.targetY, moveProgress) heart.alpha = lerp(1f, 0f, alphaProgress) } invalidate() }

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animation 11% • DynamicAnimation • ಁօ੉ ಟ୛૑Ҋ ੽൤ח Animationਸ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. Settings

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animation 11% Settings val panelAnim = SpringAnimation(panelView, DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_X) .withSpringForceProperties { dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_LOW_BOUNCY stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_LOW } arrow.setOnClickListener { if (expanded) { panelAnim.animateToFinalPosition(0f) } else { panelAnim.animateToFinalPosition(160.dp) } }

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animation 11% • LayoutTransition • UiModelী ٮۄ ߡౡ੉ ߸҃غח Animationਸ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. Login

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animation 11% Login

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animation 11% • ViewPropertyAnimator • Gridী ౠചػ RecyclerView ItemAnimatorܳ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. Profile (1)

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animation 11% Profile (1) class GridItemAnimator(private val spanCount: Int = 1) : DefaultItemAnimator() { override fun animateAddImpl(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder) { holder.itemView.animate() .setInterpolator(DecelerateInterpolator()) .setStartDelay(calculateDelay(holder)) .setDuration(addDuration) .alpha(1f) ... .start() } } private fun calculateDelay(holder: ViewHolder): Long { val position = holder.bindingAdapterPosition val order = position / spanCount + position % spanCount return order * addDuration }

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animation 11% • SharedElements • Viewer ചݶҗ োѾغח ٠ೠ Animationਸ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. Profile (2)

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animation 11% Profile (2) // ProfileActivity.kt val intent = Intent(this, intent.putExtra("resId", resId) val options = ActivityOptionsCompat .makeSceneTransitionAnimation(this, view, view.transitionName) ActivityCompat.startActivity(this, intent, options.toBundle())

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animation 11% Profile (2) // ViewerActivity.kt override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { window.sharedElementEnterTransition = TransitionSet().apply { interpolator = OvershootInterpolator(0.7f) ordering = TransitionSet.ORDERING_TOGETHER addTransition(ChangeBounds().apply { pathMotion = ArcMotion() }) addTransition(ChangeTransform()) addTransition(ChangeClipBounds()) addTransition(ChangeImageTransform()) } super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) ... }

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animation 11% • Transition • ಫ؊࠶, ಞ૘ ١ ࢚క ੹ജী ٮۄ ۨ੉ইਓ Animationਸ ҳഅ೧ࠁࣁਃ. Viewer

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animation 11% Viewer val layout = binding.root val constraintSet = ConstraintSet().apply { clone(layout) if (fold) { setGuidelinePercent(, 0.5f) } else { setGuidelinePercent(, 1f) } } TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(layout) constraintSet.applyTo(layout)

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animation 11% • AnimationDrawable • ׮਍۽٘ ঌܿী Animation ബҗܳ ୶о೧ࠁࣁਃ. • Tip: AVDب ࢎਊ оמ Notification

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animation 11% Notification ... Notification.Builder(...) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.stat_sys_download) ... .build()

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animation 11% хࢎ೤פ׮!