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Formatting TypeScript

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せ⵸: @brn (ꫬꅿ⨳ⵃ) 耵噟: ؿٗٝزؒٝسؒٝآص،٥ط؎ذ؍ـؒٝآص، ⠓爡: Cyberagent ،سذؙأةآؔRightSegment٥AI Messenger ـؚٗ: Twitter: GitHub:

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鳞ְֿה ؝٦ر؍ؚٝ鋉秈⡲׶׋ֻזְկ ٖؽُ٦׃׋ֻזְկ

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tslintָ֮׷ ֽוְׇ׈ְfixתד׃ַ׃גֻ׸זְկ

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prettier ׅ׀ֻؿؓ٦وحز׃גֻ׸תׅיկ

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Conflict ֮ծֽוֿֿtslintהעאַ׏גתׅי…

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tslint-plugin-prettier conflictׅ׷ٕ٦ٕכ搀⸬ח׃ת׃׳ֲկ׉ֲ׃ת׃׳ֲկ

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tslint׃䘌׸׷ ➂꟦דַׅ׵יկ pre-commitؿحؙ剅ֹת׃׳ֲ

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#!/bin/sh! ! for file in $(git diff --cached --name-only --diff- filter=ACM | grep '\.tsx\?$' | tr '\n' ' ')! do! echo "prettier $file";! # Prettify all staged .js files! ./node_modules/.bin/tslint $file -c ./tslint.json -- exclude 'src/**/*.css' --project tsconfig.json --fix! ! # Add back the modified/prettified files to staging! git add $file! ! done!

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husky and lint-staged 荈ⴓד剅ֻ״׶嚂דׅיկ huskyדpre-commit鏣㹀׃גlint-stagedדlint׾剅ֻ

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TypeScriptFormatter @vvakameׁ׿ָ⡲׏׋װא LanguageService⢪׏גؿؓ٦وحز׃תׅ

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No content

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תה׭ ؝٦سךؿؓ٦وحزכⰋג荈⹛⻉ׅ׷׿װד