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Bound By Convention Mattt Thompson RuPy 13

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The Space Shuttle & The Horse's Rear End

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4', 8.5"

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Specifications and bureaucracies live forever

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How Things Are Done

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Everything has a Reason History Connection

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Baconian Method

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Isn't it remarkable that humans organize themselves according to how they talk to computers?

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Narcissism of Small Differences

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Ruby vs. Python • Indentation Sensitivity • Enumerators vs. Comprehensions • Statements vs. Expressions • Implicit vs. Explicit Self • High-Level Scripting Languages • Dynamically Typed • Interactive Shell • Shared Keywords & Syntax • Common Purposes Differences Similarities

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_why's unholy

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A brief aside...

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Colorless green ideas sleep furiously

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colorless green ideas sleep furiously French Germanic Greek Germanic Latin

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English sleep French dormir German schlafen Hungarian alszik Arabic num Russian spat

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English pineapple French ananas German ananas Hungarian ananász Arabic ananas Russian ananas

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Ruby Influences [ ] Array Syntax C {:a => 1} Hash Syntax php {a: 1} Hash Syntax Javascript String Methods Perl begin...rescue...ensure / loop, redo, retry Eiffel Postconditionals Caché / JOSS / ALGOL

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Python Influences Statement Nesting Indentation ABC from X import Y Modula-3 Multiple Dispatch Dylan / C++ Expressions vs. Statements Fotran

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Javascript Influences Name Java Semicolons Java Prototypes Self Lambdas Scheme

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Clojure Influences S-Expression Syntax Lisp Runtime Java

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Ruby Python Javascript Clojure x = 1 + 2 x = 1 + 2 var x = 1 + 2 (def x (+ 1 2))

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Ruby Python Javascript Clojure [1,2,3].select(&:even?) [x for x in (1,2,3) if (x%2 == 0)] ([1,2,3]).filter(function(x) {return x%2 === 0;}); (filter even? [1 2 3]);

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Programming Language Characteristics • Object Oriented vs. Functional vs. Procedural vs. Imperative • Typed vs. Untyped • Strong vs. Weak Typing • Static vs. Dynamic Typing • Classical vs. Prototypical • Compiled vs. Interpreted • Single vs. Multiple Inheritence • Mutability vs. Immutability • // vs. /* */ vs. # vs. -- Comments • Terse vs. Verbose • Textual vs. Graphical

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Turing Completeness

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C H A I R /tʃɛr/

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Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution Brent Berlin and Paul Kay (1969)

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Pirahã Language Daniel Leonard Everett

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Pirahã Language • Tiny Phonetic Inventory (8 consonants & 3 vowels) • Whistled to Communicate in Jungle • No Relative Clauses or Grammatical Recursion • No Cardinal or Ordinal Numbers • No Unique Words for Color • Epistemology as Grammatical Construct

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6,000 Natural Languages Hundreds Dying Every Year

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English as Universal Programming Language

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Ŧ ũ Ŭ Ů Ŷ ŷ ź ż Ž ſ ƀ Ɓ Ƃ ƃ g n d r m b s -/ng j ch k t p h ŧ ɹ ŭ ɹ ɹ Ÿ Ż ɹ ž ɹ ɹ ɹ ɹ ɹ kk tt pp ss jj

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Ƅ ƈ ƌ Ƒ Ɩ Ƙ ƅ Ɖ Ə Ɣ Ɨ a eo o u eu i ae e oe wi ui

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Initial Medial Terminal ـ# ـ)ـ *ـ ـ+ ـ,ـ -ـ ـ. ـ/ـ 0ـ ـ1 ـ2ـ 3ـ ـ4 ـ5ـ 6ـ ـ7 ـ8ـ 9ـ ـ: ـ;ـ <ـ ـ= ـ>ـ ?ـ ـ@ ـAـ Bـ ـC ـDـ Eـ

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k t b

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*,F kataba he wrote GH),F katabnā we wrote *,IJ yaktubu he writes *,IK naktubu we write *,Fأ aktaba he dictated *,IJ yuktibu he dictates *+GF kātib writer *,IM maktab office

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!"# ("!ﻢﻟﺎﻋ ﺎﻳ ﺎﺒﺣﺮﻣ" لﻮﻗ)

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• cd • ls • mv • cp • rm • mkdir • chmod • pwd • whoami • finger • kill • which • ps • cat • grep • sed • awk • find • cal • date • time • more • less • man UNIX Commands

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P = NP

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Quantum Computers

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XOR INPUT A B INPUT A B OUTPUT A XOR B 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0

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There is no right way to do things. There are no sides.

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We are a product of our culture. ...but we are not beholden to it.

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Stay curious. Look around. Introspect.

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