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OpenSource ChatBots

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No content

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Quem Usa?

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MUDANÇAS DE PARADIGMA 80s - desktop & clients 90s - browser & websites 00s - smartphones & apps 10s - it’s the turn of messaging & bots

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DO GITHUB Rocket.Cat

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HUBOT ADAPTERS Shell AIM ChatWork Dasher Fleep Flowdock Gitter Gtalk Hall HipChat iMessage IRC Jabbr Let’s Chat Lingr Mattermost Mattermost - websocket Campfire Facebook Messenger QQ Partychat Rocket.Chat Slack Skype SkypeWeb Skyweb Talker Telegram Twilio IP Messaging Twilio SMS Twitter Visual Studio Online XMPP Yammer 38 Adapters

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/command $1

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/command $1 == # command $1

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we wanted more…

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CHATBOTS Oferta de Informações e Serviços Design de Interação Cognitiva Simular uma relação humana

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HubotNatural Javascript || CoffeeScript OnPremise Install OpenSource NLP Tools Event Oriented YAML Corpus

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Como Funciona?

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YAML Corpus

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YAML Corpus

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YAML Corpus

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YAML Corpus

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Pode Extender

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Event Oriented

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Event Oriented

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Event Oriented

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No content

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The Road Ahead

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HubotNatural Conversation Flow Config Functions Classify Intents Collect Data MongoDB Brain Entity Recognition Unsupervised Learning Roadmap

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Participe da Comunidade /hubot-natural

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Dúvidas? Diego Dorgam @diegodorgam

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Obrigado! Dúvidas?