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Phase 3: Converge

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GET STARTED Review Agenda and Rules Diverge Recap SCRUTINIZE YOUR WORK $100 Test Assumptions Table SKETCHING Sketching - I Ritual Dissent Team Sketching – II WRAP-UP Daily Retrospective Agenda: Converge

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Assumption Ranking

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$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ VOTE ASSUMPTIONS Stack rank and identify your most critical assumptions Assumption Ranking - 100€ Test PURPOSE 1. Line up your assumptions on the wall 2. Each team member invests their € in whichever assumptions they believe are the most critical 3. Tally the results and rearrange the assumptions from highest value to lowest value. 4. Mark those that received no investments and remove them INSTRUCTIONS

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to define how your team will test critical assumptions during the Test phase Assumption Matching PURPOSE OUTPUT 1. Complete columns for the following topics to the right of the assumptions (top five) 2. TEST BY - how you will test to determine if the assumption is valid or not 3. VALID IF - criteria that determines if the assumption is valid 4. Match your storyboards to the assumptions by placing them to the left of the assumptions INSTRUCTIONS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ VOTE ASSUMPTIONS TEST BY VALID IF IDEA - PERSONA description description description description #MIDDLE description description description description #END description description description description #BEGINNING STORYBOARD IDEA - PERSONA description description description description #MIDDLE description description description description #END description description description description #BEGINNING IDEA - PERSONA description description description description #MIDDLE description description description description #END description description description description #BEGINNING

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Assumption Test by …? Valid if…? Storyboard

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to visualize individual interpretations of possible solutions Individual Sketching PURPOSE OUTPUT 1. Either on the whiteboard or on large post-its, draw a picture of what your version of a possible solution looks like 2. The goal is that others will understand your solution without too much explanation so don’t shy away from providing detail and context INSTRUCTIONS NOW you get to wireframe. Finally!

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Sketching 1. One assumption “row” / 2or 3 people 2. Sketch out the prototype to validate that specific assumption 3. Use storyboards as input and guide

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Get rapid feedback on your sketches Ritual Dissent PURPOSE 1. The creating team presents their sketch in 60 seconds to the group 2. They place the sketch on the table and then turn around 3. The group then verbalizes why that sketch is TERRIBLE (Negative feedback only) 4. The creating team can only take notes and say “Thank you” 5. After 5 minutes, the dissent should be finished and the creating team makes a revision INSTRUCTIONS

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Converge: Your day 1. Rank Assumptions - (¥ € $..) 2. Validation Table: Test by… then Valid if… 3. Match Storyboards to Rows of assumptions 4. Sketch out more detailed prototypes per row 5. Ritual Dissent 6. Final Prototype Sketch

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○ Short Break (10m) ○ Rank Assumptions with $100 test (15m) ○ Test by… and Valid if for top TWO assumptions (10m) ○ Match Storyboards (10m) ○ Draw a Prototype sketch/schematic for top assumption (15m) Your Next Hour: Converge ADD TO BOARDTHING!

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Phase 4: Prototype

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PROTOTYPING Build! Team Review TEST PLANNING Confirm Interviews Question Formulation Practice Interview WRAP-UP Daily Retrospective Agenda: Build

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to develop an interview script Question Formulation PURPOSE OUTPUT 1. On your own, write down questions that relate to your prototype and your critical assumptions 2. Sort and place questions into one of three columns: ○ PRE-PROTO - to understand testers’ current habits and pain points ○ ACTIONS - tasks you want the user to attempt to complete ○ POST-PROTO - to understand testers’ impression and applicability of the prototype 3. As a group, review, group similar, and rewrite questions so there are no more than 3 tasks and 10 questions (total) INSTRUCTIONS PRE- PROTO ACTIONS POST-PROTO

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Types of Prototypes PHYSICAL DIGITAL SERVICE Interactive model Lanscape model Experience diorama

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photo credit: Field Innovation Team

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Types of Prototypes PHYSICAL DIGITAL SERVICE Paper flip chart Interactive sketches Interactive static screens Video

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112 Lo Hi Interactive Fidelity Hi

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Types of Prototypes PHYSICAL SERVICE DIGITAL Concept Model Scenario Role-Playing Physical Model

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Product/process concept Web-application

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to develop a sharable interpretation of possible solutions Build! PURPOSE 4-8 hours 1. As a group, determine what medium would work best for your prototype ○ possible options include hyperlinked static digital or physical renderings, comic strip illustrations, sales script, physical model, billboard ad, role playing, etc. 2. Assign 1-2 participants to going heads down on prototype construction INSTRUCTIONS

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○ Short Break (10m) ○ Create Interview Guide (20m) ○ “Make” prototype (30m) Your Next Hour: Prototype ADD TO BOARDTHING!

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Phase 5: Test

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to recall key takeaways from days 1-3 Days 1-4 Review 1. Does everyone understand and feel comfortable in their roles for today? 2. Does anyone want to try leading an interview? PURPOSE INSTRUCTIONS 5-10 minutes

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to review rules Rules Review 1. Review agreed upon rules from Days 1-4 2. Add new rules (optional) PURPOSE INSTRUCTIONS 3 minutes

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TEST Interview 1 Interview 2 Interview 3 Interview 4 Interview 5 Interview 6 Interview 7 Interview 8 LEARNINGS Interview Highlights Assumptions Learning Next Steps WRAP-UP Sprint Retrospective Agenda: Test

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to collect feedback from the prototype Conduct Interviews PURPOSE OUTPUT 1. For each interview assign one speaker to conduct the interview 2. All other participants are listeners and should take notes ○ Do your best to capture direct quotes ○ Go beyond verbal feedback and note insights regarding behaviors, body language and emotions INSTRUCTIONS 30 minutes per interview QUOTES BEHAVIORS BODY LANGUAGE EMOTIONS

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Interviewing 101 ○ Open ended questions - never yes/no ○ Keep asking “Why?” - don’t settle for vague answers ○ Let them describe what they see - don’t explain ○ Embrace awkward silence - let them break before you do ○ It’s not about you - this is not a promotional opportunity ○ Be interested, not interesting

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to quickly review key takeaways from each interview Interview Highlights PURPOSE OUTPUT 1. After each interview, while the information is still fresh, ask listeners for highlights to each of the questions (rapid fire) 2. Note takeaways in an easy to digest grid 3. Create an extra column to note miscellaneous comments that don’t specifically relate to a question but are worth capturing INSTRUCTIONS 10 minutes per interview QUESTION 1 TESTER 1 TESTER 2 TESTER 3 QUESTION 2 QUESTION 3 OTHER

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to map interview responses back to assumptions for (in)validation Assumption Learning PURPOSE OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS 45 minutes 1. As a group, refer back to your Assumption Matching table and complete columns for the following topics: ○ WE HEARD - what direct quotes or observations you heard or saw from the prototype interviews ○ THAT MEANS - what direction does this provide regarding the project? What conclusions can you make from this information? ASSUMPTIONS WE HEARD THAT MEANS

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to understand how well this design sprint helped your project Design Sprint Retro PURPOSE OUTPUT 1. On your own, take a few moments to recall the design sprint, from the beginning of day one, and write down any responses to the following questions: (one per post-it) ○ What did you LIKE? ○ What did you LEARN ○ What SURPRISED you? ○ What would you CHANGE? 2. Post on wall or share with facilitator as you leave INSTRUCTIONS 10 minutes LEARNED LIKED SURPRISED CHANGE

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○ Test with ○ “Make” prototype (30m) Your Next 30 Min: Test ADD TO BOARDTHING!

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After The Design Sprint

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Three Typical Outcomes

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1 - YES! It worked :-) Three Typical Outcomes

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1 - YES! It worked :-) 2 - NO! It didn’t :-( Three Typical Outcomes

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1 - YES! It worked :-) 2 - NO! It didn’t :-( 3 - Maaaaaybe? :-| Three Typical Outcomes

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1 - YES! It worked :-) 2 - NO! It didn’t :-( 3 - Maaaaaybe? :-| Three Typical Outcomes

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It worked!! YOU’RE A GENIUS!

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} } } DESIGN SPRINT INTERVALS AGILE DEVELOPMENT Understand Diverge Prototype Test Converge WEEK 1 Refine Build Test WEEK 2 Refine Build Test WEEK 3 Refine Build Test WEEK 4 Refine Build Test WEEK n

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HI HI LO LO Importance Risk

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Real World Example

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DESIGN SPRINT ITERATIONS SCRUM Understand Diverge Prototype Test Converge WEEK 1 Refine Scope Questions WEEK 2 Flow 1 Flow 2 User Tests WEEK 3 Refine Refine Refine WEEKS 4 to 7 Refine Build Test WEEK 9 Flow 1

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Stop crying

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Stop the project

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Real World Example

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DESIGN SPRINT Understand Diverge Prototype Test Converge WEEK 1 Refine Test Flow 1

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Test by …? Valid if…? Assumption We saw/heard… and that means..

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Real World Example

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DESIGN SPRINT ITERATIONS SCRUM Understand Diverge Prototype Test Converge WEEK 1 Research

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DESIGN SPRINT ITERATIONS SCRUM Understand Diverge Prototype Test Converge WEEK 1 Refine Scope Questions WEEK 2 PIVOT Design Tests WEEK 3 Refine Design Test WEEKS 4 to 12 Refine Build Test WEEK 15 Research

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Other Tools

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