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Understanding Context Practical exercises for building systems maps +

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“We must take care not to oversimplify an increasingly complex and dynamic reality. This is a common mistake, resulting in a great deal of bad conventional wisdom.” ~ Larry Kramer and Daniel Stid, Hewlett Foundation

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Sugary-sweetened drinks banned from a school Childhood obesity rate over last 30 years; movement from urban to rural Unsafe neighborhoods and lack of open space leading to less exercise Freedom of choice vs. school’s job to prevent unhealthy choices

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Individual Warm Up Using “childhood obesity” as a system, brainstorm 1-2 examples of: • Events • Patterns • Structures/Mental models

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REMEMBER Hold your current (or favorite) strategy lightly Map what is, not what you want to happen Brainstorming rules apply This is a MUCH accelerated version

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1 Pick your frame

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Framing question should focus your team on describing the system as it currently exists Avoid overly broad or specific questions Don’t embed solutions or hypotheses Try using these templates: “what forces account for the current level of _______” or “despite our best intentions, why have we been unable to _______”

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Why have we been unable to meet the needs of Syrian refugee children? What forces account for the current levels of human slavery in corporate supply chains?

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Your turn Quickly share a topic you care about with your table Pick a topic to use for the rest of today’s exercises Create a framing question for the topic using the “what forces account for the current level of…” template 6 min

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2 Enablers & inhibitors

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Enablers Inhibitors

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Refugees' commitment to helping/ volunteering Skilled educators in host countries Positive coordination among NGOs NGO experience & capacity to carry out programs Growing media attention on the issue Huge and growing number of refugees Restrictions around refugee employment Not enough financial support / donor fatigue Poverty Overcrowded classrooms Safety Trauma

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Enablers Inhibitors Behaviors Policies Beliefs

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Behaviors the actions people take (processes and skills of key people)

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Behaviors the actions people take (processes and skills of key people) EXAMPLE positive coordination among NGOs

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Policies rules and structures (systems, institutions, rule of law)

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Policies rules and structures (systems, institutions, rule of law) EXAMPLE restrictions around refugee employment

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Beliefs what people think and value (attitudes, norms, views of other groups)

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Beliefs what people think and value (attitudes, norms, views of other groups) EXAMPLE refugees' commitment to helping/ volunteering

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Your turn Brainstorm as many enablers and inhibitors you can think of for your topic Sort each enabler and inhibitor as primarily related to a belief, behavior or policy Fill in any gaps where you don’t have at least one belief, behavior, or policy 10 min

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3 Upstream / downstream

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FACTOR Upstream causes Downstream effects

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OVERCROWDED CLASSROOMS huge influx of Syrian refugees overstretched systems poor education quality resentment by host communities

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Your turn Pick 2-3 enablers or inhibitors Generate a handful of upstream causes or drivers and indicate connections as same or opposite Generate a handful of downstream effects and indicate connections as same or opposite 10 min

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4 Build loops

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Your turn Pick a theme that has come up in your exercises and try to draw a loop Start at one factor and add connections and factors until you end up back where you started Take a stab at whether the loop is reinforcing or balancing 10 min

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? Questions?

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Thank you! @kumupowered +