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About the Activities of the Language Community Naruhiko Ogasawara Activities of the Japanese Community Surakarta | October, 7th 2023

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Naruhiko Ogasawara ( 小笠原 徳彦 ) Desktop OSS Enthusiast from Japan LibreOffice, Ubuntu, Printing, … Former LibreOffice Japanese Team member Former The Document Foundation member Amature kayaker I am here today to speak on behalf of TDF member Shinji Enoki WHO AM I

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LibreOffice’s NLP and Japanese community PART 01 Our Activivies Conclusion [OPTION] Open Discussion PART 02 PART 03 PART 04 TITLE 01

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LibreOffice’s NLP Native Language Project Same as Ubuntu’s LoCo LibreOffice Japanese Team Japanese NLP, consist by TDF members Core of Japanese community Back up any Japanese community’s activities Weak-border organization LibreOffice’s NLP and Japanese community

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LibreOffice Japanese community LibreOffice Japanese Team

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ASK Translation (UI and Help) Japanese Blog Documentation Extensions Social networks Events Online Hackfest Online Study Meetup LibreOffice Kaigi Open Source Conference Our Activities

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LibreOffice’s official Q&A Site ASK

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Entrance of any community activities Easy to join because the focus is clear Question: 1~2 per week, Comment: 2~3 per week Total# is 682 topics 8th position of all languages Some topics become Bugzilla tickets ASK is the field of the Japanese local QA ASK

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Slide 9 text nguages/ja/libo_ui-master/ 93% With this translation rate, you may find untranslated terms in normal usage Only 4 active suggesters / reviewers How to increase them? Reviewing is sometimes blocker Unknown terms used, are difficult to review More communication is needed We do in the online event (discuss later) Translation (UI)

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Slide 10 text nguages/ja/libo_help-master/ 50% Far from perfect Recently no one could touch it The volume is too enormous to translate now It's hard to get motivated in this situation Translation (Help)

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Main contents are translations of the TDF official blog, mainly in release announces Even with machine translation, there are people who don't read English (at least in Japan), so it makes a lot of sense to make announcements in Japanese Japanese original contents are also needed, but not enough man power Japanese Blog

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Main contents are translations of the TDF official blog, mainly in release announces Even with machine translation, there are people who don't read English (at least in Japan), so it makes a lot of sense to make announcements in Japanese Japanese original contents are also needed, but not enough man power Japanese Blog

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Wiki translation (like ReleaseNote) is great thanks of the translation plugin is installed Japanese original Wiki is currently not active Documentation

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LibreOffice User Guide entation-in-japanese/ Documentation

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Use the machine translation service via OmegaT Japanese research institute NICT offers a freely available machine translation service for OSS translations Machine translation results are not checked by humans, so quality is average Documentation

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Web version is already available in English, can a Japanese version be made? Need to check Documentation

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We have released several extensions One of them was debugged publicly at an online event Not by the original author, but by a different person Great community work! Extensions

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X (former Twitter) 2,935 followers Mainly release announcement in Japanese, Repost of TDF official messages Facebook 625 followers Mainly release announcement in Japanese Social networks

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Telegram 37 members; Small groups for those who want to be more involved in the community YouTube TjYu4129vzZLmMNg 643 Followers Event reports, How-to movies, etc No Instagram and TikTok 😓 Social networks

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Slide 21 text Latest event is #168! Weekly online events to maintain motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic Sharing knowledge on how to contribute LibreOffice Interaction among community members It is better to be able to see faces, even through the camera Events: HackFest Online

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Opportunities to get rid of the sloth and work on something about LibreOffice 1.5h/day, each Thursday Mainly check of new questions in ASK, and if there is extra time, translations, Bugzilla checks, etc UI translation is being discussed here It helps to keep us motivated, as we aim to do Events: HackFest Online

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Online seminars about LibreOffice held every 3~4 months Originally, offline study meetups that was held in the Kansai area prior to COVID-19 and has been converted to an online version The hard part is getting speakers We catch them at Online Hackfest and such That doesn’t attract many people than offline, but it depends on the content Events: Online Study Meetup

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The annual conference of LibreOffice Japanese community Kaigi is from the Japanese word “Kaigi 会議 ,” means conference It means conference by Japanese LibO users, for Japanese LibO users The purpose of this event is to socialize and share knowledge Events: LibreOffice Kaigi

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Pre COVID-19, we made it offline Events: LibreOffice Kaigi

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During pandemic, we moved to online It’s convenient, but less fun (no party…) I personally want to go back offline but it’s lack of human resource … Events: LibreOffice Kaigi

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Slide 27 text Japanese most active OSS event series, known as OSC Japanese communities of people brought together by technical curiosity, focusing on Open Source 10 or more per year in each region of Japan … Before pandemic … Open Source Conference

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Now a hybrid holding, with the seminar online and the booth offline Smaller scale events are returning to being held completely offline Open Source Conference

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Even in the situation of COVID-19, we have continued to work But some activities (like Help translation, Japanese Wiki, etc) cannot doing well at the moment We need new blood, but are still working out how to collect it I guess we have a lot to learn from the other Asian community on this subject (Personal opinion) Offline event is neeeeeded! Conclusion

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I would like to some open discussion If time remains...

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How has your community been affected by COVID-19? How did it affect your community and how did you overcome it? Question 1

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What are your efforts to attract new contributors, especially young contributors? Question 2

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I feel that the language barrier of English is greater for our Asian community than it is in the West. What are some ways to overcome this? Question 3

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We, the Asian community, have only one common language, English. And English is a language far from any of our mother tongues. So many potential contributors afraid to communicate in English. What can we do together in this situation? Question 4

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