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2 December 2005 Technology Enhanced Learning Past, Present and Future Research Prof.Dr.Beat Signer and Yoshi Malaise Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel WEB & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 01001000100 0101001100010010100010010 0100100010010001000100001001000 100010001100001001000110010101010110 1100010010100010010010010100010101011001 101001100001100 101010100 0010100 100 110101010101 00100 01010101000 1001 1111111111 111 0000000010 0 11111111 0101001011 010101010 111010101 001010010110 Cross-Media Information Spaces and Architectures

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 Information Systems & Management Information Visualisation & Navigation Information Visualisation nd Navigation Human-Machine & Human-Information Interaction CISA RSL [4] MindXpres [8] OC2 [5] associative file system [2] data-driven storytelling [11] XIMA [13] personal knowledge graphs [9] iServer/iPaper [3] ViDaX [16] data physicalisation [32] OpenHPS [18] Explorotron [27] PaperProof [29] iGesture [23] PaperSketch [30] TangHo [31] Context Modelling Toolkit [10] Midas [21] SpeeG2 [24] PaperPoint [26] Print-n-Link [17] digital libraries [12] Mudra [22] mixed reality [28] ArtVis [15] open cross-media linking [1] PimVis [14] DocTr [6] EdFest [25] source code visualisation [19] INFEX [7] personalised learning environments [20] Cross-Media Information Spaces and Architectures

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 Presentation Solutions ▪ PaperPoint ▪ interactive PowerPoint paper handouts ▪ non-linear navigation and annotations ▪ in use since 2005 ▪ MindXpres ▪ extensible presentation platform ▪ non-linear navigation via zoomable user interface ▪ rich media plug-ins ▪ developed since 2011

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 Interactive Source Code Plug-in Paul Mestereaga

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 DiDA Global Information Systems Group, ETH Zurich

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 Personalised Learning Environments ▪ Recommendation of learning content ▪ domain knowledge graphs ▪ personal knowledge graph ▪ learning paths ▪ Diagnostic assessments to detect knowledge gaps ▪ Automatic content adap- tation ▪ based on user preferences and constraints iSport Smart Trainer Assistant, Yoshi Malaise EduKnow, Eleni Ilkou

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 Personalised Learning Environments …

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 References [3] B. Signer, Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces, ISBN 978-3-8370-2713-6, Second Edition, August 2017 [8] R. Roels and B. Signer, MindXpres: An Exten- sible Content-driven Cross-Media Presentation Platform, Proceedings of WISE 2014, 15th Interna- tional Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, October, 2014 ▪

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 References ... [9] E. Ilkou and B. Signer, A Technology-enhanced Smart Learning Environment Based on the Combi- nation of Knowledge Graphs and Learning Paths, Proceedings of CSEDU 2020, 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2020 ▪ [9] Y. Malaise and B. Signer, Personalised Learning Environments Based on Knowledge Graphs and the Zone of Proximal Development, Proceedings of CSEDU 2022, 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Online Event, 2022 ▪

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 References ... [19] R. Roels, P. Mestereaga and B. Signer, An Interactive Source Code Visualisation Plug-in for the MindXpres Presentation Platform, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 583, 2016 ▪ [20] Y. Malaise, E. Cole and B. Signer, Codeschool in a Box: A Low-barrier Approach to Packaging Program- ming Curricula, Proceedings of CSEDU 2023, 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Prague, Czech Republic, April 2023 ▪

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 References ... [20] Y. Malaise and B. Signer, Personalised Learning Environments Based on Knowledge Graphs and the Zone of Proximal Development, Proceedings of CSEDU 2022, International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Online Event, April 2022 ▪ [26] E.I. Reuss, B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, Multimedia Presentations in Computer Science Education: What do Users Need?, Proceedings of USAB 2008, 4th Symposium on Usability & HCI for Education and Work, Graz, Austria, November 2008 ▪

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 References ... [26] B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, PaperPoint: A Paper- based Presentation and Interactive Paper Prototyping Tool, Proceedings of TEI 2007, First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, Baton Rouge, USA, February 2007 ▪ [27] Y. Malaise and B. Signer, Explorotron: An IDE Extension for Guided and Independent Code Explo- ration and Learning, Proceedings of Koli Calling 2023, 23rd International Conference on Computing Edu- cation Research, Koli, Finland, November 2023 ▪

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - November 23, 2023 References ... ▪ MindXpres Project ▪ ▪ Explorotron ▪