You all can learn to
code. No excuses!
Slide 52
Slide 52 text
Slide 53
Slide 53 text
React is a framework
to build web apps
Slide 54
Slide 54 text
React in the industry
Slide 55
Slide 55 text
Slide 56
Slide 56 text
“Components let you split the UI into
independent, reusable pieces, and
think about each piece in isolation”
Slide 57
Slide 57 text
function MyButton() {
return Hi there. I am a button!!!
Your first component
Slide 58
Slide 58 text
1. Go to bit.ly/first-component
2. Change the button text to be “My
name is…{your name}”
Quick activity!
1. Go to bit.ly/hi-react
2. Follow with me how to create a
more advanced component
Quick activity!
Slide 67
Slide 67 text
React in
Slide 68
Slide 68 text
Code components
Slide 69
Slide 69 text
Slide 70
Slide 70 text
1. Re-read this presentation
2. Create your first interactive prototype in
3. Create your first Code Components
Action plan
Slide 71
Slide 71 text
1. Framer Tutorial: 7 Simple Microinteractions to Improve Your
2. Using Conditions in Framer to Replicate Instagram’s
Pagination Dots
3. Flexyboxes - Learning flexbox
4. Framer tutorial