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Scaling Services with Netty Norman Maurer This is not a contribution

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What Scale? 3 tb per sec ~650000 instances of Netty in production public facing + internal facing 10+ millions of OPS per sec 10+ of millions of connections terminated plaintext and TLS / SSL Non-Blocking FTW! This is not a contribution

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Using an Apple Service? Chances are good Netty is involved somehow. This is not a contribution

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How Netty helps This is not a contribution

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SSL / TLS Custom implementation needed This is not a contribution

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using well proven C libraries JNI SSLEngine implementation using OpenSSL / LibreSSL / BoringSSL via JNI ALPN / NPN Session Tickets minimize Object creation == less GC drop-in replacement for SSLEngineImpl This is not a contribution

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Lets get ready for rumble SSLEngine Benchmark TLS_ECDE_RSA_WITH_AEAS_128_GCM_SHA256 is the only required cipher for HTTP2 This is not a contribution

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Advanced Socket Features Linux specific features needed This is not a contribution

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Support more advanced features JNI based transport Socket Options: SO_REUSEPORT TCP_INFO TCP_CORK TCP_FAST_OPEN TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT splice(…) Unix Domain Sockets Edge Triggered and Level Triggered Linux This is not a contribution

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Buffer Pooling Allocations are expensive This is not a contribution

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Allocation times NanoSeconds 0 1500 3000 4500 6000 Bytes 0 256 1024 4096 16384 65536 Unpooled Heap Pooled Heap Unpooled Direct Pooled Direct This is not a contribution

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PooledByteBufAllocator based on jemalloc paper (3.x) ThreadLocal caches for lock-free allocation synchronize per Arena that holds the different chunks of memory different size classes reduce fragmentation ThreadLocal Cache 2 Arena 1 Arena 2 Arena 3 Size-classes Size-classes Size-classes Thread 2 ThreadLocal Cache 1 Thread 1 a peek into the internals This is not a contribution

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About the project adoption and more This is not a contribution

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Companies using Netty Airbnb Alibaba Apple Ebay Facebook Fitbit Instagram Google Linkedin Line Microsoft Netflix Nike Pivotal Red Hat Spotify Square Squarespace Twitter Uber VMWare Yahoo …and many more This is not a contribution

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Open Source Projects using Netty Akka Apache Cassandra Apache Spark Couchbase Elastic Search Finagle Gatling gRPC Nifty Play Ratpack Riposte Vert.x Spring Web …and many more This is not a contribution

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We love feedback What you would like to see ? if you have any feedback, let us know open an issue ask a question on the mailing list This is not a contribution

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We love contributions Get Involved Mailinglist IRC - #netty Github ASL2 OSS FTW! This is not a contribution

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New developments in Netty Scott Mitchell This is not a contribution

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KQueue Transport UDS, UDP, TCP Decouple general unix code from EPOLL transport More object oriented code (BsdSocket, LinuxSocket) EV_CLEAR (aka Edge Triggered) Hexley DarwinOS Mascot Copyright 2000 by Jon Hooper. All rights Reserved. This is not a contribution

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KQueue Transport Removed Map Socket Options RCV_ALLOC_TRANSPORT_PROVIDES_GUESS SO_ACCEPTFILTER Future reduce duplication in middle tier logic splice like capability? macOS This is not a contribution

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OpenSSL Features OPENSSL_REFCNT ByteBuffer BIO Host Name Verification OCSP (BoringSSL & OpenSSL) This is not a contribution

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OpenSSL Future Multiple TLS packets per wrap/unwrap Aggregate writes before wrapping TLS 1.3 This is not a contribution

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DNS JDK DNS + Async Networking = _____ Client Subnet in DNS Queries Follow redirects in authority section Respect default host configuration for DNS servers (unix) Programmatically configurable Future DNS Request Lifecycle Tracing DNS Query Originator Public Recursor A ? 1 authoritative server A ? 2 A 3 4 This is not a contribution

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HTTP/2 HPACK ByteBuf, No more buffering, var int improvements, header list/table size Limit reserved streams Dependency state refactor Future HTTP/2 Child Channels Connection Stream ID=0 Leader ID=3 Weight=201 Unblocked ID=5 Weight=101 Background ID=7 Weight=1 Follower ID=11 Weight=1 Speculative ID=9 Weight=1 GET /myscript.js ID=15 Weight=2 GET /ajax.xml ID=19 Weight=2 GET / ID=13 Weight=2 GET /img.gif ID=17 Weight=12 This is not a contribution

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HTTP/2 Dependency Tree Original Attempt Overly fair -> bad Goodput UniformStreamByteDistributor No priority -> go fast WeightedFairQueueByteDistributor What if the NIC executed in parallel? Fairness vs Goodput Non-active streams accounted for Stream 0 Stream 3 Weight=10 Bytes=100 Stream 5 Weight=100 Bytes=200 Stream 7 Weight=16 Bytes=300 Stream 9 Weight=16 Bytes=400 This is not a contribution

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HTTP/2 WeightedFaireQueueByteDistributor (1) Allocation Quantum = 50 Stream 3 Weight=10 Bytes=100 PseudoTime=0 Stream 5 Weight=100 Bytes=200 PseudoTime=0 Stream 7 Weight=16 Bytes=300 PseudoTime=0 Stream 9 Weight=16 Bytes=400 PseudoTime=0 Stream 3 PseudoTimeToWrite=0 Stream 0 PseudoTime=0 Stream 5 PseudoTimeToWrite=0 Stream 7 PseudoTimeToWrite=0 Stream 9 PseudoTimeToWrite=0 This is not a contribution

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HTTP/2 WeightedFaireQueueByteDistributor (2) Stream 3 Weight=10 Bytes=50 PseudoTime=0 Stream 5 Weight=100 Bytes=200 PseudoTime=0 Stream 7 Weight=16 Bytes=300 PseudoTime=0 Stream 9 Weight=16 Bytes=400 PseudoTime=0 Stream 5 PseudoTimeToWrite=0 Stream 0 PseudoTime=50 Stream 3 PseudoTimeToWrite=550 Stream 7 PseudoTimeToWrite=0 Stream 9 PseudoTimeToWrite=0 This is not a contribution

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HTTP/2 WeightedFaireQueueByteDistributor (3) Stream 3 Weight=10 Bytes=50 PseudoTime=0 Stream 5 Weight=100 Bytes=0 PseudoTime=0 Stream 7 Weight=16 Bytes=300 PseudoTime=0 Stream 9 Weight=16 Bytes=400 PseudoTime=0 Stream 0 PseudoTime=250 Stream 3 PseudoTimeToWrite=550 Stream 7 PseudoTimeToWrite=0 Stream 9 PseudoTimeToWrite=0 This is not a contribution

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Questions & Answers This is not a contribution

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Thank You This is not a contribution