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ϝλόʔεΛࢧ͑Δٕज़ ʙUGCʹᷓΕΔ3DۭؒͷϦΞϧλΠϜ௨৴Λࢧ͑ΔGoʙ Ϋϥελʔגࣜձࣾ thara 2022-04-23 Go Conference 2022 Spring (Online)

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ࣗݾ঺հ 2 thara • Tomochika Hara (ݪ ஌Ѫ) • Ѫ஌ݝࡏॅϦϞʔτϫʔΧʔ • ૒ࢠͷ෕ • झຯ • NESΤϛϡϨʔλ࣮૷ @zetta1985

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ϝλόʔεϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ cluster ͱ͸ 3

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ϝλόʔεϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ cluster ͱ͸ 4

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ϝλόʔεϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ cluster ͱ͸ 5

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ࠓ೔࿩͢͜ͱ 6 • ϝλόʔεΛߏ੒͢Δཁૉٕज़ • ϝλόʔεϓϥοτϑΥʔϜͷόοΫΤϯυͱGo • room serverͷมભͱ಺෦ΞʔΩςΫνϟ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ϝλόʔεΛߏ੒͢Δཁૉٕज़ 8 3࣍ݩͷԾ૝ۭؒ UGC ΤίγεςϜ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3࣍ݩͷԾ૝ۭؒ 9 • Unity3d • ϦΞϧλΠϜಉظ • Ξόλʔͷ࢟੎৘ใ • ϘΠενϟοτ • ϞϊͷҐஔɾ޲͖

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. UGC ( = User Generated Contents) 10 • Ξόλʔ • ϫʔϧυ • Ϋϥϑτ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ΤίγεςϜ 11 • ΞϓϦ಺௨՟ • UGCͷചങ • Πϕϯτνέοτ • ΠϕϯτͰͷ౤͛મ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. શମߏ੒ 13

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. શମߏ੒ 14 6($ ΤίγεςϜ ࣍ݩͷԾ૝ۭؒ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. APIαʔόʔ 15 The Go gopher was designed by Renée French. • Ϣʔβʔೝূ • ϑϨϯυ • UGC؅ཧ • ೖࣨ؅ཧ • ܾࡁ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. UGCύΠϓϥΠϯ 16 The Go gopher was designed by Renée French. • VRM, glTF • reduction • native texture

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. glTF 17 • JSONʹΑΔ3DϞσϧ΍γʔϯΛදݱ͢ΔσʔλϑΥʔϚοτ • ૬ޓӡ༻ɾ༰ྔɾϥϯλΠϜॲཧͷޮ཰Խ • ʮ3Dʹ͓͚ΔJPEGʯ IUUQTHJUIVCDPN,ISPOPT(SPVQHM5'CMPCNBJOTQFDJ fi DBUJPO fi HVSFTHM5'@3(#@+VOFTWH

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. VRM 18 • ϓϥοτϑΥʔϜඇґଘͷ3DΞόλʔϑΝΠϧϑΥʔϚοτ • glTF-2.0Λϕʔεʹ͍ͯ͠Δ • ώϡʔϚϊΠυɾඪ४ͷإૢ࡞ɾҰਓশࢹ఺࠶ݱɾϥΠηϯε IUUQTWSNEFW

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. VRMΛGoͰѻ͏ 19 ΛϕʔεʹVRMʹରԠ type VRMExtension struct{ ... } func init() { gltf.RegisterExtension("VRM", func(data []byte) (interface{}, error) { var vrm VRMExtensio n err := json.Unmarshal(data, vrm ) return vrm, er r } ) } func DecodeVRM(raw []byte) (*gltf.Document, *VRMExtension, error) { var doc gltf.Documen t if err := gltf.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(raw)).Decode(&doc); err != nil { // error handling } return &doc, doc.Extensions["VRM"].(*VRMExtension), nil }

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. reduction/GPU native texture 20 func (c *converter) bufferViewImage ( src *gltf.Document, index uint32, dst *gltf.Document) (uint32, string, error) { bv := src.BufferViews[index ] buf, err := modeler.ReadBufferView(src, bv ) if err != nil { // error handling } // reduction & GPU native texture encoding converted, mimeType, err := converter.Convert(buf ) if err != nil { // error handling } newIndex := modeler.WriteBufferView(dst, gltf.TargetNone, converted ) return newIndex, mimeType, nil }

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. room server 21 The Go gopher was designed by Renée French.

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room serverͷมભͱ಺෦ΞʔΩςΫνϟ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. pubsubͷΈ (room serverҎલ) 23 • ۭؒಉظͰ͋Ε͹͜ΕͰे෼ • message΁ͷׯব͸Ͱ͖ͳ͍ • = ࣮ݱͰ͖Δػೳʹ੍ݶ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. pubsubͷΈ (room server) 24 • ୯ʹMQTTΛ͠Ό΂Δ͚ͩͷ Go੡TCPαʔόʔ • hack͢ΔͨΊͷԼ஍

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Actor 25 • client͝ͱͷॲཧ͕Մೳʹ • messageͷfiltering • LOD • Ξόλʔ࢟੎৘ใ • ϘΠε

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Actor 26

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Actor + global state 27 • globalͳঢ়ଶΛߋ৽Մೳʹ • ϫʔϧυΫϥϑτ • = ஔ͍ͨϞϊͷӬଓԽ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Actor + global state 28

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Next…? 29 • ͍ͩͿ໰୊΁ͷཧղ͕ਐΜͩ • ൚༻తͳ݁߹͔ΒɺΑΓҙຯ Λ࣋ͬͨߏ଄΁ • ߋͳΔ௨৴ྔ࡟ݮ • UDPϕʔεͷಠࣗϓϩτίϧ

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Cluster, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ·ͱΊ 31 • ϝλόʔεΛߏ੒͢Δཁૉٕज़ • 3࣍ݩͷԾ૝ۭؒ • UGC • ΤίγεςϜ • clusterͰ͸ͦͷόοΫΤϯυΛ Go Ͱ࣮ݱͯ͠·͢

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