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KDD 2017 Oey, Michael Julio Gregorius Edwadr

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KDD ● Held by Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining ( SIGKDD ) ● Part of Association for Computing Machinery ( ACM ) ● SIGKDD has become an official ACM SIG since 1998 ● ACM SIGKDD has hosted an annual conference since 1995 ● Considered as the most influential forum for knowledge discovery and data mining research GDP Labs Confidential

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KDD 2012 Beijing 2013 Chicago 2014 New York 2015 Sydney 2016 San Fransisco 2017 Halifax GDP Labs Confidential

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KDD 2017 ● Held at Halifax, Canada ● August 13th - 17th 2017 ● Consists of : ○ Tutorial ○ Workshop ○ Main Conference ■ Keynote ■ Paper presentations ● Sponsored by a lot of named tech companies from around the world GDP Labs Confidential

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KDD 2017 ● From Theory to Data Product - Applying Data Science Methods to Effect Business Change ● A/B Testing at Scale : Accelerating Software Innovation ● Workshop on Causal Discovery ● Anomaly Detection in Finance ● Platforms and Infrastructure ● Applied Machine Learning ● Deep Learning ● Intelligent Systems and Data Science ● KDD Panel : The Future of Artificially Intelligent Assistants ● Clustering ● Web Applications GDP Labs Confidential

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From Theory to Data Product : Applying Data Science Methods to Effect Business Change ● Advanced analytic entry points ○ The Technology Directive ○ The Field of Dreams ○ The Ambitious Executive ○ The Smart Competitor ● Are you asking the right questions? ○ Business valuable questions ● Agile Approach to Data Driven Decision Making ○ What is agile? ○ Managing uncertainty ● Data science is expensive, but if you don’t do it, you will be left behind Danielle Leighton Lindsay Brin Janet Forbes T4G Limited GDP Labs Confidential

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Google Vizier - A Service for Black Box Optimization Daniel Golovin Google Research ● Used on many applications ○ A/B Testing ○ Machine Learning ○ Physical Design ○ Robotics ● Vizier ○ Easy to use ○ Reliable ○ Scalable ○ Flexible ○ State of the art ● They tried Vizier to bake chocolate chip cookies GDP Labs Confidential

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TFX : TensorFlow Extended - A Production Scale ML Platform Heng Tze Cheng Google Research ● Productionizing ML pipeline is hard ● End to end ( from data to serving ) ● Design principles : ○ One ML platform for many products ○ Continuous training and serving ○ Human in the loop ○ Reliable and scalable ● Steps : ○ Data analysis ○ Data validation ○ Data transformation ○ Trainer ○ Model validation & evaluation ○ Serving ● Documentation -> passive way ● Education -> active way ( teach, talk ) ● Automation -> key principles GDP Labs Confidential

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Designing AI at Scale to Power Everyday Life Rajesh Parekh Facebook ● Data drives all product at Facebook ● FB Learner Flow ○ Help non ML people to use ML ○ 70% users are non AI-experts ○ 25% engineers are active users ● Applied Machine Learning at Facebook ○ Computer Vision ○ Deep Text ○ Speech and Video ○ AI Powered Camera ● What’s next ○ Multi modal learning ○ Transfer learning ○ Multi lingual modeling ○ Weakly supervised / unsupervised learning GDP Labs Confidential

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Industrial Machine Learning Josh Bloom General Electric ● Data produced by machines will overcome data produced by people ● Industrial Machine Learning ○ Preventive Maintenance ○ Anomaly / Failure detection ○ Etc ● Industrial level is more dangerous than social level ● Optimization metric ○ Higher accuracy != higher value ○ Drive towards higher precision/low FPR ● Models ○ Physical model ○ Data driven model ● Interpretability and accuracy trade off ● Small improvement helps a lot ● Hard to convince everyone to transition GDP Labs Confidential

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KDD 2017 ● Deep Learning for Personalized Search and Recommender Systems ● Recent Advances in Feature Selection: A Data Perspective ● 2017 Edition of AdKDD and TargetAd ● Three Principles of Data Science: Predictability, Stability, and Computability ● Supervised Learning ● Deep Learning ● Intelligent Systems and Data Science ● Hands-On Tutorial Declarative, Large-Scale Machine Learning with Apache SystemML ● Hands-On Tutorial Tensor Flow GDP Labs Confidential

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Online Advertising GDP Labs Confidential

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How ad works GDP Labs Confidential

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How ad works GDP Labs Confidential

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How ad works GDP Labs Confidential

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How ad works Advertiser Publisher GDP Labs Confidential

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Ad Pricing ● Popular Model ○ CPM -> cost per mille impression ○ CPC -> cost per click ○ CPA -> cost per acquisition ● Others ○ CPF -> cost per follower ○ CPV -> cost per view ○ CPI -> cost per install ○ CPD -> cost per download GDP Labs Confidential

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Criteo GDP Labs Confidential

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Criteo GDP Labs Confidential

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Attribution Model GDP Labs Confidential

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Attribution Probability GDP Labs Confidential

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Attribution Aware Bidder GDP Labs Confidential

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Bidding GDP Labs Confidential

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Result GDP Labs Confidential