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The Elephant in the Room PostgreSQL For Perl Programmers Brad Lhotsky

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Given NoSQL and MySQL Why bother with PostgreSQL?

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NoSQL Redis Cassandra MongoDB CouchDB etc.. •Distributed •Free Form Data Store •Document Storage •No need for intensive normalization

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MySQL for structured data. It's Web Scale.

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Fact or Fiction MySQL is faster than PostgreSQL.

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Surprisingly, using a technology without knowing how to use it yields poor performance

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Fact or Fiction MySQL is faster than PostgreSQL.

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MySQL & PostgreSQL SELECT grade, risk_score, risk_adjusted_value, SUM(risk_adjusted_value) FROM risky_mortgages GROUP BY grade or "Understanding the Mortgage Crisis of 2008"

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testdb=#; ERROR: column "risky_mortgages.risk_score" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function LINE 1: SELECT grade, risk_score, risk_adjusted_value, ... ^ PostgreSQL

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mysql>; +-------+------------+---------------------+--------------------------+ | grade | risk_score | risk_adjusted_value | SUM(risk_adjusted_value) | +-------+------------+---------------------+--------------------------+ | A | 90 | 90000 | 182000 | | A+ | 95 | 95000 | 95000 | | B | 80 | 80000 | 409000 | | C- | 60 | 60000 | 169000 | +-------+------------+---------------------+--------------------------+ MySQL

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MySQL makes SQL easy. That's why it's so successful!

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MySQL •Bought by Sun •Sun bought by Oracle •Oracle has a shining reputation with the Open Source Community, right? ! •What the Fork?!@$ •MariaDB •XtraDB •OurDelta •Drizzle

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PostgreSQL learned a lot from MySQL’s success.

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* with commercial support available! Open Source and BSD Licensed!

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PostgreSQL Features •Reliability •Excellent native types •Constraints •Stored Procedures •Triggers • Views •Explain / Analyze •Extensible!

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Features: Reliability •ACID •Atomicity •Consistency •Isolation •Durability ! •It’s turtles all the way down.

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•Numeric •Strings •Dates, Times, Intervals •Boolean •Array •Geometric •Networking! •JSON! Features: Native Data Types

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SELECT * FROM network WHERE ip << inet ‘’ SELECT * FROM documents WHERE json->>'priority' > 10 SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_ts > NOW() - interval '30 minutes'

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•Simple or complex •Best to keep simple, use triggers for complex •Validation at point of storage Features: Constraints

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CREATE TABLE positivity ( id SERIAL, happy_int INTEGER CHECK ( happy_int > 0 ), entry_ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW() );

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INSERT INTO positivity ( happy_int ) VALUES ( -2 ); ERROR: new row for relation "positivity" violates check constraint "positivity_happy_int_check"

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Features: Stored Procedures •PL/PgSQL •Oracle Compatible •Powerful and Transactional! •PL/Perl •Like mod_perl, shared interpreter •PL/Perl, no filesystem access •PL/PerlU, filesystem access •DBD::PgSPI •PL/R •Powerful Statistical Programming inside of Procedures

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CREATE FUNCTION lookup_dev_id(character varying) RETURNS integer AS $$ ! DECLARE in_ip inet := CAST($1 AS inet); out_dev_id INTEGER; ! BEGIN SELECT dev_id INTO out_dev_id FROM devices WHERE ip = in_ip; ! IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to locate IP: %', in_ip; END IF; ! RETURN out_dev_id; END$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

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SELECT lookup_dev_ip(‘’);

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•Use Stored Procedures to do things when something happens •Modify before or after change happens •Validation at the point of storage •DDL Changes can fire triggers Features: Triggers

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CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION email_signature() RETURNS trigger AS $$ ! use MIME::Lite; ! my $subject = q{New Signature: } . qq{$_TD->{new}{facility}:$_TD->{new}{native_sig_id}}; ! my $msg = new MIME::Lite( From => ‘’, To => ‘’, Subject => $subject, Type => 'TEXT', ); $msg->data(<<"EOB"); Description: $_TD->{new}{description} EOB ! $msg->send; return; $$ LANGUAGE plperlu;

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CREATE TRIGGER new_signature_email AFTER INSERT ON security_signatures FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE email_signature();

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•Read only •Use for Reports or Pages •Writable via Triggers •Static or Dynamic Features: Views

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Features: pg_stats •Tracks Usage Data •Used by optimizer •Viewable by mortals

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CREATE VIEW v_admin_index_usage AS SELECT t.relname AS “table”, c.relname AS index_name, c.relpages, i.idx_scan, t.seq_scan FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_stat_user_indexes i ON c.relname = i.indexrelname JOIN pg_stat_user_tables t ON i.relname = t.relname;

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SELECT, client.ip, SUM(queries) AS queries, SUM(nx) AS nx, SUM(answers) AS answers, SUM(errors) AS errors, COUNT(distinct day) AS days_active FROM client INNER JOIN client_stats ON = client_stats.client_id GROUP BY, client.ip HAVING COUNT(distinct day) > 2

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QUERY PLAN ! GroupAggregate (cost=33.25..41.30 rows=230 width=35) Filter: (count(DISTINCT > 2) -> Sort (cost=33.25..33.82 rows=230 width=35) Sort Key:, client.ip -> Hash Join (cost=15.77..24.23 rows=230 width=35) Hash Cond: (client_stats.client_id = -> Seq Scan on client_stats (cost=0.00..5.30 rows=230 width=28) -> Hash (cost=10.34..10.34 rows=434 width=15) -> Seq Scan on client (cost=0.00..10.34 rows=434 width=15) EXPLAIN - What You Think You'll Do

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GroupAggregate (cost=33.25..41.30 rows=230 width=35) (actual time=4.498..6.117 rows=8 loops=1) Filter: (count(DISTINCT > 2) -> Sort (cost=33.25..33.82 rows=230 width=35) (actual time=4.417..4.925 rows=234 loops=1) Sort Key:, client.ip Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 43kB -> Hash Join (cost=15.77..24.23 rows=230 width=35) (actual time=2.085..3.697 rows=234 loops=1) Hash Cond: (client_stats.client_id = -> Seq Scan on client_stats (cost=0.00..5.30 rows=230 width=28) (actual time=0.014..0.468 rows=234 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=10.34..10.34 rows=434 width=15) (actual time=2.049..2.049 rows=434 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 20kB -> Seq Scan on client (cost=0.00..10.34 rows=434 width=15) (actual time=0.011..0.995 rows=434 loops=1) Total runtime: 6.242 ms EXPLAIN ANALYZE- What You Did

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•Tons of PL/* Languages •PostGIS (GeoSpatial) •tsearch2 full text search •ltree for representing tree structure in SQL ! •PGXN by David Wheeler •Based on the CPAN Features: Extensibility

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Major Features: 8.4 •Windowing Functions SELECT person, dept, salary, avg(salary) OVER( partition by dept ) FROM employees

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SELECT * FROM employees; ! id | name | dept | gender | salary ----+---------+------------+--------+-------- 1 | bob | it | m | 45000 2 | alice | it | f | 42000 3 | charlie | it | m | 55000 4 | bill | it | m | 46000 5 | jill | it | f | 35000 6 | rob | accounting | m | 35000 7 | jane | accounting | f | 30000 8 | janice | accounting | f | 37000 9 | jack | accounting | m | 40000 (9 rows)

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name | dept | salary | salary_dept ---------+------------+--------+------------- rob | accounting | 35000 | 35500 jane | accounting | 30000 | 35500 janice | accounting | 37000 | 35500 jack | accounting | 40000 | 35500 bob | it | 45000 | 44600 jill | it | 35000 | 44600 alice | it | 42000 | 44600 charlie | it | 55000 | 44600 bill | it | 46000 | 44600 (9 rows) SELECT name, dept, salary, AVG(salary) OVER (partition by dept)::int AS salary_dept FROM employees;

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SELECT dept, gender, salary, AVG(salary) OVER (partition by dept)::int AS salary_dept, AVG(salary) OVER (partition by gender)::int AS salary_gender, AVG(salary) OVER (partition by dept, gender)::int AS salary_dept_gender FROM employees dept | gender | salary | salary_dept | salary_gender | salary_dept_gender ------------+--------+--------+-------------+---------------+-------------------- accounting | f | 30000 | 35500 | 36000 | 33500 accounting | f | 37000 | 35500 | 36000 | 33500 accounting | m | 35000 | 35500 | 44200 | 37500 accounting | m | 40000 | 35500 | 44200 | 37500 it | f | 35000 | 44600 | 36000 | 38500 it | f | 42000 | 44600 | 36000 | 38500 it | m | 46000 | 44600 | 44200 | 48667 it | m | 45000 | 44600 | 44200 | 48667 it | m | 55000 | 44600 | 44200 | 48667 (9 rows)

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Major Features: 9.0 •Hot Standby •Streaming Replication •Trigger Improvements •WHEN •Column-based triggers •Deferrable Constraints •Anonymous Functions •Named Parameter Calls •Exclusion Constraints

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CREATE TABLE reservations ( room_id INTEGER NOT NULL, guest_id INTEGER NOT NULL, during DATERANGE NOT NULL ) ALTER TABLE reservations ADD CONSTRAINT exclude_room_period EXCLUDE USING gist( room_id WITH =, during WITH && )

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Major Features: 9.1 •Synchronous Replication •PGXN Support •UNLOGGED tables •SE/Linux Integration •SQL/MED (Management of External Data) •MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, ODBC, JDBC, Informix •CouchDB, MongoDB, Redis, Neo4j •LDAP, Twitter, S3, Storm, WWW •ETC

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Major Features: 9.2 •Index only scans •Native JSON datatype •Native Range types

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Major Features: 9.3 •Custom Background Workers •Native Materialized Views •LATERAL JOIN() •Native JSON Operators •Recursive View Support •Automatic Updatable Views

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Also noteworthy .. •hstore for Key/Value pairs like NoSQL •Custom Data Types •Composite Types •Partial Indices •Namespaces •Table Partitioning via Views/Triggers

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