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Juliano Alves @vonjuliano Manipulating Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) to generate safe SQL Queries with Quill.

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Who am I? ● Software Engineer, Searcher of perfect modularization, Lover of Functional Languages ● The cool ones Scala, Clojure, Elixir ● The "vintage" ones Java, C#, Python, Ruby @vonjuliano

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Quill Secret Sauce

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Quill Secret Sauce

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Quill Secret Sauce

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What is an AST?

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Abstract syntax trees are data structures widely used in compilers to represent the structure of program code ... It often serves as an intermediate representation of the program

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Quill AST

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Overview of Quill AST

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A Query represents database/collections actions.

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An Operation happens between operands and operators. (A || B && C)

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An Action is basically an statement.

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Ordering defines the order.

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A Value indicates the different contexts for values.

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A Lift represents lifted values/structures coming from outside the quotation scope

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Iterable Operation handles collections ops

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Option Operation knows EVERYTHING about options

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Other elements

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Complete-ish Quill AST

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Show me the code

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scala> case class Person(id: Int, name: String, age: Int) scala> case class Address(fk: Option[Int], street: String, number :Int) scala> val q1 = quote { query[Person] } scala> pprint.pprintln(q1.ast) Entity("Person", List())

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scala> val q2 = quote { query[Person].filter(_.age > 25) } scala> pprint.pprintln(q2.ast) Filter( Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation( Property(Ident("x1"), "age"), >, Constant(25) ) )

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scala> val q3 = quote { | query[Person].filter(_.age > 25).map( | } scala> pprint.pprintln(q3.ast) Map( Filter( Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation( Property(Ident("x1"), "age"), >, Constant(25)) ), Ident("x2"), Property(Ident("x2"), "name") )

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scala> val q4 = quote { | query[Person] | .leftJoin(query[Address]) | .on((p, a) => == | .map {case (p, a) => (, a.flatMap(} | } scala> pprint.pprintln(q4.ast)

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Map( Join( LeftJoin, Entity("Person", List()), Entity("Address", List()), Ident("p"), Ident("a"), OptionExists(Property(Ident("a"), "fk"), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation(Ident("x1"), ==, Property(Ident("p"), "id"))) ), Ident("x01"), Tuple( List( Property(Property(Ident("x01"), "_1"), "name"), OptionTableFlatMap(Property(Ident("x01"), "_2"), Ident("x2"), Property(Ident("x2"), "fk")) ) ) )

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Tokens and Tokenizers

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"A Token is a sequence of characters that can be treated as a unit in the grammar of the programming languages" Keywords, identifiers or operators are tokens.

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// Statement.scala sealed trait Token sealed trait TagToken extends Token case class StringToken(string: String) extends Token { override def toString = string } case class ScalarTagToken(lift: ScalarTag) extends TagToken { override def toString = s"lift(${})" } case class QuotationTagToken(tag: QuotationTag) extends TagToken { override def toString = s"quoted(${tag.uid()})" }

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// Statement.scala case class ScalarLiftToken(lift: ScalarLift) extends Token { override def toString = s"lift(${})" } case class Statement(tokens: List[Token]) extends Token { override def toString = tokens.mkString } case class SetContainsToken(a: Token, op: Token, b: Token) extends Token { override def toString = s"${a.toString} ${op.toString} (${b.toString})" }

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// Ast.scala sealed trait Ast { override def toString = { import ... implicit def externalTokenizer: Tokenizer[External] = Tokenizer[External](_ => stmt"?") implicit val namingStrategy: NamingStrategy = io.getquill.Literal this.token.toString } }

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// StatementInterpolator.scala trait Tokenizer[T] { def token(v: T): Token } implicit def listTokenizer[T](implicit tokenize: Tokenizer[T]): Tokenizer[List[T]] = Tokenizer[List[T]] { case list => list.mkStmt() } implicit def stringTokenizer: Tokenizer[String] = Tokenizer[String] { case string => StringToken(string) } // many more implementations

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Let's tokenize!

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// SqlQuery.scala case class FlattenSqlQuery( from: List[FromContext] = List(), where: Option[Ast] = None, groupBy: Option[Ast] = None, orderBy: List[OrderByCriteria] = Nil, limit: Option[Ast] = None, offset: Option[Ast] = None, select: List[SelectValue], distinct: Boolean = false ) extends SqlQuery

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// SqlIdiom.scala > FlattenSqlQueryTokenizerHelper protected class FlattenSqlQueryTokenizerHelper(q: FlattenSqlQuery) (implicit astTokenizer: Tokenizer[Ast], strategy: NamingStrategy) { import q._ def distinctTokenizer = (if (distinct) "DISTINCT " else "").token def withDistinct = select match { case Nil => stmt"$distinctTokenizer*" case _ => stmt"$distinctTokenizer${select.token}" } DISTINCT $t

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// SqlIdiom.scala > FlattenSqlQueryTokenizerHelper def withFrom = from match { case Nil => withDistinct case head :: tail => val t = tail.foldLeft(stmt"${head.token}") { case (a, b: FlatJoinContext) => stmt"$a ${(b: FromContext).token}" case (a, b) => stmt"$a, ${b.token}" } stmt"$withDistinct FROM $t" } DISTINCT $t FROM $t

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// SqlIdiom.scala > FlattenSqlQueryTokenizerHelper def withWhere = where match { case None => withFrom case Some(where) => stmt"$withFrom WHERE ${where.token}" } DISTINCT $t FROM $t WHERE $t

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// SqlIdiom.scala > FlattenSqlQueryTokenizerHelper def withGroupBy = groupBy match { case None => withWhere case Some(groupBy) => stmt"$withWhere GROUP BY ${tokenizeGroupBy(groupBy)}" } DISTINCT $t FROM $t WHERE $t GROUP BY $t

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// SqlIdiom.scala > FlattenSqlQueryTokenizerHelper def withOrderBy = orderBy match { case Nil => withGroupBy case orderBy => stmt"$withGroupBy ${tokenOrderBy(orderBy)}" } protected def tokenOrderBy(criterias: List[OrderByCriteria]) (implicit astTokenizer: Tokenizer[Ast], strategy: NamingStrategy) = stmt"ORDER BY ${criterias.token}" DISTINCT $t FROM $t WHERE $t GROUP BY $t ORDER BY $t

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// SqlIdiom.scala def withLimitOffset = limitOffsetToken(withOrderBy).token((limit, offset)) protected def limitOffsetToken(query: Statement) (implicit astTokenizer: Tokenizer[Ast], strategy: NamingStrategy) = Tokenizer[(Option[Ast], Option[Ast])] { case (None, None) => query case (Some(limit), None) => stmt"$query LIMIT ${limit.token}" case (Some(limit), Some(offset)) => stmt"$query LIMIT ${limit.token} OFFSET ${offset.token}" case (None, Some(offset)) => stmt"$query OFFSET ${offset.token}" } DISTINCT $t FROM $t WHERE $t GROUP BY $t ORDER BY $t LIMIT $t

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// SqlIdiom.scala > FlattenSqlQueryTokenizerHelper def apply = stmt"SELECT $withLimitOffset" SELECT DISTINCT $t FROM $t WHERE $t GROUP BY $t ORDER BY $t LIMIT $t

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// SqlNormalize.scala private val normalize = (identity[Ast] _) .andThen(DemarcateExternalAliases.apply _) .andThen(new FlattenOptionOperation(concatBehavior).apply _) .andThen(new SimplifyNullChecks(equalityBehavior).apply _) .andThen(Normalize.apply _) // Need to do RenameProperties before ExpandJoin which normalizes-out all the tuple indexes // on which RenameProperties relies .andThen(RenameProperties.apply _) .andThen(ExpandDistinct.apply _) .andThen(NestImpureMappedInfix.apply _) .andThen(Normalize.apply _) .andThen(ExpandJoin.apply _) .andThen(ExpandMappedInfix.apply _) .andThen(Normalize.apply _)) def apply(ast: Ast) = normalize(ast)

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scala> case class Person(id: Int, name: String, age: Int) scala> case class Address(fk: Option[Int], street: String, number :Int) scala> import io.getquill._ scala> val ctx = new SqlMirrorContext(PostgresDialect, Literal) scala> import ctx._

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scala> val q1 = quote { query[Person] } scala> pprint.pprintln(q1.ast) Entity("Person", List()) scala> pprint.pprintln( "SELECT,, x.age FROM Person x"

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scala> val q2 = quote { query[Person].filter(_.age > 25) } scala> pprint.pprintln(q2.ast) Filter( Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation( Property(Ident("x1"), "age"), >, Constant(25) ) ) scala> pprint.pprintln( "SELECT,, x1.age FROM Person x1 WHERE x1.age > 25"

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scala> val q3 = quote { | query[Person].filter(_.age > 25).map( | } scala> pprint.pprintln(q3.ast) Map( Filter( Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation( Property(Ident("x1"), "age"), >, Constant(25)) ), Ident("x2"), Property(Ident("x2"), "name") )

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scala> pprint.pprintln( "SELECT FROM Person x1 WHERE x1.age > 25"

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scala> val q4 = quote { | query[Person] | .leftJoin(query[Address]) | .on((p, a) => == | .map {case (p, a) => (, a.flatMap(} | } scala> pprint.pprintln(q4.ast)

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Map( Join( LeftJoin, Entity("Person", List()), Entity("Address", List()), Ident("p"), Ident("a"), OptionExists(Property(Ident("a"), "fk"), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation(Ident("x1"), ==, Property(Ident("p"), "id"))) ), Ident("x01"), Tuple( List( Property(Property(Ident("x01"), "_1"), "name"), OptionTableFlatMap(Property(Ident("x01"), "_2"), Ident("x2"), Property(Ident("x2"), "fk")) ) ) )

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scala> pprint.pprintln( "SELECT, FROM Person p LEFT JOIN Address a ON ="

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Beta Reductions

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scala> val pq = quote { | query[Person].map( > 1) | } scala> val aq = quote { | query[Address].map( > 1)) | } scala> pprint.pprintln(pq.ast) scala> pprint.pprintln(aq.ast)

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Filter( Map(Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x1"), Property(Ident("x1"), "id")), Ident("x2"), BinaryOperation(Ident("x2"), >, Constant(1)) ) Filter( Map(Entity("Address", List()), Ident("x1"), Property(Ident("x1"), "fk")), Ident("x2"), OptionExists(Ident("x2"), Ident("x3"), BinaryOperation(Ident("x3"), >, Constant(1))) )

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scala> pprint.pprintln( "SELECT FROM Person x1 WHERE > 1" scala> pprint.pprintln( "SELECT FROM Address x1 WHERE > 1"

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A beta reduction is the process of calculating a result from the application of a function to an expression.

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// FlattenOptionOperation.scala override def apply(ast: Ast): Ast = ast match { // ... case OptionExists(ast, alias, body) => if (containsNonFallthroughElement(body)) { val reduction = BetaReduction(body, alias -> ast) apply((IsNotNullCheck(ast) +&&+ reduction): Ast) } else { uncheckedReduction(ast, alias, body) } // ... }

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// BetaReduction.scala override def apply(o: OptionOperation): OptionOperation = o match { // ... case OptionMap(a, b, c) => OptionMap(apply(a), b, BetaReduction(replacements - b)(c)) case OptionForall(a, b, c) => OptionForall(apply(a), b, BetaReduction(replacements - b)(c)) case OptionExists(a, b, c) => OptionExists(apply(a), b, BetaReduction(replacements - b)(c)) case other => super.apply(other) }

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scala> case class Person(id: Int, name: String, age: Int) scala> val q = quote { | (value: String) => | if (value == "drinks") | query[Person].filter(_.age >= 21) | else | query[Person] | } scala> pprint.pprintln(q.ast)

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Function( List(Ident("value")), If( BinaryOperation(Ident("value"), ==, Constant("drinks")), Filter( Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation( Property(Ident("x1"), "age"), >=, Constant(21)) ), Entity("Person", List()) ) )

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scala> pprint.pprintln(q("drinks").ast) If( BinaryOperation(Constant("drinks"), ==, Constant("drinks")), Filter( Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation( Property(Ident("x1"), "age"), >=, Constant(21)) ), Entity("Person", List()) )

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> sbt -Dquill.transform.reducetrivial=true . // TriviallyCheckable.scala def unapply(ast: Ast): Option[Ast] = ast match { // ... case TriviallyCheckable(one) +==+ TriviallyCheckable(two) if (one == two) => Some(Constant(true)) case TriviallyCheckable(one) +==+ TriviallyCheckable(two) if (one != two) => Some(Constant(false)) // ... }

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> sbt -Dquill.transform.reducetrivial=true . // BetaReduction.scala override def apply(ast: Ast): Ast = ast match { // ... case If(TriviallyTrueCondition(), thenClause, _) if (Messages.reduceTrivials) => apply(thenClause) case If(TriviallyFalseCondition(), _, elseClause) if (Messages.reduceTrivials) => apply(elseClause) // ... }

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scala> pprint.pprintln(q("drinks").ast) Filter( Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation( Property(Ident("x1"), "age"), >=, Constant(21)) ) scala> pprint.pprintln("drinks")).string) "SELECT,, x1.age FROM Person x1 WHERE x1.age >= 21"

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scala> pprint.pprintln(q("whatever").ast) Entity("Person", List()) scala> pprint.pprintln("whatever")).string) "SELECT,, x1.age FROM Person x1"

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Can we optimize lifted values?

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scala> val v = "other" scala> pprint.pprintln(q(lift(v)).ast) If( BinaryOperation( ScalarValueLift("$line16.$read.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.v","other", MirrorEncoder()), ==, Constant("drinks") ), Filter( Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x1"), BinaryOperation(Property(Ident("x1"), "age"), >=, Constant(21)) ), Map( Entity("Person", List()), Ident("x2"), Property(Ident("x2"), "name") ) )

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Quill is a "Domain Specific Compiler" Define/manipulate your own domain Abstract Syntax Trees Enforce correctness Type checking Transform and build outputs Normalization Improve how code works! Optimization

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Juliano Alves @vonjuliano Manipulating Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) to generate safe SQL Queries with Quill. Thank you!