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VIMPRINT A VIM KEYSTROKE PARSER 28th May, 2013 Drew Neil @nelstrom

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VIMPRINT should... visualize keystrokes in realtime

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VIMPRINT should... understand all built-in commands

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VIMPRINT should... be extensible

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VimSpeak Turns spoken English into keystrokes

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VimSplain Turns keystrokes into plain English

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Vimulator Turns live keystrokes into plain English

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VimGolf Logs real keystrokes

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vim -w keystrokes are BUFFERED

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Parslet 1st attempt at parsing Vim keystrokes

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class Vimprint < Parslet::Parser rule(:start) { match('[iIaAoOsS]').as(:switch) } rule(:typing) { match('[^\e]') } rule(:terminate) { match('\e').as(:escape) } rule(:insertion) { start >> typing >> terminate } root(:insertion) end

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gv major stumbling block: switch from Normal mode to Visual mode and select the last selected text

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Ragel 2nd attempt at parsing Vim keystrokes

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Ragel state machines can not only recognize byte sequences as regular expression machines do, but can also execute code at arbitrary points in the recognition of a regular language.

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%%{ machine vim_print; action return { fret; } action push_insert_mode { fcall insert_mode; } escape = 27; input = (any - escape); motion = [hjklbwe0]; switch = [iIaAsSoO]; insert_mode := ( input* escape @return ); normal_mode := ( motion | switch @push_insert_mode )*; }%%

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2 IN 1 insert_mode normal_mode '0', 'b', 'e', 'h', 'j'..'l', 'w' 'A', 'I', 'O', 'S', 'a', 'i', 'o', 's' / push_insert_mode 3 27 / return DEF

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action H { @head = p } action T { @tail = p } action EmitMotion { @events << {motion: strokes} } action EmitSwitch { @events << {switch: strokes} } action EmitInput { @events << {input: strokes} } action EmitEscape { @events << {escape: ''} } escape = 27 >H@T @EmitEscape; input = (any - escape) >H@T @EmitInput; motion = [hjklbwe0] >H@T @EmitMotion; switch = [iIaAsSoO] >H@T @EmitSwitch;

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class VimParser attr_accessor :head, :tail, :data def initialize(listener) @events = listener %% write data; end def process(input) @data = input.unpack("c*") eof = @data.length stack = [] %% write init; %% write exec; end def strokes @data[@head..@tail].pack('c*') end end

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Slide 24 text = []).process("helihello\e") puts recorder {:motion=>"h"} {:motion=>"e"} {:motion=>"l"} {:switch=>"i"} {:input=>"h"} {:input=>"e"} {:input=>"l"} {:input=>"l"} {:input=>"o"} {:escape=>""}

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FATAL FLAWS with parsing keystrokes

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FATAL FLAWS no timestamps {...}

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FATAL FLAWS no document context :s/{pattern}/{string}/c

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FATAL FLAWS no filetype detection

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HALP! Vimprint Realtime Vim keystroke visualizer