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Carol Willing Thriving with Python Navigate the pitfalls in a polyglot world April 21, 2024 1

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polyglot knowing, using, or written in multiple languages

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Carol Willing Python Core Developer Python Steering Council (three terms) Python Software Foundation Fellow Jupyter Core Developer 2017 ACM Software System Award Papermill Maintainer pyOpenSci Advisory Board Chan Zuckerberg Open Science Board Quansight Labs Board VP of Engineering, Noteable

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How do we succeed in a polyglot world?

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Python and ??? Which languages to choose? • Rust, Go, C, C++ • JavaScript, TypeScript • Java, C# • Haskell, Clojure, Scala • Lua, Perl • Swift and others

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Watch your step How do we avoid the pitfalls? Swooning at shiny Chasing speed Hype and FOMO

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What should I do?

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Slide 11 text Guido van Rossum (Python) James Gosling (Java) Larry Wall (Perl) Anders Hejlsberg (Pascal, C#, TypeScript) me (Jupyter)

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1970s BASIC • Bell Labs mainframe BASIC • TRS-80 BASIC • Apple BASIC Don Slepian, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons Early personal computers By FozzTexx - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, index.php?curid=79580939

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1980s Fortran, Pascal, C, LISP, SQL • Mobile phones emerging • No smartphones • No web, no google • No Linux • No Python Yes - Arti fi cial Intelligence 😱

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My Journey

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Paradigm Shi ft s Transistors and mainframes Personal Computers Worldwide Web, Smartphones, Cloud computing and data science Generative AI and LLMs Cellular service Time

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Follow your North Star

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Embrace a new musician's mistakes mindset Loud and proud

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Take a step, then SCAMPER

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Understand your

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Let's go tackle some pitfalls

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Pitfall #1 Chasing speed

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Questions to ponder Speed • What to measure? • How to measure? • What are my goals? • Is it fast enough? • What are the tradeo ff s? Performance Reliability Flexibility Security

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3.11, 3.12, 3.13 Use a recent Python • Try the latest version • Alternatively, try pypy • 3.13 • Experimental freethreading without the gil (global interpreter lock) • JIT compiler • Release date: Tuesday, 2024-10-01

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Measure, then optimize Pro fi le • timeit or magic %timeit • cPro fi le (deterministic pro fi ler) • Pyinstrument (statistical pro fi ler) • py-spy (sampling pro fi ler) • pyperf ( py-spy basics py-spy Search fit (implicit/ calculate_similar_artists ( fit (implicit/ _get_similarity_score (implic.. _get_similarity_score (implicit/recommender_.. argpartition (numpy/core/ _wrapfunc (numpy/core/ calculate_similar_artists ( similar_items (implicit/ ( fl amegraphs to visualize

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cPro fi le, py-spy Pro fi le & Optimize • Data structures • Concurrency / Asynchronous • Vectorization and numpy • Accelerate using best practices in Python • Substitute C, Rust, Go, C++

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Itamar Turner-Trauring and Best practices Vectorization: How slow Python runs fast code | PyData Global 2022 Vectorization: How slow Python runs fast code | PyData Global 2022 Timestamps for video Faster Data Science: Speed up your data science and scienti fi c computing code

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GPUs and JITs • CUDA • numba • cupy Use to test with and without the decorator: %timeit monte_carlo_pi(1000)

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Complements Python and Rust Prototype in Python and move performance bottlenecks to Rust. - Moshe Zadka • Use PyO3 to wrap Rust code for Python • • maturin develop

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Development Speed • Ru ff • Playwright Bloomberg 1/2 million fi les, 100 million lines of code, funding PSF

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Up and running Prototyping Speed • Iterative • 5 lines of code or less can do meaningful work • Interactive with Jupyter notebooks

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Pitfall #2 Swooning at shiny

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Grass is greener in another language

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Slide 36 text pip poetry pdm conda hatch fl it mamba uv pixi • Rust - cargo, fast resolver, one stop distribution • JS - lock fi les, tools update everything packaging Maybe

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Python: a decade of improvements Maybe not • Pure Python packages • Thank you PyPA volunteers • Reach out and thank a maintainer • Watch Bernat Gabor's PyTexas talk on helping maintainers • Outreach e ff orts

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Science, Python, Community pyOpenSci • Python Package Guide • Tutorials • Peer reviewed scienti fi c packages • Inclusive open science

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Next gen conda pixi

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Rust, TypeScript, Python ff .rs Playground for formatting, AST, tokens, formatter IR

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Rust and Python in the real world Py03

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Python, JavaScript, p5.js JupyterLite, pyodide, WebAssembly JupyterLite runs entirely in the browser.

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Testing Playwright for Python • Performant and built using Rust • Web focus • JS, Python • Examples, docs, and YouTube updates

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import re from playwright.sync_api import Page, expect def test_has_title(page: Page): page.goto("") # Expect a title "to contain" a substring. expect(page).to_have_title(re.compile("Playwright")) def test_get_started_link(page: Page): page.goto("") # Click the get started link. page.get_by_role("link", name="Get started").click() # Expects page to have a heading with the name of Installation. expect(page.get_by_role("heading", name="Installation")).to_be_visible()

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PWDEBUG=1 pytest -s Launch Playwright debugger

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Load page and test for link

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Execute another test and step

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Pitfall #3 Hype and FOMO

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import antigravity Use Python. It's remarkable, and you can skip the TSA line. Wow!

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Interview with Scott Hanselmann Dr. Brandeis Marshall We all are data people.

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Tech Trends Source: Forrester Critical Global Issues Source: UN

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Timeline to a new technology What if I try... now basic grounding understand from the beginning 5 years solve a problem best practices automation 6 months more examples peers and their experiences 1 year better tooling better docs emerging packages

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Re fl ections from our polyglot journey

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Awareness Pitfalls Swooning at shiny Chasing speed Hype and FOMO

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Keys to success

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Expect to make mistakes 1

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Take a step, then SCAMPER 2

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Understand your "why" 3

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Treasure your time and energy 4

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Fun builds resilience 5

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What's next?

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Python and the polyglots

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Introducing their hit song Thriving at Python and the polyglots

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Python and the polyglots Thank you

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Python and the polyglots Thank you

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Carol Willing Thriving with Python Navigate the pitfalls in a polyglot world April 21, 2024 The End