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Data Migration with Confidence Juanito Fatas RedDotRubyConf 2017

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@JuanitoFatas Ramen Specialist

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Spanish name From Taiwan Live in Tokyo

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I became a salaryman #

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Cookpad Global Cookpad Japan

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Made in Japan $

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Reserve for local jokes %

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Data Migration?

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Schema Migration
 Data Migration

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Schema Migration Alter Schemas over time

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Data Migration Transfer data from to A System B System

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Existing Data Migration

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No content

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Data Migration to Existing System

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Data Migration with Confidence @JuanitoFatas Specialist of cookpad RedDotRubyConf 2017

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Why Migration?

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Rewrote for Clients

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New Partner joins company

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Data Migration

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~ Get All Data to our system Simple Goal

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~ Import data Modeling Migrate After migrate

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~ Get the Data Provider API Data Dump

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Provider API & Generic Migration Code ✅

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Data Dump & Generic Migration Code

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HOWTO Data Migration

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~ Start with a rake task

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~ lib/tasks/data_migration.rake

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~ lib/data_migration.rb

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~ Import dump to local

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~ GBs-size file

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monthly users 62 30M countries ~

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~ Add delay to the SQL dump for production

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~ Add sleep() before INSERT INTO

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~ Editing huge file

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~ +

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~ Enumerable#lazy

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~ set accordingly for staging & production

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~ Modeling Database

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~ With these 5 methods, you can model anything.

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~ Map data to your current system

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~ Sometimes as easy as

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~ As HTML in the recipes table field ‘steps’ , Sometimes…

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~ Setup Test Suite

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~ - Why Tests? The migration code only used once

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~ Better code through boring tests

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~ TDD to Get Things Done

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~ Modeling Tests Repeat

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~ Use all methods that raises exception

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~ Fail Fast to find all errors

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~ Example Migrate Recipes

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~ Add more migrators to migrate

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~ Data Integrity

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~ Transaction

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~ Idempotent Operation

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~ Run Migration many times

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~ Produce the Same Result

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~ f(x) = f(x)

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~ Upsert Update or Insert

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~ MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE PostgreSQL ON CONFLICT UPDATE PostgreSQL 9.5+ seamusabshere/upsert

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~ Data Accuracy

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~ Manually Check

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~ Automated Check

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~ Example Check users with most Recipes

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~ To check more things Add more Checker objects

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~ Use many small objects to compose

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~ Objects Everywhere

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For better object design

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For better object design

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Background Jobs

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Workers = CPU cores

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Designated Queues

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Log Every Unexpected Error

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For Better handling of Errors

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Run against all data to be migrated

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Fix every error you can before real migration

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~ Tools

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Retry mechanism

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Foreign Key Constraints Locks

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MySQL deadlock Results in

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Automatic Retry # Rails 4: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid

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Make sure what should be Retry

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retry_on discard_on ActiveJob::Exceptions

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Automatic Retry

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Examine & Retry

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In Resque

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Status Reporting

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Report every minute

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Monitoring CPU Usage

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~ Performance

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Performance is a Rabbit hole

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Preload associations

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Minimize scope of transaction

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Transaction Isolation Levels

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Avoid unnecessary callbacks

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Example You can touch after migration

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Process multiple records in one job

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Cache data in Memory

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Cache data in Redis

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Migrate Important things first

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First 10000 users w/ most recipes

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IO bound

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Scale up the Database

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Decrease the workers /0

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Bulk Insert Bulk Upsert* * Only MySQL supports bulk upsert zdennis/activerecord-import

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Every change to make it fast

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Run the WHOLE migration again

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Keep CPU usage max at 75% all

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~ Post Migration

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Update all necessities

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Redirect tables Cookpad Redirect programs Server redirects Provider

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Redirection Service cookpad/mirin

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~ Stories

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Cases of Email

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Remove duplicate emails before migration

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Remove invalid emails before migration

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downcase all the emails

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~ Get Site Dump

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~ 100GB generated on EC2* EC2 has bandwidth limits

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~ scp takes days ONLY if nothing failed within days

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~ delivers encrypted disk

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Migrate Millions of records

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AR + transaction bulk in/upsert activerecord-import load data in file

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Weeks Month-ish

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Run low priority job to migrate them

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When migrated User signed in

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Migrate their data in high priority

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Migrate 100K photos

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How our image work

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Design so it produces the same hash 4

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Set the designated hash during migration instead of upload, generate hash

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Benchmark how long to finish all

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X days?

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Migrate them X days before in low priority

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99% photos won’t change

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Migrate users password to secure auth

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Figure out what algorithm(s) was(ere) used

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When migrated user signed in

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System’s password auth will fail

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Fallback to Legacy Auth

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When password matched from legacy auth

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Set his password through secure password scheme

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No content

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Migration ~ The Future

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Migration done in Ghost Table fashion

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Data Dump & Generic Migration Code Only need to modeling database

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~ Takeaways

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Rails provides sharp tools thanks to rails core team

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Use Small objects to make your code more readable & maintainable

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Abstraction is the God of Programming! “ ” — Matthew Mongeau @halogenandtoast

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Schedule >> Fast

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Schedule >> Fast Integrity >> schedule

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Data Migration sounds hard

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Keep it Simple Made it Easy

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Do the Simplest Things “ ” — Winston Teo Yon Wei @winstonyw

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Enjoy ☕ Thank you!