Slide 7
Slide 7 text
The IP Switch.
You already know how to use it.
speed hardware acceleration.
1998, while ATM is fast becoming a standard for high-
Even the IP Switch’s microprocessor and manage-
ment interface have been chosen to deliver maximum
performance, compatibility and ease of use well into
the future. The Intel Pentium® is the latest version of
the world's most popular processor, a standard whose
perfonnance doubles every 18 months.
Our Network Voyager interface is Web-based,
which means you can manage with your choice of
graphical user interfaces or other Web-based browsers.
The proposed MPOA protocols will require an addltional250,000
W iii Vvlth thg most advancgd feature Set, the Widgst
lines ofcode just to implement lPsupport The lpsllon protocols, by contrast,
are simple and efficient and add less than 20,000 lines ofcode. Selncnon of applications and the most management
support, IP is fast becoming the protocol of choice, the
You can also create custom maps showing all IP
Switches, IP Switch Gateways and active data routes.
Hot links connect mapped devices to their appropriate
sites. And to simplify navigation, easy-access buttons
allow quick hops to neighboring devices.
Virtually unlimited scalability.
The IP Switch scales incrementally, inexpensively
only protocol a company
may ever need.
And since the
Ipsilon IP Switch
delivers throughput
that’s at least ve
times greater than
conventional routers,
and with huge performance gains. In fact, future IP it may be the last 1P
The lPSwl1‘ch scales incrementally in all
Switches will scale in step with next generation /U“M network,-Hg aspects. sawmi hardware, intemetwerking 5O1u_
switch engines, which are expected to be 5 to 10 times ZPP//@a"°”$ 3”” ”’@”=’9@”""”’ '”’@’T@@9~
tien yeu’11 ever need
faste For more infonnation, or to receive our multimedia
All ofwhich will help IP and ATM build on their CD-ROM, please call us at 1-888-IPSILON. Or visit
dominant positions in networking technology. IP appli- our Web Site at WWW_ip5i1en_eem_
cations are growing rapidly and are currently projected
to account for over 75% ofall LAN traffic by the year