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666 6996 000 006 69 96 9 6 lntroducinq The IP Switch. Five times the performance for half the cost. IPSILONS IP SVVITCH DELIVERS throughput of up to 5.3 million packets per second. That’s at least ve times faster than current top of the line routers, and twice as fast as the fastest ATM Forum solution. All for a price per port that’s less than halfthat of conventional routers. IP Switching. The next step in hiqh'p"f°rmame networking‘ multimedia and multicast and additional users have Many networks have already outgrown their capacity. bogged networks down. For others, it’s just a matter oftime. Current routing and switching methods are failing Bandwidth, always a rare commodity, simply can’t to meet the bandwidth challenge. And proposed solu- keep pace with the explosion in demand. Many-to- tions rely on extremely complex, unproven technology many topologies, more complex applications such as that is still evolving.

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But the IP Switch provides state-of- the-art perfonnance today with proven IP routing software and ATM hardware acceleration. It’s simple, fast, exible and intranet applications. It features IP, the single most popular protocol, and /UM hardware in a scalable platfonn that supports 16 and scalable. In fact, it often reduces Thinswim, ATM15gg provides 3 155 Mbps interfaces for 2.5 Gbps of the com lexi ofexistin networks h’g'_"5pe"’_d b"”kb"”e ff" eX's””g L/‘N5’ non-blockin stem bandwidth. p g e//m/nat/ng router/sw/tch bottlenecks g Sy while boosting throughput. and dramatically boosting performance. The result 1S a complete back- And since it's based on IP, the bone solution for networks that use scalable choice ofmillions of Intemet and corporate TCP/IP as their strategic protocol suite. Workgroups users, the IP Switch bypasses the conguration, opera- also benet from the tion and compatibility issues that are likely to plague high performance ATM networks and other high-speed solutions for and infrastructure years to come. compatibility of the The perfect combination H) Switch as it func‘ of IP robustness and ATM speed Hons as a superfast router to existing By combining the IP protocol stack with ATM hard- ware, the IP Switch is the ideal solution for both Intemet applications.

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6 6 9 9 € 0 6 9 6 9 9 6 Q 6 6 9 é 6 9 Nothinq leverages your existing network better. HE IP SWITCH NOT ONLY delivers Fvllv remeatible with the best perfonnance it makes the y°'" lstlnq equipment‘ bgst use ofyour Current network The IP Switch ts cleanly into existing IP network architectures, works with all IP applications and Ill-'<1t’$ l36CU$6 it fully SUPPOITS IR tll IT10$t Wldly management tools, and can be deployed incrementally used protocol, without any ofthe latency and expense at 3 very 10W CO5’; per pom A11 ofwhich pfQt@QtS yguf of multiprotocol routers. It offers a highly efficient, Current invggtfnent Whilg pfgpafing your n6tvV()f1( for redundant migration path for both workgroups and the futuf@_ enterprise backbones. And since it’s completely scal- Vvorkgroups’ espgcially thosg involved with high- able» thelels Vlrtually I19 llmll to tl1@ Size Of n@tWOYl< lt bandwidth applications, benet from an IP switched C811 9CC0mm0~¢ l\.§ " :'i":@,l l ».\. 1 iv-‘fl l l ,. Q L. Brrildill 1" Ill’ 5l>§IL!.“;,»;» ’ IPSwitch Servers if if 10 ma rum‘ ,IP$wimh, rsbmbs i 15m,“ ri"ie"B§m';;;e"»e , r 155mm: ‘ , "’"'!""9 ~, »wé 4»; " 1? I ; ll . a Router

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This staged migration works equally well in the enterprise backbone. The IP Switch eliminates server bottlenecks by connecting directly to ATM servers. The existing backbone G R A N D functions as a redundant path. Once you WINNER l complete the transition, the IP Switch will ‘°T?.i'ii;:§i°"‘ be the only backbone you’ll need for all your network traffic. oslgggw Ofcourse, the IP Switch supports all §g_,__i current and future IP protocols and applica- Us um tions, including RSVP, QoS (Qualityof Service) and IGMP multicast in hardware. Which means you can avoid the delays and complexity of LANE (LAN Emulation) and MPOA (Multi-Protocol Over ATM Dynamically shifts between store-and-forward routing and cut-through switching. Thanks to an intelligent classication scheme, the IP Switch knows when to switch and when to route based on the type of IP traffic. Longer lasting flows, such as FTP, NPS and HTTP data, and audio/video applications, are optimized by cut-through switching in the ATM hardware. Once a ow is characterized, the ports are mapped in hardware, bypassing the routing software and its processing overhead. Short-lived traffic, including DNS and SNMP queries and mail transfer, is processed through store-and-forward routing. In most networks, 90 percent or more of IP data traffic can qualify for high-speed cut-through switching. Non-IP traffic can also flow through such common practices as tunneling and encapsulation.

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|T’S PURE IP. There’s nothing new to leam. No complex ATM protocols. No obscure commands. No new software. In fact, from a management per- spective, the IP Switch is a standard IP node. So you can use your existing management tools and techniques. Or just point-and-click with our intuitive Network Voyager software. As easy as surfing the Web. Network Voyager’s Web-based management software gives you point-and-click access to every port and device on the IP Switch network. That’s because each IP Switch and IP Switch Gateway incorporates a Web server. You can configure, operate, monitor and troubleshoot any part ofthe network with a simple mouse click. IP Switches integrate naturally into the network view of any SNMP- compatible platform.

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The IP Switch. You already know how to use it. speed hardware acceleration. 1998, while ATM is fast becoming a standard for high- Even the IP Switch’s microprocessor and manage- ment interface have been chosen to deliver maximum performance, compatibility and ease of use well into the future. The Intel Pentium® is the latest version of the world's most popular processor, a standard whose perfonnance doubles every 18 months. Our Network Voyager interface is Web-based, which means you can manage with your choice of graphical user interfaces or other Web-based browsers. The proposed MPOA protocols will require an addltional250,000 K W iii Vvlth thg most advancgd feature Set, the Widgst lines ofcode just to implement lPsupport The lpsllon protocols, by contrast, are simple and efficient and add less than 20,000 lines ofcode. Selncnon of applications and the most management support, IP is fast becoming the protocol of choice, the You can also create custom maps showing all IP Switches, IP Switch Gateways and active data routes. Hot links connect mapped devices to their appropriate sites. And to simplify navigation, easy-access buttons allow quick hops to neighboring devices. Virtually unlimited scalability. The IP Switch scales incrementally, inexpensively only protocol a company may ever need. And since the Ipsilon IP Switch delivers throughput that’s at least ve times greater than conventional routers, and with huge performance gains. In fact, future IP it may be the last 1P The lPSwl1‘ch scales incrementally in all Switches will scale in step with next generation /U“M network,-Hg aspects. sawmi hardware, intemetwerking 5O1u_ switch engines, which are expected to be 5 to 10 times ZPP//@a"°”$ 3”” ”’@”=’9@”""”’ '”’@’T@@9~ tien yeu’11 ever need faste For more infonnation, or to receive our multimedia All ofwhich will help IP and ATM build on their CD-ROM, please call us at 1-888-IPSILON. Or visit dominant positions in networking technology. IP appli- our Web Site at WWW_ip5i1en_eem_ cations are growing rapidly and are currently projected to account for over 75% ofall LAN traffic by the year

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