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cache rules everything

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hi, i’m harry

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No content

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the best request is 
 the one that’s never made

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key concepts

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caching and revalidation

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caching: how long can i reuse this file without checking for updates?

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caching: how long can i reuse this file without checking for updates?

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revalidation: how do i check that a file has changed after my cache time limit is up?

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revalidation: how do i check that a file has changed after my cache time limit is up?

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caching is a way of stopping the client speaking to the server…

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…so revalidation shouldn’t 
 happen while a file is cached

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fresh and stale

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fresh: file is in cache and 
 within its expiry date

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stale: file is in cache but has 
 passed its expiry date

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fresh != most up-to-date

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request and response

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> request response 1 2

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200 and 304 responses

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200: yep, i fetched a full response

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> request 200 response 1 2

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> request 200 response 1 2

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304: i checked, and you can 
 reuse the old response

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> conditional request 304 response 1 2 3

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headers we don’t need

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pragma: no-cache

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pragma a caching header… sort of never meant to be used as a response header at all! should not be used

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“pragma is not specified for http responses and is therefore not a reliable replacement for the general http/1.1 cache-control header.” —

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expires: mon, 1 jan 2024 00:00:00 gmt

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expires a caching header not really harmful, just cache-control is better cache-control has been preferred since january 1997 expire at an absolute time fails if a user has changed their system time can quickly turns fi les completely uncacheable

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“if there is a cache-control header with the max-age or s-maxage directive in the response, the expires header is ignored.” —

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expires cache-control

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last-modified: mon, 1 jan 2024 00:00:00 gmt

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last-modified a revalidation header not really harmful, just etag is better date-of-creation is a proxy for change-of-content

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headers we do need

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cache-control: private, max-age=300, must-revalidate

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cache-control a caching header the rules and conditions for caching a response superseded expires in 1997 extensible

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etag: W/"680c753b-b8b"

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etag: "8ca7aa679f9065d2017a57244e5068408"

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etag a revalidation header weak or strong etags a hash of the cached response to compare to the remote version slightly more reliable than last-modified

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yes no cache-control: max-age=3600 cache-control: no-store can this response be cached at all?

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max-age how long for, in seconds? relative, whereas expires is absolute relative to the moment it entered cache give very careful consideration to these values everything in this slide-deck is an example—do not just copy/paste

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no-store no cache at all may store this response

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cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

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cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

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yes no cache-control: no-cache cache-control: max-age=3600 does this response always have to be perfectly up-to-date?

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> request 200 response 2 1 FORBIDDEN

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no-cache forbids the browser from going straight to the cache always makes a trip to the server always incurs a round-trip of latency negligible performance bene fi t unless the fi le was quite large

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yes no cache-control: public, max-age=3600 cache-control: private, max-age=3600 can this response be shared?

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yes no cache-control: public, max-age=3600 cache-control: private, max-age=3600 can this response be shared?

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public do you want many people to have access to the same fi le? e.g. all users need the same style.css exposes cacheability to cdns implied by the presence of max-age, so actually redundant comes with side-e ff ects, so usually best avoided

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> public > > > >

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> public > > > >

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> public > > > >

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> public > > > >

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> public > > > >

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private only the requesting client may store the response prevents personalised responses being sent to other visitors not a replacement for or alternative to no-store

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private > > > >

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private > > > >

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> private > > >

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> private > > >

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> private > > >

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> private > > >

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> private > > >

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yes no cache-control: max-age=3600 cache-control: max-age=3600, 
 must-revalidate can we reuse this response for of fl ine users even if it’s stale?

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must-revalidate caches are permitted to serve stale content unless explicitly told otherwise e.g. when a browser is o ff l ine must-revalidate prohibits this behaviour leave it o ff of anything that might be useful o ffl ine, even if stale e.g. non-live train timetable, blog-post add to things that might lie to people if out of date e.g. live train timetable

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“http allows caches to reuse stale responses when they are disconnected from the origin server. must-revalidate is a way to prevent this from happening…” —

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yes no cache-control: max-age=3600, 
 stale-while-revalidate=600 cache-control: max-age=3600 can we tolerate a slightly out- of-date response while we perform revalidation?

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stale-while-revalidate revalidation is synchronous; users see nothing until revalidation is complete can we get away with showing the old response to fi ll that gap? e.g. decorative image in a blog post

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> conditional request in the background 200 or 304 response in the background 200 response 2 3 1

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yes no cache-control: max-age=3600, 
 s-maxage=86400 cache-control: max-age=3600 do we need to con fi gure cdns and browsers differently?

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s-maxage why would you con fi gure shared and private caches di ff erently?

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cache-busting is a myth

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s-maxage why would you con fi gure shared and private caches di ff erently? you can’t empty your user’s cache, but you can empty your cdn’s set private cache to one hour and cdn cache to one day can clear cdn cache when you deploy users have maximum one-hour-old responses without having to come all the way back to origin

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s-maxage daily (or on demand) hourly

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yes no cache-control: max-age=2147483648, immutable cache-control: max-age=604800 is the fi le hashed, e.g. app.1ef702.js?

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immutable make a ‘contract’ with the browser fi ngerprinted fi les cease to exist when they’re ‘changed’ we get a whole new fi le therefore, we can cache this fi le forever, and never need to revalidate it how long is forever?

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2,147,483,648 01111111111111111111111111111111

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interestingly, technically, we don’t actually need revalidation

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we could just always fetch the whole response without checking if we actually needed to…

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…but let’s not risk being wasteful

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last- modified vs etag

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both cause the browser to 
 emit conditional requests 
 once max-age has been met

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> conditional request if (200 response) if (304 response) > 1 2 2

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conditional requests

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if-none-match: "8ca7aa679f9065d2017a57244e5068408"

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if-modified-since: mon, 1 jan 2024 00:00:00 gmt

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true: 200—here's your new response

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false: 304—please keep using the cached response

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prefer etag

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prefer etag last-modified changes whenever a fi le is written, even if its contents don’t etag only changes if the fi le actually changes avoids false-positives and wasteful 200 responses

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harryroberts in ~/cache-rules-everything on (main) » echo 'hello world' > revalidation » stat revalidation 
 ... sep 20 18:37:50 2023 » md5 revalidation 
 6f5902ac237024bdd0c176cb93063dc4 » echo 'hello world' > revalidation » stat revalidation 
 ... sep 20 18:39:23 2023 » md5 revalidation 
 6f5902ac237024bdd0c176cb93063dc4 same di ff erent

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don’t revalidate hashed responses

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because hashed files never change, there’s no need to revalidate them

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what have we learned?

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we shouldn’t expect to be able to fetch new content while a response is cached

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we only have two jobs; 
 we only need two headers

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cache-control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate etag: "edb18ab13566626184c376bc5ee2ea27"

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expires (caching) and last-modified (revalidation) aren’t bad…

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…but cache-control (caching) and etag (revalidation) are better

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files that never change never 
 need to be revalidated

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handy cheatsheets

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weeks days hours minutes short medium long forever never

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weeks days hours minutes short medium long forever never /my-account /news /store-locator /assets/product.jpg /assets/app.2efc38.ccs

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cache-control versioned 
 assets non-versioned 
 assets immutable maximum expiry 
 (68 years) more granular 
 directives etag

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thank you for your time

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further reading cache-control for civilians (harry roberts): caching header best practices (simon hearne): the headers we don’t want (andrew betts):

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