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Defeating the entropy downgrade attack

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Bio: Seth Wahle Founding Partner: Founder: Electronics engineer and Hardware Hacker Previously spoken at Hackmiami and B-sides Las Vegas Featured in Forbes and BBC for hacking android phones using an implanted NFC chip. & Lead engineer Website:

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"Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS" BEAST Factoring RSA Export Keys FREAK buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products BRANDING COMPANY "Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption" POODLE Security Losses from Obsolete and Truncated Transcript Hashes SLOTH 2015 2011 2015 2014 2016 Brief Company History

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Background Info Demon Bucket server kept locking up mysteriously. Many user doing 2048 bit or 4096 bit encryption /random ● Uses entropy gathered from actual entropy sources. ● Locks CPU until entropy is collected to complete encryption ● Used for critical random(encryption) /urandom ● sudo random random numbers based on an openly distributed algorithm ● Does not lock CPU ever ● acceptable for low grade random generation (games,etc)

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Continued ● Spurred an interest and a need to learn about encryption and entropy to make my server work properly. ● Implemented several modifications that we will go over shortly. ● Later learned of the possibility of an entropy downgrade attack.

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1. Choose two prime numbers 2. Multiply the prime numbers together to form a semi-prime number (N) 3. This becomes the modulus 4. Find the (phi) function of the modulus 5. Choose an encryption number(E) where E is between 1 and (phi) of N and is coprime with the modulus 1: P = 2 ,Q = 7 2: N = 14 is the modulus 3:(phi)N=(P-1)(Q-1) = 1*6 = 6 4: E = 5 5: E,N = public key 6: M= message so we will encrypt using the equation Encrypt M5(mod 14)=Cypher Text (C)

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1. Choose a decryption number(D) where the decryption times the encryption number to the modulus of (phi)N is equal to 1 2. D and N are the private key 5*D(mod 6) = 1 D = every 6th multiple, so we choose 11 D=11 Decryption Remember: P = 2 , Q = 7, N = 14, (phi)N= 6, E=5 M= Message, C = Cypher Text Decrypt using the equation CD mod N = M

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How This Applies 1. Choose a RANDOM prime number = P 2. Choose a RANDOM prime number = Q 3. Choose a RANDOM number that fits a criteria E 4. Choose a RANDOM number that fits a criteria D This all requires RANDOM numbers! and random numbers come from entropy.

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How the entropy downgrade attack works.

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Choose P = Select any random number, Then find find the next prime number larger than the chosen number. (uses blah blah blah algorithm, ask me if you wanna see how it’s done) Random Numbers are generated using ENTROPY Entropy - Random noise # cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail Computers average between 50 and 1000 bits of entropy when not modified for better entropy gathering VM’s are worse due to a lack of IO.

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Breaking an Encryption ● Capture the public key ● Guess the second Prime ● Run that though the RSA algorithms ● See if it comes out clear text Rinse and repeat until it comes out clear text. This is extremely hard to do against large primes (1024 bit+) trivial to do against small primes

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Entropy Vs Encryption Perform a 1024 bit encryption with 2000 bits of entropy out of the entropy pool remove 1024 bits of entropy from the pool and use it to generate a 1024 character long number then find the next higher number that is prime. Prime = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~ Perform a 1024 bit encryption with 1 bit of entropy in the pool Prime = X00000000000000000000000000000000000~ = X X = 1 or 0 Only 2 combinations to try!

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Downgrading Entropy Find a server serving employing SSL Hit it with thousands of session requests a second Capture legitimate sessions and decrypt with ease

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The Pool size Problem # cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize all current linux systems hard coded in kernel at 4096

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Pool Size Fix Recompile The Kernel with a larger poolsize It’s easy, ask me after and I will show you how.

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Watermarking Problem 100% 0% 35% 85% 4096 Bit Pool Start Collecting Entropy Stop Collecting Entropy SysCtl has a watermarking feature that stops and starts collecting entropy on to the entropy pool at certain levels +/- churn This was done to save ridiculously tiny amounts of system resources. This is hardcoded as well : (

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Watermarking Fix 100% 0% 75% 16,384 Bit Pool Start Collecting Entropy Stop Collecting Entropy Install RNG-tools and set new watermark RNG-tools over writes some of the systems entropy setting one of them being the watermarking options, This allows you to fix the watermarking without recompiling sysctl RNG-tools also give you control over entropy sources and setting and optimizations

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The Sourcing Problem

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The Sourcing Fix Install haveged - This generates entropy based on system timing and will generally bump your entropy up to 2000-3500 Get a Hardware RNG - $50 Make Your own HRNG from an RTL-SDR dongle ~$10 (do your homework on making it a secure source or ask me after) Borrow some entropy From a friend???

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Slide 20 text Seeds startup entropy from another computer on boot to get things started faster. Easy to install good for VM’s A good codebase to start from

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Entropy Broker

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Prime Caching ● Generate large random numbers in small chunks over time to reduce impact and requirements against the entropy pool. ● Use these to generate large primes ● Store a list of these cached large primes locally ● Roll a random selection against the cached ● Use and delete the randomly selected large prime ● Rinse and repeat

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Where's The Easy Mode? I have written a script that will apply the minimal basic changes to better protect your systems entropy as well as increase system performance! Is available at

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Check entropy pool_size -- cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/pool_size check entropy level -- cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail Pull some random data -- cat /dev/random | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1 Demo Notes