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Using Scrum to Strengthen Team Collaboration Nakato Arase / Yahoo! JAPAN

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Nakato Arase © Yahoo Japan Using Scrum to Strengthen Team Collaboration Yahoo Japan Technology Strategy Department, CTO Office #Agile Coach #lanchester strategy instructor #ORSC RAINING SERIES What am I #translator

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History of My Agile Coach journey ̎̌̎̎ Yahoo and group companies Remote and onsite Hybrid scrum ̎̌̎̌ Japan-Vietnam Scrum between 2 locations and 2 companies ̎̌̍̓ Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka Scrum between 3 locations ̎̌̎̍ Office adoption anywhere Remote scrum ̎̌̍̔ Yahoo and group companies Scrum between 2 companies ̎̌̍̒ Tokyo-Nagoya Scrum between 2 locations © Yahoo Japan Short-term study abroad

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History of My Agile Coach journey ̎̌̎̎ Yahoo and group companies Remote and onsite Hybrid scrum ̎̌̎̌ Japan-Vietnam Scrum between 2 locations and 2 companies ̎̌̍̓ Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka Scrum between 3 locations ̎̌̎̍ Office adoption anywhere Remote scrum ̎̌̍̔ Yahoo and group companies Scrum between 2 companies ̎̌̍̒ Tokyo-Nagoya Scrum between 2 locations © Yahoo Japan Short-term study abroad

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JAPAN VIETNAM TOKYO FUKUOKA OSAKA NAGOYA © Yahoo Japan Manufacturing Across Different Countries, Companies, and Locations Culture, character by location and country Mission/vision of each company

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© Yahoo Japan What do you want to improve with Scrum? - release our product small and fast - visualization of progress - Responding to change - release my product by the deadline Improve Project and Product management (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan But, too deep troubles happened! - release our product small and fast - visualization of progress - Responding to change - release my product by the deadline Improve Project and Product management (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Issues that emerged Ordering and Receiving (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Issues that emerged Ordering and Receiving sectionalism (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Issues that emerged Ordering and Receiving sectionalism suboptimization (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Issues that emerged Blaming / Defensiveness Ordering and Receiving sectionalism suboptimization (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Issues that emerged Blaming / Defensiveness be unconcerned Ordering and Receiving sectionalism suboptimization (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Issues that emerged Blaming / Defensiveness be unconcerned Ordering and Receiving sectionalism suboptimization Distressed Managers (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Value relationships between people (c)aflo © Yahoo Japan

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© Yahoo Japan © Yahoo Japan (c)aflo Good Teams Foster Collaboration

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© Yahoo Japan © Yahoo Japan (c)aflo Direct communication Good Teams Foster Collaboration With frequent direct communication (such as meetings and checks) between people who have information and those who want it, information is passed on quickly

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© Yahoo Japan © Yahoo Japan (c)aflo Direct communication Constructive discussions Good Teams Foster Collaboration With frequent direct communication (such as meetings and checks) between people who have information and those who want it, information is passed on quickly Good team has created an atmosphere where it is easy for everyone to express their opinions, making it difficult for people to criticize, insult, ignore, or blame others.

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© Yahoo Japan © Yahoo Japan (c)aflo Direct communication Constructive discussions Totally optimized decision-making Good Teams Foster Collaboration With frequent direct communication (such as meetings and checks) between people who have information and those who want it, information is passed on quickly Good team has created an atmosphere where it is easy for everyone to express their opinions, making it difficult for people to criticize, insult, ignore, or blame others. People can discuss each other’s position and what they value, and make decisions based on total optimization, not suboptimization.

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© Yahoo Japan © Yahoo Japan (c)aflo Direct communication There is a heightened sense of ownership, collaboration is fostered, and there is active teamwork self-managing Totally optimized decision-making Good Teams Foster Collaboration With frequent direct communication (such as meetings and checks) between people who have information and those who want it, information is passed on quickly People can discuss each other’s position and what they value, and make decisions based on total optimization, not suboptimization. Constructive discussions Good team has created an atmosphere where it is easy for everyone to express their opinions, making it difficult for people to criticize, insult, ignore, or blame others.

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© Yahoo Japan What improvements have been made with Scrum? Project reflection after product update - support for each member - a lot of conversation and communication - made decisions team Improved Collaborative Relationships (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Efforts to strengthen relationships - Case Studies of Initiatives - What I value (c)aflo © Yahoo Japan

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© Yahoo Japan Scrum collaborative work (c)aflo Frequent collaborative work occurs

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© Yahoo Japan Sprint Iteration Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Sprint Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Sprint Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Sprint - Consultation/Decision-Making - Share current status - Discussion with stakeholders - Improvement

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© Yahoo Japan Product Increment Integration Product Increment Planning Design Development Test Cross functional and feature team - Integration of deliverables - Information Transfer Planning Design Development Test Planning Design Development Test

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© Yahoo Japan 3 Roles Simple role Product Owner Scrum Master Developer - Set up scrum - Create increment - Maximize product value (ROI) Lots of collaborative work. - Artifact management - Scrum event management - Improvement

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© Yahoo Japan Using Scrum to Strengthen Team Collaboration Sprint Product Owner Scrum Master Developer 3 roles Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Sprint Product Increment Planning Design Development Test

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© Yahoo Japan Issues that emerged extrapunitive be unconcerned Ordering and Receiving sectionalism suboptimization Distressed Managers (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Study for Collaboration (c)aflo Core Theory of Success START Quality of Relationships Quality of Thinking Quality of Actions Quality of Results DANIEL KIM In Sprint retrospective

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© Yahoo Japan Conducted at the start of the Daily Scrum Teams discuss what kind of atmosphere they want to create for Scrum events such as the Daily Scrum and what kind of culture they want to foster. build a team cultur and atmosphere Designing Team Alliance (DTA) (c)aflo ग़యɹCRR Global Japan ORSC®ϓϩάϥϜ In Daily Scrum

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© Yahoo Japan Just Talk Discuss what you have noticed by facing your condition and emotions. (Example) "It looks like it's going to be a difficult undertaking, so I'm going to focus." "Today my children are home." “It seems like it’s going to be a difficult day.” "I might be a little sleepy." (c)aflo Create culture and atmosphere Designing Team Alliance (DTA) In Daily Scrum

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© Yahoo Japan Share your general emotions and general condition Interpret and discuss your general emotions in your own way. “I feel like I don’t have the bandwidth for it.” “I felt like now was the time to face the difficulties.” "Looking at each other's faces, I feel like the temperature in the room has risen." (c)aflo Create culture and atmosphere Designing Team Alliance (DTA) In Daily Scrum

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© Yahoo Japan Form an alliance to create the atmosphere you want Discuss with the team the atmosphere you want to create based on your emotions, the emotions of others person, and general emotions, and highlight a few (c)aflo Don't mind if the reply is late Check the situation proactively Have fun Talk about what you can entrust to each other (Example) "Ask us anytime on Zoom" "When I finish my work, I will check the situation of others." Create culture and atmosphere Designing Team Alliance (DTA) In Daily Scrum (DTA example)

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© Yahoo Japan Constellating the System If you feel friction in the relationship, model the connections and circumstances with the team and the people involved in the team, and discuss what you noticed. (c)aflo In Sprint retrospective ग़యɹCRR Global Japan ORSC®ϓϩάϥϜ

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© Yahoo Japan Draw a connection between yourself and others Draw a circle to represent your team and place yourself, members, stakeholders, and circumstances on the diagram (c)aflo Release approval (Example ) Constellating the System In Sprint retrospective

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© Yahoo Japan Draw the strengths of the connections Weak = - - - - Average = —— Strong = ==== Opposing = // (c)aflo // Release approval (Example ) Constellating the System In Sprint retrospective

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© Yahoo Japan Take a bird's-eye view and discuss what you notice What did you notice? What changes do you need? (c)aflo Constellating the System In Sprint retrospective // Release approval (Example )

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© Yahoo Japan Draw what kind of connections you want Draw the kind of connections the team wants to have, and discuss what you noticed and what you can do individually (c)aflo Constellating the System In Sprint retrospective // Release approval (Example )

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© Yahoo Japan “Improvisation” of Relationships Improvise the connections you want to make Discuss the general atmosphere and how people interacted (Example) "I was able to speak honestly" "Sometimes it was intense, other times I sensed a quiet and calm atmosphere." "Everyone is on the same page" (c)aflo In Sprint retrospective

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© Yahoo Japan “Improvisation” of Relationships Improvise the connections you want to make Discuss the general atmosphere and how people interacted (Example) "I was able to speak honestly" "Sometimes it was intense, other times I sensed a quiet and calm atmosphere." "Everyone is on the same page" (c)aflo In Sprint retrospective Don’t be afraid to fail

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© Yahoo Japan The Role of Scrum Product Owner Scrum Master Developer - Maximize product value (ROI) - Set up scrum - Create increment Roles played by people without realizing it - Primary response to question - Facilitating a heated discussion - Breaking the silence - Icebreaking and facilitating in tense situations - Tool organization and management of PBL, SBL, DoD - Moderating Scrum events - Minutes - Meeting invitation - Drinking party management Internal role External role

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© Yahoo Japan (c)aflo Role nausea, confusion, discontent for the role Signs of a Need to Rethink Roles - Primary response to question - Facilitating a heated discussion - Breaking the silence - Icebreaking and facilitating in tense situations - Tool organization and management of PBL, SBL, DoD - Moderating Scrum events - Minutes - Meeting invitation - Drinking party management

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© Yahoo Japan One person has an unwanted role for a long period of time Role nausea It’s unclear which roles are required for project and team management Confusion There are not enough people who are supposed to have a role. Poorly occupied roles New roles were needed as the team and organization changed and grew. New roles Signs of a Need to Rethink Roles

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© Yahoo Japan Circle of Gratitude (c)aflo Recognition of internal roles by others Say thank you to each other (Example) "Thank you for always talking to me at meetings." "Thank you for setting the mood for the team." "Thank you for your prompt support when tasks had piled up." In Sprint retrospective ग़యɹCRR Global Japan ORSC®ϓϩάϥϜ

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A different side of yourself than at your workplace or in front of colleagues (Example) Secret self “Ghosts” affecting roles Unraveling Internal Roles - Generous - Strict - Shy - Cheerful - Methodical 4USJDU ; Invisible entities, words, past events, etc. that affect roles (Example) - A word from the president - Boss’s expectations, appreciation from others, team behavior - A word from the president - Position (rookie, newcomer, veteran) - Past failures and successes (c)aflo (c)aflo © Yahoo Japan In Sprint retrospective ग़యɹCRR Global Japan ORSC®ϓϩάϥϜ

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Secret self (c)aflo Tool organization for PBL, SBL, DoD (c)aflo © Yahoo Japan In Sprint retrospective Unraveling Internal Roles “Ghosts” affecting roles - Generous - Strict - Shy - Cheerful - Methodical 4USJDU ; Invisible entities, words, past events, etc. that affect roles (Example) - A word from the president - Boss’s expectations, appreciation from others, team behavior - A word from the president - Position (rookie, newcomer, veteran) - Past failures and successes A different side of yourself than at your workplace or in front of colleagues (Example) ग़యɹCRR Global Japan ORSC®ϓϩάϥϜ

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© Yahoo Japan Role Retraining (c)aflo Product Owner Scrum Master Developer Internal rols © Yahoo Japan In Sprint retrospective ग़యɹCRR Global Japan ORSC®ϓϩάϥϜ

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© Yahoo Japan © Yahoo Japan (c)aflo Direct communication There is a heightened sense of ownership, collaboration is fostered, and there is active teamwork self-managing Totally optimized decision-making Good Teams Foster Collaboration With frequent direct communication (such as meetings and checks) between people who have information and those who want it, information is passed on quickly People can discuss each other’s position and what they value, and make decisions based on total optimization, not suboptimization. Constructive discussions Good team has created an atmosphere where it is easy for everyone to express their opinions, making it difficult for people to criticize, insult, ignore, or blame others.

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© Yahoo Japan Efforts to strengthen relationships - Case Studies of Initiatives - What I value (c)aflo © Yahoo Japan

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What I value - A little more on a daily basis. - Emotional importance of personal, interpersonal, and overall - Structuring and understanding dialogue - Meta-skills © Yahoo Japan

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© Yahoo Japan Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Sprint Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Sprint Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Sprint A little more on a daily basis. Leverage scrum events

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© Yahoo Japan Understanding of Self Emotional importance of personal, interpersonal, and overall Understanding of interpersonal Understanding of overall

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© Yahoo Japan Atmosphere of human interaction Focus on relationships between people.

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© Yahoo Japan Atmosphere of over all Focus on relationships over all.

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© Yahoo Japan Structuring and understanding dialogue Arnold Mindell 3 Levels of Reallity Model Consensus Reality Level Sentientɾessence Level Dreaming Level Consensus Reality Level Action - be surprised - strike a chord (e.g. in one's heart) - be thrilled Dreaming Level Emotion Sentientɾessence Level Unspeakable of reaction - Happy - Sad - Looks delicious - Plan - eat - go out with

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© Yahoo Japan Meta-skills #overlooking #respect #curiosity #desire to have fun #seriousness - Imagine the whole scene, the expressions, the words, and also what is not there - Do not judge by looking at only one aspect of the situation. - We respect all thoughts, opinions and actions. - Interested in the ideas and the background behind the statements. - I insert humor and enjoy myself. - Now that we are involved, we will do our utmost.

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© Yahoo Japan What improvements have been made with Scrum? Project reflection after product update - support for each member - a lot of conversation and communication - made decisions in the team Improved Collaborative Relationships (c)aflo

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© Yahoo Japan Value relationships between people © Yahoo Japan

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Thank you