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Should I really bother learning to code? by Diana MacDonald

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Diana MacDonald @DiDoesDigital

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- Roles

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- Roles - 3 ways to use code in design

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- Roles - 3 ways to use code in design - Where to go next

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Show of hands

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Designers should…

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Design roles

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Design roles

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This is a false dichotomy

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Design roles

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There are other unicorn skills

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Design roles

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There is an opportunity cost

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Design roles

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No one works alone

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Design roles

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Design roles

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There is value in fluency

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Design roles

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Design roles

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Coach people on your process

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Design roles

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3 ways to use code in design

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- 1. Designing in the browser

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- 1. Designing in the browser - 2. Prototyping

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- 1. Designing in the browser - 2. Prototyping - 3. Personal projects

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1. Designing in browser

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document.designMode = 'on'

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Designing in browser

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Designing in browser

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2. Prototyping

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Balance speed and fidelity

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3. Personal projects

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Personal projects

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Personal projects

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Personal projects

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Personal projects

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Personal projects

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Personal projects

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Code what you can and fake everything else

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Personal projects

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Personal projects

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Immediate value

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Where to start?

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Where to start? - Don't fear the Internet
 by Jessica Hische & Russ Maschmeyer

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Where to start? - Don't fear the Internet
 by Jessica Hische & Russ Maschmeyer - The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web
 by Richard Rutter

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Where to start? - Don't fear the Internet
 by Jessica Hische & Russ Maschmeyer - The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web
 by Richard Rutter - Designing in the browser
 by Kayce Basques, Google devtools/css/

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Where to go next? - Next-level Prototyping for Web Design
 by Ling Zhou web-design-2c9f54e51d57

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Where to go next? - Next-level Prototyping for Web Design
 by Ling Zhou web-design-2c9f54e51d57 - Passion Projects (Procrastiworking)
 by Jessica Hische

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Where to go next? - Next-level Prototyping for Web Design
 by Ling Zhou web-design-2c9f54e51d57 - Passion Projects (Procrastiworking)
 by Jessica Hische - Sketch plugins
 by Sagi Shrieber sketch-plugin/

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How much code? - “Design or code” is a false dichotomy - There’s opportunity cost—in teams & AI - There’s value in fluency—without coding - Design in the browser—with a little code - Balance speed and fidelity in prototypes —with as much as you need for realism - Code for immediate value and fake everything else

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Code for designers

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Should you really bother learning to code?

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Questions? Diana MacDonald | @DiDoesDigital