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Ricardo Vazquez, UI/UX Designer @iamrvazquez

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I love art, I love code, I love coding art™

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design matters

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design matters LOT a

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TheGreat discontent

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Design must be useful, aesthetic, discrete, lasting, useful. Most importantly, good design must be as little as possible.

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WhO Code...

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bits.css typography.css layout.css footer.css ui.css modules.css

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S e p a r a t e your CSS, or I’m coming after you.

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bits.css typography.css layout.css footer.css ui.css modules.css global.css

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@import ‘bits.css’ @import ‘ui.css’ @import ‘typography.css’

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Wishful Thinking

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Sass Me up

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Sass is an extension of CSS3 which adds nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. Sass generates well formatted CSS and makes your stylesheets easier to organize and maintain.

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A computer program that modifies data to conform with the input requirements of another program.

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No content

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I used to Drink the hard stuff

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Let’s get Started

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$siteBg = #B9C1C7 $labelBg = #02ADEA $moduleClr = #AEAFB0

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span display: inline-block background: $labelBg margin: 5px 5px 0 0

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.photo-details display: none &.active display: block h4 color: $blue font-size: 14px font-family: $helvetica font-weight: bold text-transform: uppercase .select width: 236px

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Slide 37 text h4 .select width: 236px

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Don’t. Repeat. YOURSELF.

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BE A Designer

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@mixin underline-on-hover( ) text-decoration: none &:hover text-decoration: underline

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=underline-on-hover( ) text-decoration: none &:hover text-decoration: underline

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a:link color: $active background: $buttonBg padding: 5px 10px +underline-on-hover

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String Interpolation in CSS?

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=vendorize($property, $value) -webkit-#{$property}: $value -moz-#{$property}: $value -ms-#{$property}: $value -o-#{$property}: $value #{$property}: $value

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+vendorize(appearance, none)

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+vendorize(appearance, none) +vendorize(box-sizing, border-box)

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+vendorize(appearance, none) +vendorize(box-sizing, border-box) +vendorize(animation-play-state, paused)

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v =group( ) &:before, &:after content: "\0020" display: block height: 0 overflow: hidden &:after clear: both

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v EXtending

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.sidebar-box margin: 0 0 10px 0 background: $bg padding: 10px .sidebar-auth-box @extend .sidebar-box input[type=text] padding: 10px border: 1px solid #ccc

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Simple, right?

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Still, we shouldn’t be spending our time writing mixins and extending all over the place. There’s gotta be something better.

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COMPASS i’m lost... get me a

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No content

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Sass is an extension of CSS3 which adds nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. Sass generates well formatted CSS and makes your stylesheets easier to organize and maintain.

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@import "compass/css3/border-radius" @import "compass/css3/transition" @import "compass/css3/opacity" @import "compass/css3/box-shadow" @import "compass/css3/text-shadow"

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+single-box-shadow (rgba(0,0,0,0.3),0px,1px,3px,false,true)

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on UI A WORD and UX

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Our vision is optimized to see structure Know your user State visualization Focus Help User testing Aesthetics

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And LOGIC Emotion

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Envision your users, and design logically; it will yield emotion if you let it breathe.

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CSS is Modular

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CSS is scalable

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CSS is design

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CSS is code

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CSS is smart

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CSS is not alone

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Make OUR Community Better

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CULL & Surrender

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@iamrvazquez THANK YOU