Sass is an extension of CSS3 which
adds nested rules, variables, mixins,
selector inheritance, and more. Sass
generates well formatted CSS and
makes your stylesheets easier to
organize and maintain.
Slide 21
Slide 21 text
A computer program that modifies
data to conform with the input
requirements of another program.
Still, we shouldn’t be spending our
time writing mixins and extending
all over the place.
There’s gotta be something better.
Slide 55
Slide 55 text
i’m lost...
get me a
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Slide 56 text
No content
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Slide 57 text
Sass is an extension of CSS3 which
adds nested rules, variables, mixins,
selector inheritance, and more. Sass
generates well formatted CSS and
makes your stylesheets easier to
organize and maintain.