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Scene 091 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) A-And they wanted to be... Action Notes CUT TO WIDE exterior shot of JP's HOUSE, slow TRUCK-IN BG: B007S012_1921.jpeg Scene 092 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG alone! Action Notes CUT TO wide of CRAIG and JP sitting in JP's Kitchen. CRAIG is telling JP what happened at the library and as JP half-listening while engrossed in his PHONE. BG: B129S105_2099 copy COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 207/349

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Scene 092 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) alone! Action Notes CRAIG gestures, JP reacts slightly to something he read on his PHONE Scene 093 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Like, Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of CRAIG seated at the table, still worked up and speaking. BG: B129S107_2101 COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 208/349

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Scene 093 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG without me! Action Notes CRAIG gestures to himself. Scene 093 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG QUICKLY turns and raises his hand COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 209/349

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Scene 093 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG QUICKLY slaps the table Scene 093 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG I mean can you believe that like - what?! Action Notes CRAIG lifts hand COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 210/349

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Scene 093 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG Uh- Action Notes CRAIG settles and leans forward as he noticed JP O.S. not paying attention to him. Scene 094 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) J-JP? Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of JP across the table, engrossed in his PHONE. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 211/349

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Scene 094 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) Who ya textin? Action Notes JP reacts/looks up at CRAIG O.S. Scene 094 Panel 3 Dialog JP Oh, Action Notes JP sheepishly reacts, and raises his phone COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 212/349

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Scene 094 Panel 4 Dialog JP Uh, Action Notes JPS's SLEEVE suddenly envelopes his whole arm, by itself without being pulled. Scene 094 Panel 5 Dialog JP it's just Omar. Action Notes JP turn to look at CRAIG O.S. across the table COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 213/349

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Scene 095 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Omar? Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of CRAIG reacting to JP across the table. BG: B129S107_2101 Scene 095 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG I-I didn't realize the group chat Action Notes CRAIG turns his head and lifts his arm to "dig" for his PHONE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 214/349

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Scene 095 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG was popping off. Action Notes CRAIG pulls out his PHONE and looks at it. Scene 096 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Huh, looks like I'm not getting any messages? Action Notes CUT TO C/U shot of CRAIG holding his PHONE with no new message notifications on the screen. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 215/349

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Scene 097 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Did you change your wi-fi password or-? Action Notes CRAIG pulls out his PHONE and looks at it. Scene 097 Panel 2 Dialog SFX (text allerts): Ding, Ding Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of CRAIG staring at his phone, small beat. BG: B129S107_2101 COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 216/349

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Scene 097 Panel 3 Dialog SFX (text allerts): Ding Action Notes CRAIG reacts to continued MESSAGE NOTIFICATION SFX O.S. Scene 098 Panel 1 Dialog JP Hehe, Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of JP replying to CRAIG O.S., his SLEEVE vibrates as he receives another messages on his phone hidden in his sleeve COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 217/349

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Scene 098 Panel 2 Dialog JP Oh Action Notes JP suddenly turns and outstretches his arm Scene 098 Panel 3 Dialog JP Uh Action Notes JP's SLEEVE contracts to reveal his hand holding his PHONE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 218/349

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Scene 098 Panel 4 Dialog JP This isn't the group chat, this is just me and Omar. Action Notes JP settles with his phone and looks at, swiping the screen with his thumb. Scene 099 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of CRAIG listening and looking at JP O.S., still holding his PHONE BG: B129S107_2101 COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 219/349

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Scene 099 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG ...I didn't know Action Notes CRAIG puts away his phone, as he looks down at JP's PHONE O.S. Scene 099 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG you guys texted one on one... Action Notes CRAIG settles and looks back up at JP O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 220/349

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Scene 100 Panel 1 Dialog JP Oh heh ya. Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CRAIG and JP sitting in the KITCHEN, JP types with his thumbs on his PHONE BG: B129S105_2099 copy Scene 100 Panel 2 Dialog JP It started- Action Notes CRAIG begins to cross his legs and puts his elbow on the table. JP typing continues COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 221/349

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Scene 100 Panel 3 Dialog JP cuz we were talking about that show, Action Notes CRAIG settles, putting his chin in his hand, and looks down at JP's PHONE. JP typing continues Scene 100 Panel 4 Dialog JP Cheese Champions. Action Notes CRAIG looks up at JP JP typing continues COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 222/349

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Scene 100 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG Why didn't you include me? Action Notes CRAIG slightly leans forward as he wimpily asks. JP stops typing on his PHONE Scene 101 Panel 1 Dialog JP Uh, I dunno Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of JP holding his PHONE, looking at CRAIG O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 223/349

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Scene 101 Panel 2 Dialog JP cuz we can't bring up Cheese Champions around you without you ranting for like, Action Notes JP turns to CRAIG O.S., lowering his PHONE Scene 102 Panel 1 Dialog JP (O.S.) five minutes about how much you hate it? Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of CRAIG staring at JP across the table O.S. BG: B129S107_2101 COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 224/349

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Scene 102 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Oh well yeah, cuz it's Action Notes CRAIG suddenly reacts/replies, gesturing. Scene 102 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG RIDICULOUS. Action Notes CRAIG suddenly reacts/replies, gesturing. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 225/349

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Scene 102 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG I mean, Action Notes CRAIG suddenly reacts/replies, gesturing. Scene 102 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG they're cheeses cooking cheese, Action Notes CRAIG settles back and gestures. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 226/349

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Scene 102 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG okay? Action Notes CRAIG tilts his head and gestures Scene 102 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG The characters are all talking Action Notes CRAIG leans forward and puts his hand on the table COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 227/349

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Scene 102 Panel 8 Dialog CRAIG CHEESES, who are Action Notes CRAIG lifts his head and leans fwd and gestures Scene 102 Panel 9 Dialog CRAIG COMPETING Action Notes CRAIG gestures. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 228/349

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Scene 102 Panel 10 Dialog CRAIG to see who can cook the best cheese! Action Notes CRAIG leans fwd and puts his hand down Scene 102 Panel 11 Dialog CRAIG Have you thought about the implications of that? Action Notes CRAIG leans back and lifts his head COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 229/349

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Scene 103 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) Okay, who thought that it would be cool to go in a room, Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of JP watching and listening to CRAIG O.S. across the table. Scene 103 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (O.S., CONT) write a script, PITCH this, and get it made?! Action Notes JP reacts COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 230/349

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Scene 104 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Who produced this?! Action Notes CUT TO CRAIG Scene 104 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Who greenlit this?! Action Notes CRAIG looks tit he side and gestures COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 231/349

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Scene 104 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Who wrote this?! Action Notes CRAIG looks up and gestures Scene 104 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG Who is WATCHING this?! Action Notes CRAIG leans fwd and gestures COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 232/349

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Scene 105 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) All you see is Action Notes JP reacts Scene 105 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (O.S., CONT) cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese! Action Notes JP begins to roll his eyes COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 233/349

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Scene 105 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (O.S., CONT) cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese! Action Notes JP's eye roll ends with him looking down at his PHONE. Scene 105 Panel 4 Dialog JP (reading) Guess who's going on the cheese rant again? Hahaha... CRAIG (O.S.) The problem nowadays, see, we have so much dairy, we just gotta throw it on our TVs?! For our kids to see?! Action Notes JP turns, lifts his PHONE, and begins typing (cycle A&B) COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 234/349

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Scene 105 Panel 5 Dialog JP (CONT) Guess who's going on the cheese rant CRAIG (O.S., CONT) The problem nowadays, see, we have so much dairy, we just gotta throw it on our TVs?! For our kids to see?! SFX (text typing) Action Notes ACTION CONT Scene 105 Panel 6 Dialog JP (reading) again? CRAIG (O.S.) The problem nowadays, see, we have so much dairy, we just gotta throw it on our TVs?! For our kids to see?! Action Notes JP lifts his head COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 235/349

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Scene 105 Panel 7 Dialog JP (reading) Hahaha... CRAIG (O.S.) The problem nowadays, see, we have so much dairy, we just gotta throw it on our TVs?! For our kids to see?! Action Notes JP looks down at his phone Scene 106 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE shot of CRAIG and JP sitting at kitchen table. BG: B129S105_2099 copy COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 236/349

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Scene 106 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG JP! I can HEAR you! Action Notes CRAIG suddenly shouts at JP who reacts. Scene 106 Panel 3 Dialog JP ...Sorry. Action Notes CRAIG turns slightly and settles. JP looks over at CRAIG. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 237/349

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Scene 106 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG How long has this been going on, Action Notes CRAIG looks away, JP turns his head, still looking at CRAIG. Scene 106 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG any- Action Notes CRAIG looks back at JP COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 238/349

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Scene 106 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) anyway? Action Notes JP looks down at his PHONE Scene 106 Panel 7 Dialog JP Uhhh...since episode 36. Action Notes JP turns to CRAIG who looks down at the PHONE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 239/349

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Scene 106 Panel 8 Dialog JP Oh, here, here- Action Notes JP puts the PHONE down on the kitchen table, passing it over to CRAIG Scene 106 Panel 9 Dialog JP check it out! Action Notes JP settles, CRAIG looks over at the PHONE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 240/349

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Scene 107 Panel 1 Dialog JP (O.S.) There's not much Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT CRAIG looking down at JP's PHONE on the table BG: (EXTENDED) B129S107_2101 Scene 107 Panel 2 Dialog JP (O.S.) to see Action Notes CRAIG looks up at JP O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 241/349

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Scene 107 Panel 3 Dialog JP (O.S.) Just like...a lotta gouda memes, Action Notes CRAIG leans back and grasps JP's PHONE with his hand. Scene 107 Panel 4 Dialog JP (O.S.) of course! Action Notes CRAIG picks up JP's PHONE, turns and looks at it. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 242/349

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Scene 107 Panel 5 Dialog JP (O.S.) of course! Action Notes CRAIG REACTS Scene 108 Panel 1 Dialog JP (O.S.) Hehe...get it? Action Notes CUT TO C/U of CRAIG holding JP's PHONE. MEMEs and MESSAGES from OMAR are visable on the screen COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 243/349

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Scene 108 Panel 2 Dialog JP (O.S.) "Good-a" Action Notes CRAIG begins to scroll with his thumb, the MESSAGE FEED moves down, revealing more MESSAGES Scene 108 Panel 3 Dialog JP (O.S.) Like 'good'? Action Notes Action CONT. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 244/349

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Scene 108 Panel 4 Dialog JP (O.S., CONT) Like 'good'? Action Notes Action CONT. Scene 109 Panel 1 Dialog JP (O.S) Plus some lore talk, and some- Action Notes CUT TO CLOSE MID-SHOT of a stressed and shocked CRAIG, quickly swiping at JP's PHONE with his thumbs (CYCLE A & B) BG: B129S107_2101 COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 245/349

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Scene 109 Panel 2 Dialog JP (O.S, CONT) Plus some lore talk, and some- Action Notes CUT TO CLOSE MID-SHOT of a stressed and shocked CRAIG, quickly swiping at JP's PHONE with his thumbs (CYCLE A & B) BG: B129S107_2101 Scene 110 Panel 1 Dialog JP (OS) fan theories, and then just like ah... Action Notes CUT TO C/U of CRAIG holding JP's PHONE. MEMEs and MESSAGES from OMAR are visable on the screen COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 246/349

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Scene 110 Panel 2 Dialog JP (OS, CONT'D) fan theories, and then just like ah... Action Notes CRAIG begins to scroll with his thumb, the MESSAGE FEED moves down, revealing more MESSAGES Scene 110 Panel 3 Dialog JP (OS, CONT'D) fan theories, and then just like ah... Action Notes Action CONT. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 247/349

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Scene 110 Panel 4 Dialog JP (OS, CONT'D) fan theories, and then just like ah... Action Notes Action CONT. Scene 111 Panel 1 Dialog JP a poem we wrote together Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of JP COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 248/349

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Scene 111 Panel 2 Dialog JP about our favorite cheeses! It just goes Action Notes JP GESTURES Scene 111 Panel 3 Dialog JP ah, ahem... Action Notes JP turns and gestures to clear his throat COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 249/349

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Scene 112 Panel 1 Dialog JP (O.S) "Cheddars and swisses and quesos and bries-" Action Notes CUT to CU of PHONE as CRAIG's two hands begin quickly swiping through the MESSAGES which beging to blur together, with no end in sight (CYCLE A& B) Scene 112 Panel 2 Dialog JP (O.S, CONT) "Cheddars and swisses and quesos and bries-" Action Notes ACTION CONT COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 250/349

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Scene 113 Panel 1 Dialog JP (O.S) "Jacks and blues, al fresco, yes please!" CRAIG (panicked noise) Action Notes CUT TO EXTREME CU of CRAIG, quickly swiping at JP's PHONE with his thumbs (CYCLE A & B) BG: B129S107_2101 Scene 113 Panel 2 Dialog JP (O.S, CONT) "Jacks and blues, al fresco, yes please!" ...Craig? CRAIG (CONT) (panicked noise) Action Notes ACTION CONT COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 251/349

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Scene 114 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Huh?? Action Notes PUNCH OUT as CRAIG suddenly lowers JP's PHONE and looks up at JP O.S. Scene 115 Panel 1 Dialog JP (long sip) Action Notes CUT TO original shot MID-SHOT of JP sitting at table, only now TEEN JP sits in his seat, sipping on a SMOOTHIE GROOVY SMOOTHIE CUP, his large frame does not fit in the frame. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 252/349

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Scene 115 Panel 2 Dialog JP (CONT) (long sip) Action Notes CAMERA quickly twists and pulls out Scene 115 Panel 3 Dialog SFX: SLUUUUUURP Action Notes JP looks over at CRAIG O.S., and stops sucking. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 253/349

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Scene 115 Panel 4 Dialog JP okay, Craig? Action Notes JP lowers the CUP and looks over at CRAIG O.S. Scene 116 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of JP's HOUSE. BG: B007S012_1921.jpeg COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 254/349

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Scene 116 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (SCREAMING) Action Notes The SIDE-DOOR suddenly swings OPEN as CRAIG charges out, screaming and still holding JP'S PHONE Scene 116 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) (SCREAMING) Action Notes CRAIG turns and begins running and screaming down the driveway, away from JP's HOUSE. CRAIG still holds JP's PHONE in his hand. SIDE-DOOR swings closed BG: B007S012_1921.jpeg COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 255/349

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Scene 116 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) (SCREAMING) Action Notes SIDE-DOOR closes. CRAIG ACTION CONT. Scene 116 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) (SCREAMING) Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 256/349

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Scene 116 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) (SCREAMING) Action Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 116 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) (SCREAMING) Action Notes ACTION CONT. CRAIG runs OUT COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 257/349

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Scene 116 Panel 8 Dialog JP CRAIG! You took my phone! Action Notes JP suddenly opens the SIDE-DOOR and turns to call out to CRAIG O.S. who is already far gone. Scene 117 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S) So they've been texting for months! Action Notes CUT TO WIDE UPSHOT of CREEK TREES AND SKY. TWO BUTTERFLIES slutter in the sky, BUTTERFLY A calmly flutters in place, BUTTERFLY B flutters quickly and frantically around (The two butterflies represent WILDERNESSA and CRAIG, the frantic BUTTERFLY B matching a frantic CRAIG) BG: B148S017_941 COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 258/349

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Scene 117 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (O.S, CONT) So they've been texting for months! Action Notes ACTION CONT. (BUTTERFLY B flying around more wildly) Scene 117 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (O.S, CONT) So they've been texting for months! Action Notes ACTION CONT. (BUTTERFLY B flying around more wildly) COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 259/349

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Scene 117 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG (O.S, CONT) So they've been texting for months! Action Notes ACTION CONT. (BUTTERFLY B flying around more wildly) Scene 118 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG With- Action Notes CRAIG continues, CHEESESTICKS's head slides in. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 260/349

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Scene 118 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) out me! Action Notes CHEESESTICKS continues IN towards the back of CRAIG's head as CRAIG gestures while telling his story Scene 118 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG And- gah! Action Notes CHEESESTICKS suddenly licks CRAIG who REACTS. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 261/349

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Scene 118 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONTINUES. Scene 118 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes CHEESESTICK settles back. CRAIG settles, still reacting to being licked. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 262/349

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Scene 118 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG HEY! Action Notes CHEESESTICKS pulls he head up and O.S., as CRAIG suddenly turns and shouts. Scene 118 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG settles. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 263/349

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Scene 119 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of WILDERNESSA, CHEESESTICKS and CRAIG sitting around the log at the ROMANTIC POND(?). WILDERNESSA giggles at CRAIG, who sits, looking back and frowning at CHEESESTICKS, who sits and pants. BG: B148S063_1073 Scene 119 Panel 2 Dialog WILDERNESSA (giggles) Action Notes NESSA reacts COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 264/349

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Scene 119 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Y'know, They wouldn't Action Notes CRAIG antics/gestures at CHEESESTICKS Scene 119 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG even know each other Action Notes CRAIG gestures, pointint at CHEESESTICKS as CHEESESTICKS turns to walk. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 265/349

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Scene 119 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG if it wasn't for me. Action Notes CHEESESTICKS sits down on the other side of WILDERNESSA who looks back up at him. CRAIG gestures to himself as he repositions himself Scene 119 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG I just wish I got an invitation to talk about Cheese Champions. Action Notes WILDERNESSA turns to pet CHEESESTICKS. CRAIG settles, leaning back against the log again. cycle a/b for petting COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 266/349

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Scene 119 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG(CONT) I just wish I got an invitation to talk about Cheese Champions. Action Notes ACTION CONT Scene 120 Panel 1 Dialog WILDERNESSA Is that the show- Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of WILDERNESSA looking at and petting CHEESESTICKS (CYCLE A & B) COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 267/349

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Scene 120 Panel 2 Dialog WILDERNESSA (CONT) Is that the show- Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of WILDERNESSA looking at and petting CHEESESTICKS (CYCLE A & B) Scene 120 Panel 3 Dialog WILDERNESSA where the cheeses cook cheese? Action Notes WILDERNESSA looks back at CRAIG O.S. as she continues petting CHEESESTICKS COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 268/349

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Scene 120 Panel 4 Dialog WILDERNESSA (CONT) where the cheeses cook cheese? Action Notes WILDERNESSA looks back at CRAIG O.S. as she continues petting CHEESESTICKS Scene 121 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CRAIG leaning back against LOG, gesturing at WILDERNESSA O.S. BG: (EXTENDED) B148S068_1173 COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 269/349

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Scene 121 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Yes! Action Notes CRAIG quickly GESTURES Scene 121 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG settles. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 270/349

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Scene 121 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG And it's Action Notes CRAIG suddenly turns and leans back, lifting his other hand to antic a gesture Scene 121 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG nonsense. Action Notes CRAIG gestures. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 271/349

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Scene 121 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG In Season 2, Action Notes CRAIG gestures, lifting his head back up. Scene 121 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG the cheeses start fighting each other! Action Notes CRAIG turns to look at WILDERNESSA O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 272/349

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Scene 122 Panel 1 Dialog WILDERNESSA So Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of WILDERNESSA petting CHEESESTICKS as she replies to CRAIG. Scene 122 Panel 2 Dialog WILDERNESSA weird! Action Notes WILDERNESSA begins to look away, and stops petting. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 273/349

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Scene 122 Panel 3 Dialog WILDERNESSA (CONT) Like who came up with that show? CRAIG (OS) Right? Action Notes WILDERNESSA turns to look at CRAIG O.S. Scene 122 Panel 4 Dialog WILDERNESSA And then who drew it? CRAIG (OS) Exactly! Action Notes WILDERNESSA settles, CHEESESTICKS settles. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 274/349

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Scene 122 Panel 5 Dialog WILDERNESSA And who put it on TV? Action Notes NESSA gestures and looks into space Scene 123 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CHEESESTICKS, WILDERNESSA and CRAIG BG: B148S063_1073 COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 275/349

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Scene 123 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG THANK YOU! Action Notes CRAIG REACTS, NESSA leans back and settles, looking at CRAIG Scene 123 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG settles COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 276/349

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Scene 123 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG's expression drops. Scene 123 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG crosses his arm and leans forward. WILDERNESSA reacts. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 277/349

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Scene 124 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CRAIG sitting, leaning on his crossed arms. Small beat as Craig thinks. BG: (EXTENDED) B148S068_1173 Scene 124 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (sigh) Action Notes CRAIG SIGHS COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 278/349

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Scene 124 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Y'know at this point the only time I don't feel left out- Action Notes CRAIG turns his head as he begins to speak Scene 125 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) is when I'm Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of CHEESESTICKS and WILDERNESSA listening to CRAIG O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 279/349

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Scene 125 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) talking to you. Action Notes NESSA REACTS Scene 125 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes WILDERNESSA reacts, turning away and BLUSHING a little. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 280/349

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Scene 125 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes WILDERNESSA looks over at CRAIG O.S. Scene 125 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) You- Action Notes WILDERNESSA smiles. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 281/349

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Scene 126 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG You just...You get me. Action Notes CRAIG turns and looks down Scene 126 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG looks up and over at WILDERNESSA O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 282/349

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Scene 126 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (gasp) Action Notes CRAIG REACTS Scene 127 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT,cross dissolve from present day Wildernessa and Cheesesticks to Teenage Wildernessa and old Cheessticks. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 283/349

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Scene 127 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes continue action Scene 127 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes continue action COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 284/349

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Scene 128 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of a PERTURBED CRAIG. BG: (EXTENDED) B148S068_1173 Scene 128 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Oh no! THIS is how it happens! Action Notes CRAIG REACTS COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 285/349

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Scene 129 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CHEESESTICKS, WILDERNESSA and CRAIG BG: B148S063_1073 Scene 129 Panel 2 Dialog WILDERNESSA How what happens? Action Notes NESSA REACTS COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 286/349

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Scene 129 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Well, first Action Notes CRAIG REACTS Scene 129 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG you Action Notes CRAIG GESTURES at WILDERNESS who reacts COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 287/349

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Scene 129 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG get me, Action Notes CRAIG GESTURES to himself. WILDERNESSA leans forward. Scene 130 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) and I Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of WILDERNESSA and CHEESESTICKS looking at CRAIG O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 288/349

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Scene 130 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) get you, Action Notes WILDERNESSA and CHEESESTICKS look at each other. Scene 130 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) and then we're going Action Notes CHEESESTICKS settles and WILDERNESSA looks back at CRAIG O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 289/349

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Scene 130 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) out! Action Notes CHEESESTICKS and WILDERNESSA react CHEESESTICKS opens EYES. Scene 130 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes WILDERNESSA settles, CHEESETICKS looks down at WILDERNESSA. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 290/349

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Scene 130 Panel 6 Dialog WILDERNESSA ...what? CRAIG (OS) And then- Action Notes WILDERNESSA and CHEESESTICKS look up at CRAIG O.S. Scene 131 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG theres a concert, Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CHEESESTICKS, WILDERNESSA, and CRAIG. BG: B148S063_1073 COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 291/349

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Scene 131 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG(CONT) theres a concert, Action Notes NESSA turns to look at CRAIG BG: B148S063_1073 Scene 131 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG and you can't make it because Action Notes CRAIG stands up on the LOG, continuing GESTURING with his story. WILDERNESSA looks up at CRAIG. CHEESESTICKS raises his head and opens his mouth, CHEESESTICKS EYES disappear under his brow again COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 292/349

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Scene 132 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) you're tying yourself to a tree Action Notes CUT TO MID-SHOT of blushing WILDERNESSA and CHEESESTICKS still looking up at CRAIG O.S. Scene 132 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) to stop land developers Action Notes NESSA REACTS COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 293/349

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Scene 133 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG and I've lost Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of CRAIG with WILDERNESSA in the foreground listening to CRAIG. BG: (EXTENDED) B148S068_1173 Scene 133 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG all my friends! Action Notes CRAIG's head settles slightly as he remembers COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 294/349

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Scene 133 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG settles slightly as he thinks about the future Scene 133 Panel 4 Dialog WILDERNESSA Craig? Action Notes CRAIG looks over at WILDERNESSA COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 295/349

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Scene 133 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG Uh, thanks for listening. Action Notes CRAIG turns to WILDERNESSA and GESTURES. Scene 133 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG Uh, look, Action Notes CRAIG antics COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 296/349

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Scene 133 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG you're cool. And... Action Notes CRAIG GESTURES. Scene 134 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) I want you to be cool, Action Notes CUT TO MIDSHOT of WILDERNESSA and CHEESESTICK looking at CRAIG O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 297/349

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Scene 134 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) And I want US Action Notes CHEESESTICKS reacts shocked at what CRAIG is saying O.S., WILDERNESSA looks away, beginning to BLUSH Scene 134 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) to be cool together. Action Notes WILDERNESSA, BLUSHING, reacts shocked and wid-eyed, CHEESESTICKS, with his mouth still hanging open, looks down at WILDERNESSA COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 298/349

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Scene 135 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG But Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CHEESESTICKS, WILDERNESSA and CRAIG. CHEESESTICKS is looking at WILDERNESSA, who while still blushing, looks up at CRAIG. CRAIG, still standing on the log looking down at WILDERNESSA, continues his story. BG: B148S063_1073 Scene 135 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG I also want to keep- Action Notes CHEESESTICK settles, GRAIG antics on the word COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 299/349

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Scene 135 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG being cool with the people- Action Notes CRAIG settles, Scene 135 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG I've always been cool with. Action Notes CRAIG GESTUTRES again, COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 300/349

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Scene 135 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG And so- Action Notes CRAIG quickly recovers and steps back, WILDERNESSA reacts. Scene 135 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG that means- Action Notes WILDERNESSA turns to look at CRAIG as he continues stepping back. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 301/349

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Scene 135 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG I gotta go. Action Notes CRAIG turns and points at his exit Scene 135 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG bolts out, WILDERNESSA leans to watch him leave. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 302/349

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Scene 135 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG GONE. Scene 136 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of CHEESESTICKS and WILDERNESSA, having just watched CRAIG just leave O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 303/349

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Scene 136 Panel 2 Dialog WILDERNESSA Cheesesticks! Action Notes WILDERNESSA suddenly turns and throws herself into CHEESESTICKS' FUR. Small OVERSHOOT Scene 136 Panel 3 Dialog WILDERNESSA (CONT) Cheesesticks! Action Notes CHEESESTICKS and WILDERNESSA settle, and WILDERNESSA speaks into his fur. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 304/349

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Scene 136 Panel 4 Dialog WILDERNESSA (CONT) Cheesesticks! Action Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 136 Panel 5 Dialog WILDERNESSA He said "I want us to be cool..." Action Notes WILDERNESSA turns away from CHEESESTICKS' FUR, continuing her recap COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 305/349

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Scene 136 Panel 6 Dialog WILDERNESSA "...together!" Action Notes WILDERNESSA smiles & blushes, CHEESESTICKS smiles, too. WILDERNESSA grasps some of CHEESETICKS FUR in subtle excitement. Scene 136 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes CHEESETICKS BARKS COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 306/349

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Scene 136 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes CHEESETICKS A/B PANTING CYCLE Scene 136 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes CHEESETICKS A/B PANTING CYCLE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 307/349

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Scene 137 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO UNDER WATER DOWN-SHOT of ROCKS resting on the creek bed. WAVY UNDERWATER FX THRU SCENE Scene 137 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes BEAT as CRAIG speakes O.S. WAVY UNDERWATER FX THRU SCENE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 308/349

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Scene 137 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG'S HAND IN BUBBLE FX Scene 137 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes SPLASH FX as CRAIG reaches into creek COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 309/349

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Scene 137 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG'S HAND comes in quickly and grasps ROCK BUBBLE FX come down with CRAIG's HAND and then rise up with gravity WAVY UNDERWATER FX THRU SCENE Scene 137 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes BUBBLE FX SETTLES COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 310/349

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Scene 138 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO CLOSE UPSHOT of CRAIG bent over, looking down at CREEK BED O.S. BOARD REV - add more frantic poses for CRAIG Scene 138 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Not here! Action Notes CRAIG quickly and frantically lifts of ROCK. WATER FX follow CRAIG'S HAND/STONE. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 311/349

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Scene 138 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (CONT'D) Not here! Action Notes CRAIG quickly and frantically lifts of ROCK. WATER FX follow CRAIG'S HAND/STONE. Scene 138 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG quickly puts down ROCK O.S.. WATER FX follow. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 312/349

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Scene 138 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG looks over at another STONE O.S., and reaches for it with his other arm/hand. Scene 138 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG Not here! Action Notes CRAIG quickly lifts STONE up, looking where it was O.S., WATER FX follow CRAIG's HAND/STONE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 313/349

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Scene 138 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG (CONT'D) Not here! Action Notes CRAIG quickly lifts STONE up, looking where it was O.S., WATER FX follow CRAIG's HAND/STONE Scene 138 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG looks over at another STONE O.S., and reaches for it with his other arm/hand. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 314/349

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Scene 138 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG quickly puts down ROCK O.S.. WATER FX follow. Scene 138 Panel 10 Dialog CRAIG Not here! Action Notes CRAIG quickly and frantically lifts of ROCK. WATER FX follow CRAIG'S HAND/STONE. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 315/349

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Scene 138 Panel 11 Dialog CRAIG (CONT'D) Not here! Action Notes CRAIG quickly and frantically lifts of ROCK. WATER FX follow CRAIG'S HAND/STONE. Scene 138 Panel 12 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG quickly puts down ROCK O.S.. WATER FX follow. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 316/349

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Scene 138 Panel 13 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG looks over at another STONE O.S., and reaches for it with his other arm/hand. Scene 138 Panel 14 Dialog CRAIG WHERE Action Notes CRAIG quickly lifts STONE up, looking where it was O.S., WATER FX follow CRAIG's HAND/STONE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 317/349

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Scene 138 Panel 15 Dialog CRAIG WHERE Action Notes CRAIG quickly lifts STONE up, looking where it was O.S., WATER FX follow CRAIG's HAND/STONE Scene 138 Panel 16 Dialog s Action Notes CRAIG looks over at another STONE O.S., and reaches for it with his other arm/hand. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 318/349

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Scene 138 Panel 17 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG quickly puts down ROCK O.S.. WATER FX follow. Scene 138 Panel 18 Dialog CRAIG IS Action Notes CRAIG quickly and frantically lifts of ROCK. WATER FX follow CRAIG'S HAND/STONE. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 319/349

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Scene 138 Panel 19 Dialog CRAIG IS Action Notes CRAIG quickly and frantically lifts of ROCK. WATER FX follow CRAIG'S HAND/STONE. Scene 138 Panel 20 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG quickly puts down ROCK O.S.. WATER FX follow. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 320/349

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Scene 138 Panel 21 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG looks over at another STONE O.S., and reaches for it with his other arm/hand. Scene 138 Panel 22 Dialog CRAIG THE Action Notes CRAIG quickly lifts STONE up, looking where it was O.S., WATER FX follow CRAIG's HAND/STONE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 321/349

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Scene 138 Panel 23 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG quickly lifts STONE up, looking where it was O.S., WATER FX follow CRAIG's HAND/STONE Scene 138 Panel 24 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG looks over at another STONE O.S., and reaches for it with his other arm/hand. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 322/349

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Scene 138 Panel 25 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG quickly puts down ROCK O.S.. WATER FX follow. Scene 138 Panel 26 Dialog CRAIG CUBE?! Action Notes CRAIG quickly and frantically lifts of ROCK. WATER FX follow CRAIG'S HAND/STONE. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 323/349

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Scene 138 Panel 27 Dialog XAVIER (OS) I already checked those. Action Notes CRAIG stops. WATER FX drop down off CRAIG's HAND/STONE. Scene 138 Panel 28 Dialog Action Notes WATER FX continue. CRAIG looks up O.S. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 324/349

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Scene 139 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (OS) Xavier?! Action Notes CUT TO MID-UPSHOT of XAVIER staring at CRAIG O.S. Short, tense beat as he stares. Scene 140 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CRAIG and XAVIER standing in the CREEK. CRAIG is bent over holding a STONE looking up at XAVIER who is standing stoically and staring down at him. CREEK FX THRU SCENE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 325/349

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Scene 140 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG quickly stands up, and raises the STONE in defense. WATER FX trail CREEK FX THRU SCENE Scene 140 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG settles for a beat CREEK FX THRU SCENE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 326/349

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Scene 141 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID-UPSHOT of XAVIER staring at CRAIG O.S. Short, tense beat as he stares. Scene 142 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID-UPSHOT of CRAIG still ina defensive stance with his hand holding STONE raised. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 327/349

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Scene 142 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG stands, up cautiously, with STONE still raised, staring at XAVIER O.S. Scene 142 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG squints slightly COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 328/349

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Scene 143 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO a closer MID-SHOT of XAVIER staring back at CRAIG O.S. Scene 143 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes XAVIER squints/frowns back COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 329/349

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Scene 144 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO closer mid-shot of CRAIG, holding stown and squinting/frowning at XAVIER O.S. Scene 144 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG squints/frowns even more. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 330/349

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Scene 145 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO CLOSER shot of XAVIER staring at CRAIG O.S. Scene 145 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes XAVIER squints even more in return. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 331/349

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Scene 146 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO C/U of CRAIG, holding up a stone in his hand, squinting/frowning at XAVIER O.S. Scene 146 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG squints/frowns even more COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 332/349

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Scene 147 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO EXTREME C/U of XAVIER staring/squinting at CRAIG O.S. Scene 147 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes XAVIER squints so hard he closes his eyes. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 333/349

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Scene 147 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Smash zoom on eye Scene 147 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes eye quivers A/B poses COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 334/349

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Scene 147 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes XAVIER squints so hard he closes his eyes. Scene 148 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG squints so hard he closes his eyes. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 335/349

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Scene 148 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Smash zoom on eye Scene 148 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes eye quivers A/B poses COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 336/349

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Scene 148 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG squints so hard he closes his eyes. Scene 148 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 337/349

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Scene 149 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Nng... Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CRAIG and XAVIER standing in the CREEK. CRAIG, squinting, still has hand raised holding a stone. XAVIER is squinting so hard his eyes are closed. CREEK FX THRU SCENE Scene 149 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG It kinda hurts holding your eyes like this, huh? Action Notes XAVIER opens his eyes a little as CRAIG speaks CREEK FX THRU SCENE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 338/349

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Scene 149 Panel 3 Dialog XAVIER Y- Action Notes XAVIER looks back CREEK FX THRU SCENE Scene 149 Panel 4 Dialog XAVIER yeah. Action Notes XAVIER looks forward. CREEK FX THRU SCENE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 339/349

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Scene 150 Panel 1 Dialog XAVIER You Action Notes CUT TO MID UPSHOT of XAVIER speaking, Strained blink Scene 150 Panel 2 Dialog XAVIER ... Action Notes COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 340/349

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Scene 150 Panel 3 Dialog XAVIER ... Action Notes CUT TO MID UPSHOT of XAVIER speaking, eyes open to strained squint then ease open further into next pose in panel 4. Scene 150 Panel 4 Dialog XAVIER lookin for the last cube too? Action Notes Eye settle pose COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 341/349

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Scene 151 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Yeah... Action Notes CUT TO MID-UPSHOT of CRAIG still holding up the STONE, Scene 151 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG reacts/thinks COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 342/349

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Scene 151 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG But the Creek is so big... Action Notes CRAIG reacts, lowering his defenses as he speaks and considers. Scene 152 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG It feels... Action Notes CUT TO WIDE DOWNSHOT of CRAIG and XAVIER standing in CREEK, CRAIG with a STONE in his hand. CREEK FX THRU SCENE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 343/349

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Scene 152 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) It feels... Action Notes CRAIG looks up at XAVIER CREEK FX THRU SCENE Scene 152 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG impossible. Action Notes CRAIG looks around at all the rocks and stones in the creek, lowering his hand holding the STONE, XAVIER turns his head to look as well CREEK FX THRU SCENE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 344/349

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Scene 153 Panel 1 Dialog XAVIER Yeah, Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CRAIG and XAVIER standing in the creek, BOTH of them are looking down. CREEK FX THRU SCENE Scene 153 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG maybe it is for just one kid. Action Notes CRAIG looks up at XAVIER CREEK FX THRU SCENE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 345/349

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Scene 153 Panel 3 Dialog XAVIER But... Action Notes CRAIG turns towards XAVIER and raises the STONE in his hand. XAVIER turns his head towards CRAIG, while still looking down. CREEK FX THRU SCENE Scene 153 Panel 4 Dialog XAVIER Not for...two? Action Notes XAVIER looks up at CRAIG. CREEK FX THRU SCENE COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 346/349

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Scene 154 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO CLOSE MID-SHOT of CRAIG, holding up the STONE, glaring at XAVIER O.S. Scene 154 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG reacts, taken aback slightly. COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 347/349

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Scene 155 Panel 1 Dialog XAVIER Um... Action Notes CUT TO CLOSE MIDSHOT of XAVIER, staring down CRAIG O.S. for a beat. Scene 155 Panel 2 Dialog XAVIER Truce? Action Notes XAVIER raises his hand up and IN as a gesture of truce COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 348/349

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Scene 156 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MIDSHOT of CRAIG, still holding the stone, looking at XAVIER'S out-stretched HAND in foreground, Scene 156 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (gasp) Action Notes CRAIG looks up at XAVIER O.S., reacting to the suggestion COTC 1119-167 "The Cheese Stands Alone" - Final Board Page 349/349