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How to Make Kubernetes Controller Development Happier mercari.go #17 Yuki Ito (@mrno110)

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Merpay / Mercoin Architect Team Mercari Microservices Platform CI/CD Yuki Ito @mrno110

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Agenda ɾWhat is Kubernetes Controller ɾCode Generation ɾTesting ɾDebugging

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Agenda ɾWhat is Kubernetes Controller ɾCode Generation ɾTesting ɾDebugging

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What is Kubernetes Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative con fi guration and automation.

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Container Orchestration 👨💻 kube-apiserver kubelet Pod Pod Pod Node kubelet Pod Pod Pod Node kubectl

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Container Orchestration kubelet containerd runc Container Node runc Container Container Runtime Interface (CRI) runc Container Open Container Initiative (OCI) speci fi cation

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Container Orchestration kubelet containerd runc Container Node runc Container Container Runtime Interface (CRI) runc Container Open Container Initiative (OCI) speci fi cation

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Create Container (Pod) 👨💻 kube-apiserver kubectl YAML

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Create Container (Pod) -- - apiVersion: v 1 kind: Po d metadata : name: envo y spec : containers : - name: envo y image: envoy:lates t command : - '...'

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Create Container (Pod) kube-apiserver Pod etcd Write Read

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Container Orchestration 👨💻 kube-apiserver kubelet Pod Pod Pod Node kubelet Pod Pod Pod Node kubectl

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Controller Pattern A controller tracks at least one Kubernetes resource type. These objects have a spec fi eld that represents the desired state. The controller(s) for that resource are responsible for making the current state come closer to that desired state.

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e.g. Built-in Deployment Controller -- - apiVersion: apps/v 1 kind: Deploymen t spec : replicas: 3 template : spec : containers : - image: envoy:latest

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e.g. Built-in Deployment Controller -- - apiVersion: apps/v 1 kind: Deploymen t spec : replicas: 3 template : spec : containers : - image: envoy:latest

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e.g. Built-in Deployment Controller Current Kubernetes Resource Deployment (ReplicaSet) Controller Desired Replicas: 3 Watch & Reconcile

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e.g. Built-in Deployment Controller Current Kubernetes Resource Deployment (ReplicaSet) Controller Pod Pod Pod Desired Replicas: 3 Watch & Reconcile

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e.g. Built-in Deployment Controller Current Kubernetes Resource Deployment (ReplicaSet) Controller Pod Pod Pod Desired Replicas: 3 Watch & Reconcile ❌

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e.g. Built-in Deployment Controller Current Kubernetes Resource Deployment (ReplicaSet) Controller Pod Pod Desired Replicas: 3 Watch & Reconcile

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e.g. Built-in Deployment Controller Current Kubernetes Resource Deployment (ReplicaSet) Controller Pod Pod Reconcile Pod Desired Replicas: 3

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Custom Kubernetes Controller Current Kubernetes Resource Custom Kubernetes Controller Resource Resource Resource Watch & Reconcile Desired state

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e.g. Pull Request Replication Controller

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e.g. Pull Request Replication Controller

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e.g. Pull Request Replication Controller

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Custom Resource De fi nition (CRD) ɾPod ɾReplicaSet ɾDeployment ɾService ɾIngress ɾHorizontalPodAutoscaler ɾPodDisruptionBudget ... e.g. Istio ɾVirtualService ... e.g. spanner-autoscaler ɾSpannerAutoscaler e.g. CrossPlane ɾCloudSQLInstance ... Native Resources Custom Resources + Extends Kubernetes using CRD

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e.g. Istio VirtualService

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e.g. spanner-autoscaler

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e.g. spanner-autoscaler apiVersion: 1 kind: SpannerAutoscale r metadata : name: spannerautoscale r namespace: xx x spec : scaleTargetRef : projectId: #... instanceId: #... minNodes: 5 maxNodes: 1 0 maxScaleDownNodes: 1 targetCPUUtilization : highPriority: 60 SpannerAutoscaler

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Custom Kubernetes Controller Current Kubernetes Resource Custom Kubernetes Controller Resource Resource Resource Watch & Reconcile Desired state

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kubernetes / client-go

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kubernetes / client-go

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kubernetes-sigs / controller-runtime

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kubernetes-sigs / controller-runtime

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kubernetes-sigs / kubebuilder

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kubernetes-sigs / kubebuilder > kubebuilder init --domain > tree . . ├── confi g │ ├── defaul t │ │ ├── kustomization.yam l │ │ ├── manager_auth_proxy_patch.yam l │ │ └── manager_config_patch.yam l │ ├── manage r │ │ ├── controller_manager_config.yam l │ │ ├── kustomization.yam l │ │ └── manager.yam l │ ├── prometheu s │ │ ├── kustomization.yam l │ │ └── monitor.yam l │ └── rba c │ ├── auth_proxy_client_clusterrole.yam l │ ├── auth_proxy_role_binding.yam l │ ├── auth_proxy_role.yam l │ ├── auth_proxy_service.yam l │ ├── kustomization.yam l │ ├── leader_election_role_binding.yam l │ ├── leader_election_role.yam l │ ├── role_binding.yam l │ └── service_account.yam l ├── Dockerfil e ├── d ├── m ├── hac k │ └── boilerplate.go.tx t ├── main.g o ├── Makefil e └── PROJECT

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Agenda ɾWhat is Kubernetes Controller ɾCode Generation ɾTesting ɾDebugging

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Agenda ɾWhat is Kubernetes Controller ɾCode Generation ɾTesting ɾDebugging

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Custom Resource De fi nition -- - kind: CustomResourceDefinitio n spec : names : kind: Repositor y listKind: RepositoryLis t plural: repositorie s singular: repositor y scope: Namespace d versions : - name: v1alpha 1 schema : openAPIV3Schema : properties : spec : properties : repository : type: string CRD (YAML)

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Code Generation -- - kind: CustomResourceDefinitio n spec : names : kind: Repositor y listKind: RepositoryLis t plural: repositorie s singular: repositor y scope: Namespace d versions : - name: v1alpha 1 schema : openAPIV3Schema : properties : spec : properties : repository : type: string CRD (YAML) Go func (in *Repository) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object { if c := in.DeepCopy(); c != nil { return c } return nil } func (in *Repository) DeepCopy() *Repository { if in == nil { return nil } out := new(Repository ) in.DeepCopyInto(out ) return ou t } type Repository struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec RepositorySpe c } type RepositorySpec struct { Repository string `json:"repository,omitempty"` }

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DeepCopyObject client-go requires implementing DeepCopyObject func (in *Repository) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object { if c := in.DeepCopy(); c != nil { return c } return nil } func (in *Repository) DeepCopy() *Repository { if in == nil { return nil } out := new(Repository ) in.DeepCopyInto(out ) return ou t } type Object interface { GetObjectKind() schema.ObjectKin d DeepCopyObject() Objec t }

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kubernetes-sigs / controller-tools (controller-gen) -- - kind: CustomResourceDefinitio n spec : names : kind: Repositor y listKind: RepositoryLis t plural: repositorie s singular: repositor y scope: Namespace d versions : - name: v1alpha 1 schema : openAPIV3Schema : properties : spec : properties : repository : type: string CRD (YAML) Go func (in *Repository) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object { if c := in.DeepCopy(); c != nil { return c } return nil } func (in *Repository) DeepCopy() *Repository { if in == nil { return nil } out := new(Repository ) in.DeepCopyInto(out ) return ou t } type Repository struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec RepositorySpe c } type RepositorySpec struct { Repository string `json:"repository,omitempty"` }

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Code Generation ɾDe fi nition should be language agnostic ɾBut, do not want to write complex CRD YAML... controller-gen is useful, however...

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Istio de fi nes CRDs as Protocol Bu ff ers message VirtualService { repeated string hosts = 1 ; repeated string gateways = 2 ; repeated HTTPRoute http = 3 ; // ... } Protocol Bu ff ers

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De fi ne CRDs as Protocol Bu ff ers message Repository { string owner = 1 ; string repository = 2 ; } type Repository struct { state protoimpl.MessageStat e sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCach e unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownField s Owner string `protobuf:...` Repository string `protobuf:...` } Protocol Bu ff ers func (in *Repository) DeepCopyInto(out *Repository) { p := proto.Clone(in).(*Repository ) *out = * p } func (in *Repository) DeepCopy() *Repository { if in == nil { return nil } out := new(Repository ) in.DeepCopyInto(out ) return ou t } protoc-gen-go protoc-gen-deepcopy

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bufbuild / buf

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bufbuild / buf -- - version: v1beta 1 plugins : - name: g o path: ./bin/protoc-gen-g o out: . opt: paths=source_relativ e - name: deepcop y path: ./bin/protoc-gen-deepcop y out: . opt: paths=source_relative buf.gen.yaml

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De fi ne CRDs as Protocol Bu ff ers message Repository { string owner = 1 ; string repository = 2 ; } type Repository struct { state protoimpl.MessageStat e sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCach e unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownField s Owner string `protobuf:...` Repository string `protobuf:...` } Protocol Bu ff ers func (in *Repository) DeepCopyInto(out *Repository) { p := proto.Clone(in).(*Repository ) *out = * p } func (in *Repository) DeepCopy() *Repository { if in == nil { return nil } out := new(Repository ) in.DeepCopyInto(out ) return ou t } protoc-gen-go protoc-gen-deepcopy

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De fi ne CRDs as Protocol Bu ff ers message Repository { string owner = 1 ; string repository = 2 ; } type Repository struct { state protoimpl.MessageStat e sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCach e unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownField s Owner string `protobuf:...` Repository string `protobuf:...` } Protocol Bu ff ers func (in *Repository) DeepCopyInto(out *Repository) { p := proto.Clone(in).(*Repository ) *out = * p } func (in *Repository) DeepCopy() *Repository { if in == nil { return nil } out := new(Repository ) in.DeepCopyInto(out ) return ou t } protoc-gen-go protoc-gen-deepcopy

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istio / tools / protoc-gen-deepcopy

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Generic protoc-gen-deepcopy

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De fi ne CRDs as Protocol Bu ff ers type Repository struct { state protoimpl.MessageStat e sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCach e unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownField s Owner string `protobuf:...` Repository string `protobuf:...` } Protocol Bu ff ers protoc-gen-go type Repository struct { v1.TypeMet a v1.ObjectMet a // Proto Buffer Struc t Spec apisv1alpha1.Repositor y } kubetype-gen

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istio / tools / kubetype-gen

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Generic kubetype-gen

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De fi ne CRDs as Protocol Bu ff ers type Repository struct { state protoimpl.MessageStat e sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCach e unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownField s Owner string `protobuf:...` Repository string `protobuf:...` } Protocol Bu ff ers protoc-gen-go type Repository struct { v1.TypeMet a v1.ObjectMet a // Proto Buffer Struc t Spec apisv1alpha1.Repositor y } kubetype-gen

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De fi ne CRDs as Protocol Bu ff ers -- - kind: CustomResourceDefinitio n spec : names : kind: Repositor y listKind: RepositoryLis t plural: repositorie s singular: repositor y scope: Namespace d versions : - name: v1alpha 1 schema : openAPIV3Schema : properties : spec : properties : repository : type: string CRD (YAML) type Repository struct { v1.TypeMet a v1.ObjectMet a // Proto Buffer Struc t Spec apisv1alpha1.Repositor y } kubetype-gen controller-gen

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De fi ne CRDs as Protocol Bu ff ers Protocol Bu ff ers protoc-gen-go / protoc-gen-deepcopy Protocol Bu ff er Go Struct (+ DeepCopy) Kubernetes Go Types Custom Resource De fi nitions (YAML) kubetype-gen controller-gen

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De fi ne CRDs as Protocol Bu ff ers Protocol Bu ff ers Advanced Custom Resource De fi nitions (YAML) istio /tools / cue-gen

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Agenda ɾWhat is Kubernetes Controller ɾCode Generation ɾTesting ɾDebugging

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Agenda ɾWhat is Kubernetes Controller ɾCode Generation ɾTesting ɾDebugging

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Kubernetes Architecture 👨💻 kube-apiserver kubelet Pod Pod Pod Node kubelet Pod Pod Pod Node kubectl

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Kubernetes Architecture kube-apiserver Resource etcd Write Read

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Kubernetes Architecture kube-apiserver etcd Write Read Kubernetes Controller Write Read

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Kubernetes Architecture kube-apiserver etcd Write Read Kubernetes Controller Write Read Like Database

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setup-envtest > setup-envtest use Version: 1.22. 1 OS/Arch: linux/amd6 4 Path: /path/to/kubebuilder-envtest/k8s/1.22.1-linux-amd6 4 > ls /path/to/kubebuilder-envtest/k8s/1.22.1-linux-amd6 4 etcd kube-apiserver kubectl

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Unit Testing with envtest et := envtest.Environment { BinaryAssetsDirectory: "/path/to/envtest-binaries" , CRDDirectoryPaths: []string{"/path/to/crd-yamls"} , ControlPlaneStartTimeout: 20 * time.Second , ErrorIfCRDPathMissing: true , AttachControlPlaneOutput: false , KubeAPIServerFlags: []string { "--advertise-address=" , // ... } , } cfg, err := et.Start( ) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start envtest: %w", err ) } cli, err := client.New(cfg, client.Options { // ... })

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Unit Testing with envtest ɾSpinning up takes 10s~ envtest is useful, however...

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Unit Testing with envtest Caching envtest instance with TestMain func TestMain(m *testing.M) { os.Exit(func() int { cli, done, err := testutil.TestK8SClient() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "failed to create k8s client: %s\n", err ) return 1 } defer done( ) k8sClient = cl i return m.Run( ) }() ) }

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Unit Testing with envtest func TestXxx(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel( ) //... k8sClient.Create(... ) }

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Unit Testing with envtest Isolating each test by creating dedicated Namespaces func TestXxx(t *testing.T) { // ... namespace := NewNamespace(t, ctx, k8sClient ) } func NewNamespace(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, cli client.Client) string { t.Helper( ) name := uuid.New().String( ) ns := &corev1.Namespace { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta { Name: name , } , } if err := cli.Create(ctx, ns); err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create namespace: %s", err ) } return nam e }

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Kubernetes Architecture kube-apiserver etcd Write Read Kubernetes Controller Write Read Like Database

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Agenda ɾWhat is Kubernetes Controller ɾCode Generation ɾTesting ɾDebugging

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Agenda ɾWhat is Kubernetes Controller ɾCode Generation ɾTesting ɾDebugging

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Using kind for Local Development

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Ska ff old https://ska ff

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Ska ff old + kind 👨💻 kind cluster ska ff old run Controller (Image)

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Ska ff old + kind # ... spec : containers : - args : - /usr/bin/my-controller Pod Spec

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Ska ff old + kind 👨💻 kind cluster ska ff old run Controller (Image)

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ska ff old debug 👨💻 kind cluster ska ff old debug Controller (Image) + Debugger (Delve)

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ska ff old debug # ... spec : containers : - args : - /dbg/go/bin/dlv - exe c - --headles s - --listen=:56268 - .. . - /usr/bin/my-controlle r # ... volumeMounts : - mountPath: /db g # ... initContainers : - image: o # ... Pod Spec

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ska ff old debug # ... spec : containers : - args : - /dbg/go/bin/dl v - exe c - --headles s - --listen=:5626 8 - .. . - /usr/bin/my-controlle r # ... volumeMounts : - mountPath: /db g # ... initContainers : - image: o # ... Pod Spec

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ska ff old debug # ... spec : containers : - args : - /dbg/go/bin/dlv - exe c - --headles s - --listen=:56268 - .. . - /usr/bin/my-controlle r # ... volumeMounts : - mountPath: /db g # .. . initContainers : - image: o # ... Pod Spec

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ska ff old debug 👨💻 kind cluster ska ff old debug Controller (Image) + Debugger (Delve)

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ska ff old debug

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Agenda ɾWhat is Kubernetes Controller ɾCode Generation ɾTesting ɾDebugging