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Verify, And Then Trust: Data Inconsistency Detection in ZooKeeper Sushant Mane San José State University California, USA Fangmin Lyu Meta Platforms, Inc California, USA Benjamin Reed San José State University California, USA

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Background ● ZooKeeper - source of truth for mission-critical applications ● Assumes crash-stop fault model ● In production not all faults are crash-stop failures ● Bugs in code, OS, etc. can corrupt the system state ● Unlike crash-stop faults state corruptions are not detectable by clients ● Hard to determine if system is functioning reliably until users notice it

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Background ● BFT protocols are used to tolerate arbitrary behavior but they are expensive ● Use fault detection instead as it is cheaper ● This paper presents ○ ZooKeeper's data inconsistency detection mechanisms ○ Their impact on the overall performance

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Fault Model ● Covers replica divergence due to software bugs, configuration errors, and corrupted data ● Does not cover malicious-byzantine faults ● Two types of replica ○ Correct replica - consistent ○ Faulty replica - inconsistent

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Data Inconsistency Detection Methods 1. Offline Comparisons 2. Online Comparisons via Auditor 3. Realtime Detection

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Offline Comparisons Method ● Uses external consistency checker ● Copy snapshot and transaction log files of all replicas ● Deserialize DataTree of every replica ● Compute the digest of each DataTree ● Compare the digests to find diverged replica

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Online Comparisons via Auditor Method ● Digest computations is embedded in ZooKeeper service ● Every replica maintains a replica digest and a digest log (historical digests) ● Replica digest ○ Represents the state of replica up to a particular transaction id ○ Updated upon a change to its DataTree ○ Incremental Hash (AdHASH) is used to compute digests efficiently ● Replica digest is added to the digest log after every fixed number of transactions ● External auditor is employed to compare historical digests

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DataTree Digest Calculation using AdHASH* ReplicaDigest New = ReplicaDigest Old − Digest(OldNodeData) + Digest(NewNodeData) ● When creating a new node, the Digest(OldNodeData) will be 0 ● When deleting a node, the Digest(NewNodeData) will be 0 *Mihir Bellare and Daniele Micciancio. 1997. A new paradigm for collision-free hashing: Incrementality at reduced cost. In Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT’97: International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques Konstanz, Germany, May 11–15, 1997 Proceedings 16. Springer, 163–192.

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Online consistency verification using external auditor Replicas with digest log

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Realtime Detection Method ● Detect replica divergence as soon as it happens, i.e., as the replica state changes ● Both digest computation and comparisons are embedded in ZooKeeper ● Two types of digest ○ Replica Digest ○ Predictive Digest

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Performance Evaluation ● Request size: Payload(1024) + 17B (Path) + 60B (Stats) ● Async repeated read (getData) and write(setData) ● At most 100 outstanding request per client ● Clients remain connected to the same server ● 900 clients - 300 clients per server

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Baseline vs Online Comparison vs Realtime Detection ● Throughput: Baseline > Online Comparison > Realtime Detection ● Reliability: Baseline < Online Comparison < Realtime Detection

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Impact of hash function used in AdHASH ● Weak hash function - low penalty and low confidence in detection ● Strong hash function - high penalty and high confidence in detection Performance with different hash functions in Online Comparison Performance with different hash functions in Realtime Detection

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Conclusion ● Both online comparison and real-time detection methods incur an acceptable performance penalty ■ Online Comparison - 2% with 100% write operations and CRC-32 ■ Realtime Detection - 20% with 100% write operations and CRC-32 ● We are able to detect data inconsistencies with no increase in deployment cost and only minor development and performance cost

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Online Comparisons via Auditor Method ● Advantages ○ No need to download/copy replica data ○ Auditor helps to catch inconsistency sooner than the external consistency checker ○ Provides a context around the time when fault occurred, which helps to identify the root cause of faults ● Disadvantages ○ Impacts the overall performance of ZooKeeper ■ replicas compute digest on every commit which adds an extra CPU load ○ Doesn't provide complete protection against the propagation of corruption

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Offline Comparisons Method ● Advantages ○ Easy to develop ○ Has no impact no ZooKeeper's performance ● Disadvantages ○ Inefficient ■ Need to copy replica data every time consistency checker runs ■ Can't detect faults unless external consistency checker runs ■ Doesn't protect against the propagation of corruption

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Realtime Detection ● Advantages ○ Detects faults as soon as they occur (as data is changing) ○ This helps in preventing the propagation of corruption ○ Provides very specific context around the time when fault occurred ■ this helps in RCA of arbitrary behavior ● Disadvantages ○ Impacts overall performance of the system ○ Replicas compute digest on every commit which adds an extra CPU load on all replicas ○ Computation of predictive digests adds an additional load on the CPU of the leader server ■ This slows down all the state modifying operations

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Impact of different request sizes Online Comparison Realtime Detection

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Impact of different request sizes

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