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Kubernetes Faster and Easier

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2 @saturnism @gcpcloud Ray Tsang Developer Advocate Google Cloud Platform Java Champion Spring Cloud GCP @saturnism |

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3 @saturnism @gcpcloud Ray Tsang Traveler Photographer

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4 @saturnism @gcpcloud

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5 @saturnism @gcpcloud 5 Your App

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6 @saturnism @gcpcloud Don't start with Kubernetes

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7 @saturnism @gcpcloud It all starts with your application Twelve-Factor App

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8 @saturnism @gcpcloud Test, Test, Test Local Mock, Wiremock, Contract TestContainers

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9 @saturnism @gcpcloud 9 Containers

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10 @saturnism @gcpcloud Power → Responsibility Runtime Environments may be Your Responsibility Now!

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11 @saturnism @gcpcloud Choose a JDK Container Aware OpenJDK 8u192 or above

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12 @saturnism @gcpcloud OOMKilled Cloud Foundry Buildpack Memory Calculator

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13 @saturnism @gcpcloud Native Memory Tracking -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -XX:+PrintNMTStatistics (Doesn't work when set via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS - must be part of the argument)

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14 @saturnism @gcpcloud Container Best Practices What's in that image? Don't run as root Multi-stage build Create small image Fat JAR to Thin JAR Layering Build cache Pin versions Reduce layer size ...

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15 @saturnism @gcpcloud Just Jib It

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16 @saturnism @gcpcloud Don't write to container filesystem! Those logs!

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17 @saturnism @gcpcloud Configuration via external sources Environmental variable Command line arguments

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18 @saturnism @gcpcloud 18 Finally, Kubernetes!

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19 @saturnism @gcpcloud Local Kubernetes Linux - consider k3s, k3d, kind, … Mac - Docker for Desktop, Minikube

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20 @saturnism @gcpcloud Keep Base Deployment Simple kubectl create deployment myservice --image=... --dry-run -oyaml > k8s/deployment.yaml kubectl create svc clusterip myservice --tcp=8080:8080 --dry-run -oyaml/service.yaml

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21 @saturnism @gcpcloud Continuous Development skaffold

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22 @saturnism @gcpcloud Resource Limits If you don't' set it, your app may use all the memory... Set it at namespace level, or for individual deployments

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23 @saturnism @gcpcloud Environments Kustomize

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24 @saturnism @gcpcloud Liveness Probe Readiness Probe Signals Lifecycle Hooks

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25 @saturnism @gcpcloud Liveness Probe → Restarts Readiness Probe → Remove from Service Signals → Shutdown or Killed Lifecycle Hooks → PreStart, PreStop

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26 @saturnism @gcpcloud When to use? Failure Means... Practices Example Liveness Probe If application is alive. Application will be restarted, and that a restart will help recover. Runs on serving port of the application, e.g., 8080. Don't check dependency. E.g., don't check dependent database connection, etc. A simple /alive URL that returns 200. Readiness Probe Ready to serve requests. Take the pod instance out of load balancer. Flip to ready when application has done all the initializations (cache preloaded). Upon SIGTERM, flip readiness to false. See Graceful Shutdown. /actuator/health on the management port.

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27 @saturnism @gcpcloud Anatomy of a Graceful Shutdown 1. Receive SIGTERM or PreStop Lifecycle Hook 2. Fail Readiness Probe 3. Receive requests until Kubernetes detects readiness probe failure 4. Kubernetes removes pod endpoint from Service 5. Finish serving in-flight requests 6. Shutdown

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28 @saturnism @gcpcloud Production is HARD Pod Security Policy / Pod Security Context Expect your app to not work in production environment with hardened security Try this early and fix issues

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29 @saturnism @gcpcloud 29 Thanks! Come to the Google Cloud Platform Booth! @saturnism |