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Make your SPA a maximum security prison

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@woloski @mgonto CTO & Founder Auth0 Dev Advocate Auth0

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Identity made simple for developers

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Authentication for Modern Applications using Tokens angular-­‐storage
 ! angular-­‐jwt

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Browser Web Server auth C C Most of the web

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Browser Web Server (Python) Realtime (Node) C M modern apps

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Browser Web Server (Python) Realtime (Node) C M ! Cookies are coupled to the web framework modern apps

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Browser Web Server (Python) Realtime (Node) C M API (Node) A Phones Tablets A modern apps

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Browser Web Server (Python) Realtime (Node) C M API (Node) A APIs don’t use Cookies Phones Tablets A modern apps

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Browser Web Server (Python) Realtime (Node) C M API (Ruby) API (Node) A A Phones Tablets A modern apps

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Browser Web Server (Python) Realtime (Node) C M API (Ruby) API (Node) A A FIREBASE F Phones Tablets A modern apps

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Browser Web Server (Python) Realtime (Node) C M API (Ruby) API (Node) A A ! Cookies don’t “flow” FIREBASE F Phones Tablets A modern apps

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A better approach Token-based Authentication JSON Web Tokens

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auth0/angularjs-jwt-authentication-tutorial Demo time!

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Browser modern apps Web Server (Python) Realtime (Node) API (Ruby) API (Node) AWS S3 Phones Tablets

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