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" # $ % & '

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1 000 videos/month 800 M views/month 10 M followers

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Team CTO Lead Dev Mobile Lead Dev Web DevOps Dev iOS Contractor Dev Web Contractor Dev Web Contractor

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OpenAPI backend back office iOS … API contract

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SwagGen SwiftLint

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master dev → Pull requests must be rebased on dev before merging → Merge on the master branch are done using a script to release a new build Git strategy

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( → Merge on master generates a TestFlight build → Build number is Travis CI job number
 Version number is updated manually → Generates a changelog with merge commits → Uploads symbols to Sentry Release process

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Bradel Carthage Dependencies Native Binary

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Logger Application Other projects? Analytics LoadMore Brut Backend Notification extensions Architecture

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→ Views → View controllers → View models → Networking code → CoreData entities → Data fetching routines Main project Backend

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Core Data

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→ Native solution → UI tool to create the App model layer → Manage caching for us → High learning curve → Black box with potential pitfalls + - Core Data

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→ Open-source error reporting tool → Privacy-compatible alternative to Fabric → Flexible → Covers all our needs

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→ Lokalise to update and manage the localization strings → fastlane lane to download the strings/stringsdict files and install them in the project → SwiftGen to have strongly-typed identifiers "' Localization %

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Bindings ?

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SwiftGen Bindings ?

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SwiftGen SwagGen Bindings ?

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SwiftGen SwagGen Bindings ✍ *

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SwiftGen SwagGen Bindings ✍ !

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SwiftGen SwagGen Bindings ✍ !

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SwiftGen SwagGen Bindings ✍ !

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SwiftGen SwagGen Bindings ✍ !

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SwiftGen SwagGen Bindings ✍ !

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SwiftGen SwagGen Bindings ✍ +

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API Models API EndPoints SwagGen OpenAPI file CoreData Model SwiftGen CoreData Entities + Sourcery Annotations API to CoreData Bindings Sourcery API & model 

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Create a label with a red background that follows text Now open-source:

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@liquidseb @adhumi Questions?