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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Adrian Kosmaczewski – Developer Rela ons Migra ng from OpenShi 3 to 4 1

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm   2

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Migra ng clusters from OpenShi 3 to 4 Common gotchas More informa on 3

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm OpenShi 3.11 end of full support ⇒ New features! Watch out for architectural changes! Why Migra ng to OpenShi 4? June 2021 4

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Simpler installa on process Immutable infrastructure RHCOS for control planes Operators Serverless Service Mesh Easier management New Features in OpenShi 4 5

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm 1. Start & configure new OpenShi 4 cluster 2. Create a migra on plan 3. Execute said migra on plan 4. Point DNS to new cluster 5. Profit! $£¥€¢ How to Migrate? 6

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Adrian Kosmaczewski – Developer Rela ons – Thanks for A ending! [email protected] 7

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Sorry! Not done yet 8

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Storage Gluster Storage in 3.11 → RH Ceph Storage in 4 GlusterFS no longer supported Standalone CephFS no longer supported Standalone Ceph RBD no longer supported Crea ng a Migra on Plan 1/3 9

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Networking Isola on mode: ovs-subnet → NetworkPolicy NetworkPolicy similar to OpenShi 3’s ovs-multitenant Crea ng a Migra on Plan 2/3 10

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Logging Security Monitoring Crea ng a Migra on Plan 2/3 11

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Source cluster must be 3.7, 3.9, 3.10 or 3.11 cluster-admin privileges on all clusters Unrestricted network access to replica on repository Migra on controller has access to all other clusters Health check! Migra on Plan Prerequisites Podman 12

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Cluster Applica on Migra on operator (CAM) Control Plane Migra on Assistance Tool (CPMA) Migra on Toolkit for Containers operator (MTC) Helper Tools by Red Hat 1/2 13

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Cluster Application Migration Application Workloads Control Plane Configuration Control Plane Migration Assistance Helper Tools by Red Hat 2/2 14

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Helper Tools by Third Par es K8up operator Appranix SRA operator Portworx PX-Backup pvc-migrate imagestream-migrate 15

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm : Source docs.openshi .com 16

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm CAM Demo 0:00 / 3:16 17

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Per applica on "Big Bang" Migrate all apps Point DNS to new OpenShi 4 cluster Migra on Strategies 18

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Storage classes Gluster ⇒ RH Ceph Operators Pervasive usage Maybe start using OpenShi 4 operators instead? Gotchas 1/2 19

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm DeploymentConfig ⇒ Deployment Only use DeploymentConfig if you need Automa c rollbacks, Triggers, Lifecycle hooks, Custom strategies Down me Load balancer between both clusters as mi ga on DNS considera ons Fine tuning and tes ng! Gotchas 2/2 20

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Red Hat More Informa on 1/2 OpenShi 3.x life cycle policies Migra on home page About migra ng OpenShi 3 to 4 Planning Performing Best prac ces guide 21

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Third-party tools More Informa on 2/2 K8up backup operator Blog post about Appranix Blog post about PX-Backup to migrate pvc-migrate imagestream-migrate 22

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APPUiO – Swiss Container Pla orm Adrian Kosmaczewski – Developer Rela ons – VSHN AG – Neugasse 10 – CH-8005 Zürich – +41 44 545 53 00 – – Thanks! [email protected] [email protected] 23