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DEAR GOD WHAT AM I DOING? CONCURRENCY AND PARALLEL PROCESSING Adam Hawkins - tw://adman65 - gh://twinturbo

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Who Is this Talk for? There’s been a lot of talks on performance related things: Yesterday we had Immutable Ruby. Today we had Charles talking about JRuby optimizations. So you’re already primed for this one.

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When you type Thread or fork you feel like this

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A Brief Introduction to Machine Architecture

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We Can Model this Complex System with the Following Diagram

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hamster :: thread

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wheel :: process hamster :: thread

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Let’s Get Serious

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The eternal question: How can I make code faster?

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Do Multiple Things at Once

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Three Primitives • Processes: separate memory, separate everything. Scheduled by the kernel. • Threads: combine to make processes. Scheduled by the kernel. • Fibers: Like Threads. Scheduled by the programmer. 4KB stack.

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TL;DS • Kernel decides which process to run (which may have multiple threads) • Processes or threads may block causing the scheduler to select another thread/process for execution • I/O is the most common blocking operation

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Quickly • Threads behave differently according the platform (JRuby vs MRI vs Rubinius) • Ruby Thread classes are backed by native threads on 1.9 • Green threads prior to 1.9 (aka simulated threads)

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Threads* *easiest and quickest win

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require 'thread' (0..5).each do |i| do puts "Hello from thread: #{i}" end end Ask what this code will do. Question: what will this code output?

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require 'thread' threads = (0..5).map do |i| do puts "Hello from thread: #{i}" end end

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$ ruby joining_threads.rb Hello from thread: 1 Hello from thread: 2 Hello from thread: 4 Hello from thread: 0 Hello from thread: 3 Hello from thread: 5

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Order is Nondeterministic $ ruby joining_threads.rb Hello from thread: 5 Hello from thread: 2 Hello from thread: 1 Hello from thread: 0 Hello from thread: 3 Hello from thread: 4

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Shared Memory require 'thread' balance = 100 interest = do while true sleep 0.1 balance = balance * 1.025 end end while balance < 200 sleep 0.25 puts "Banking: #{balance}" end Question: What’s wrong with this code?

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Straight Up Locks require 'thread' lock = balance = 100 do while true sleep 0.1 lock.synchronize do balance = balance * 1.025 end end end while balance < 200 lock.synchronize do puts "Balance: #{balance}" sleep 1 end end

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Blocking notice we haven’t done anything that could block. Only simple math operations.

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I/O Blocks

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balance = 100 pid = fork do while true sleep 0.5 balance = balance * 1.0125 puts "Child Balance: #{balance}" end end # parent if pid while true do sleep 0.5 puts "Parent Balance: #{balance}" end end What’s wrong with this code? What happens to balance? What happens when both processes need to access the balance? inter-process locks

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Memory is Not Shared $ ruby forking_example.rb Child Balance: 101.25 Parent Balance: 100 Child Balance: 102.515625 Parent Balance: 100 Child Balance: 103.7970703125 Parent Balance: 100 Child Balance: 105.09453369140624 Parent Balance: 100 Child Balance: 106.40821536254882 Parent Balance: 100

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Fibers, TL;DR Fibers are like threads, not so important for this talk

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Making Things Faster

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Challenge: Fetch100 pages of Ruby search results as fast as possible The fetching is going to use HTTP (thusly IO) which ruby’s thread scheduler will optimize.

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Two Approaches

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Before My Talk :) require 'net/http' 100.times do |page| puts "Getting page: #{page}" Net::HTTP.get '', "/search?q=ruby&page=#{page}" end # 0.18s user 0.11s system 0% cpu 44.739 total

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Wait, I have cores and stuff

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Using Threads require 'thread' require 'net/http' queue = 100.times do |i| queue << i end threads = (0..4).map do |i| do while !queue.empty? page = queue.pop puts "Getting page: #{page}" Net::HTTP.get '', "/search?q=ruby&page=#{page}" end end end # ruby multithreaded_http.rb 0.17s user 0.11s system 3% cpu 8.419 total

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• Single Thread > 40 seconds • Multithreaded < 10 seconds • I know....MOAR THREADS

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Custom # Threads require 'thread' require 'net/http' queue = 100.times do |i| queue << i end workers = ARGV[0].to_i threads = (0..workers).map do |i| do while !queue.empty? page = queue.pop puts "Getting page: #{page}" Net::HTTP.get '', "/search?q=ruby&page=#{page}" end end end

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Results # Threads Time (seconds) 4 ~8 5 ~8.5 6 ~9 7 ~9 8 ~9.5 9 ~10 10 ~11

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More Threads != Faster • Computer can only run one so many threads at once • Context switching • Blocking I/O (HTTP) limits throughput

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Let’s Do Some Math

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Password Cracking require 'thread' require 'digest/sha1' encrypted = "5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8" queue = Dictionary.each do |plaintext| queue << plaintext end threads = (0..INFINITY).map do |i| do while !queue.empty? plaintext = queue.pop result = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest plaintext if result == encrypted puts "Decrypted to: #{plaintext}" exit end end end end

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$ ssh adam@mothership

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... and it’s slow. Explain why it’s slow

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Enter the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)

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Also enter JRuby & Rubinius

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G I L • Only one thread an execute Ruby code at a given time • Each implementation is different • JRuby and Rubinius don’t have a GIL • MRI has a GIL • This makes true parallel programming impossible on MRI

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JRuby or Rubinius is more performant for multithreaded programs

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multiprocess* JRuby and Windows users need not apply

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Forkin’ require 'net/http' require 'thread' pages = 100 workers = 4 queue_size = (pages / workers).ceil queues = (1..pages).each_slice(queue_size).to_a queues.each do |pages| fork do pages.each do |page| Net::HTTP.get '', "/search?q=ruby&page=#{page}" puts "Got page: #{page} via #{}" end end end Process.waitall

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Hydra: Processes + Threads

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require 'net/http' require 'thread' pages = 100 workers = 4 queue_size = (pages / workers).ceil queues = (1..pages).each_slice(queue_size).to_a queues.each do |pages| fork do queue = pages.each { |i| queue << i } threads = (0..4).map do |i| do while !queue.empty? page = queue.pop Net::HTTP.get '', "/search?q=ruby&page=#{page}" puts "Got page: #{page} via #{} (#{Thread.current})" end end end end end Process.waitall Who need’s IPC when you can use block variables

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psst....all that code was wrong

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This Just Happens to Work threads = (0..4).map do |i| do while !queue.empty? page = queue.pop # do stuff end end end

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This Just Happens to Work threads = (0..4).map do |i| do while !queue.empty? page = queue.pop # do stuff end end end Nonblocking

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This Just Happens to Work threads = (0..4).map do |i| do while !queue.empty? page = queue.pop # do stuff end end end Nonblocking Blocking

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This code will deadlock in some cases

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Deadlock: A deadlock is a situation in which two or more competing actions are each waiting for the other to finish, and thus neither ever does.

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The Fix def pop @mutex.synchronize do @array.empty? ? false : @array.pop end end

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Faster Web Servers

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Prefork Model • Start a process. Get everything ready. • Fork a given # of times to create worker processes • Parent manages the children

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Unicorn Hey guys You alive?

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Unicorn Unix Sockets Hey guys You alive?

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Unicorn 500MB 500MB 500MB 500MB 500MB Unix Sockets Hey guys You alive?

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Pain Points • Interprocess Communication (IPC) • Synchronization must happen • 5 processes, 5 times as much memory • Process monitoring

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Easier Concurrent Ruby Programs

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The Actor Model • Each Actor is an object running in its own thread • Handles communication with mailboxes

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What Is It? • Implementation of the actor model by Tony Arcieri. He’s a Ruby hero! • Handles pooling, supervising, messaging, and many other things • Makes writing concurrent OOP as easy as sequential OOP programs. • Avoids deadlocks by handling state internally • Actors are threads ; method calls are fibers

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Handling Pain Points

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Monitoring class Worker include Celluloid end worker = Worker.supervise

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Save it for Later class Worker include Celluloid end Worker.supervise_as :worker # now other parts of the program # can access the actor instance Celluloid::Actor[:worker]

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“IPC” class Worker include Celluloid end worker = worker.mailbox <<

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Mailboxes Work Everywhere worker = Celluloid::Actor[:worker] worker.mailbox <<

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require 'celluloid' class Story attr_reader :headline def initialize(headline) @headline = headline end end class Broadcaster include Celluloid def initialize async.wait_for_messages end def wait_for_messages loop do message = receive { |msg| msg.is_a? Story } puts "BREAKING NEWS! #{message.headline}" end end end broadcaster = loop do broadcaster.mailbox <<"wroc_love.rb is awesome!") sleep 1 end

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require 'celluloid' class Story attr_reader :headline def initialize(headline) @headline = headline end end class Broadcaster include Celluloid def initialize async.wait_for_messages end def wait_for_messages loop do message = receive { |msg| msg.is_a? Story } puts "BREAKING NEWS! #{message.headline}" end end end broadcaster = loop do broadcaster.mailbox <<"wroc_love.rb is awesome!") sleep 1 end Oh ya, Celluloid can make any method async

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require 'celluloid' class Story attr_reader :headline def initialize(headline) @headline = headline end end class Broadcaster include Celluloid def initialize async.wait_for_messages end def wait_for_messages loop do message = receive { |msg| msg.is_a? Story } puts "BREAKING NEWS! #{message.headline}" end end end broadcaster = loop do broadcaster.mailbox <<"wroc_love.rb is awesome!") sleep 1 end Oh ya, Celluloid can make any method async Block until a message is received

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$ ruby mailbox_example.rb BREAKING NEWS! wroc_love.rb is awesome! BREAKING NEWS! wroc_love.rb is awesome! BREAKING NEWS! wroc_love.rb is awesome! BREAKING NEWS! wroc_love.rb is awesome!

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Avoid Deadlocks In ATOM mode, Celluloid actors will "pipeline" work, meaning that in cases where they might execute a "blocking" call, they will continue processing incoming requests as opposed to waiting for the call to complete. This approach prevents the type of deadlocks you might ordinarily encounter in actor RPC systems such as Erlang or Akka. - Celluloid Wiki

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Simple Example

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Simple To Use require 'celluloid' require 'net/http' class Worker include Celluloid def fetch(page) Net::HTTP.get '', "/search?q=ruby&page=#{page}" puts "Got page: #{page} via #{Thread.current}" end end pool = Worker.pool # uses # of cores for default pool size 100.times do |i| pool.fetch i end

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K, time to scale out

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require 'dcell' DCell.start :id => "worker", :addr => "tcp://" class Worker include Celluloid end Worker.supervise_as :worker

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require 'dcell' DCell.start :id => "worker", :addr => "tcp://" class Worker include Celluloid end Worker.supervise_as :worker Register a Node

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require 'dcell' DCell.start :id => "worker", :addr => "tcp://" class Worker include Celluloid end Worker.supervise_as :worker Register a Node ømq

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require 'dcell' DCell.start :id => "worker", :addr => "tcp://" class Worker include Celluloid end Worker.supervise_as :worker Register a Node ømq Drop a cell in this node

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require 'dcell' DCell.start :id => "producer", :addr => "tcp://" worker_node = DCell::Node["worker"] worker = worker_node[:worker] worker.do_hard_stuff

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require 'dcell' DCell.start :id => "producer", :addr => "tcp://" worker_node = DCell::Node["worker"] worker = worker_node[:worker] worker.do_hard_stuff Grab a node from the network

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require 'dcell' DCell.start :id => "producer", :addr => "tcp://" worker_node = DCell::Node["worker"] worker = worker_node[:worker] worker.do_hard_stuff Grab a node from the network Grab a cell from the node

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require 'dcell' DCell.start :id => "producer", :addr => "tcp://" worker_node = DCell::Node["worker"] worker = worker_node[:worker] worker.do_hard_stuff Grab a node from the network Grab a cell from the node HOLY SHIT!

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Oh ya, you can cluster nodes for massive pwnage

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Now it’s up to you to do hard work