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CosmosDB Jack of All Trades, Master of Many DARON YÖNDEM CTO, XOGO

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A little history 2010 – Project Florence 2015 – DocumentDB 2017 – CosmosDB

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Column-family Document Graph Turnkey global distribution Elastic scale out of storage & throughput Guaranteed low latency at the 99th percentile Comprehensive SLAs Five well-defined consistency models Table API Key-value A globally distributed, massively scalable, multi-model database service Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB

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News Flash! “It is just JSON”

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1-Click Global Replication • Ring 0 Service • Priorities for regions

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Azure Cosmos DB Multi Master Every region now writable Single-digit latency 99.999% availability Tunable consistency levels Flexible conflict resolution Unlimited endpoint scalability All Azure regions All data models All SDK’s Region A Region B Region C Azure Traffic Manager Master (read/write) Master (read/write) Master (read/write) Master (read/write) Replica (read) Replica (read)

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Adding multi master support Create new Cosmos DB account Enable Multi Master

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Configure regions Add regions Select read or write regions

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In your apps Connection Policy UseMultipleWriteLocations = true Add regions in preferred order

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Flexible conflict management Last-Writer Wins Default mode User Defined Procedure Custom – Asynchronous Only available for SQL model

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Last Writer Wins Default Use numeric property resolve conflicts Can be user defined or _ts Available for all data models

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Custom – User Defined Procedure Register stored procedure Special signature Conflict dropped after Processing. If error then written to Conflict feed, handled manually.

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Custom – Asynchronous Select Custom Leave Stored procedure blank

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99.99% SLA for Low latency reads + writes • Reads and writes served from local region • Guaranteed millisecond latency worldwide • Write optimized, latch-free database engine • Automatically indexed SSD storage Reads (1KB) Indexed writes (1KB) Read < 2 ms Writes < 6 ms Read < 10 ms Writes < 15 ms 99% 50% • Synchronous and automatic indexing at sustained ingestion rates • No schema or index management needed • No schema versioning needed • No schema migration needed

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5-9’s availability 99.999% availability SLA All reads and writes Implicit fault tolerance No need for failover

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Provisioned Throughput

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What is RU? • Request Unit • Not all requests are equal. • A normalized quantity of request unit based on the amount of computation (CPU, memory, and IOPS) required to serve the request.

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How to calculate? Item Size Reads/secon d Writes/secon d Request units 1 KB 500 100 (500 * 1) + (100 * 5) = 1,000 RU/s 1 KB 500 500 (500 * 1) + (500 * 5) = 3,000 RU/s 4 KB 500 100 (500 * 1.3) + (100 * 7) = 1,350 RU/s 4 KB 500 500 (500 * 1.3) + (500 * 7) = 4,150 RU/s 64 KB 500 100 (500 * 10) + (100 * 48) = 9,800 RU/s 64 KB 500 500 (500 * 10) + (500 * 48) = 29,000 RU/s See:

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For example • SELECT * FROM c • (2.87 RU) • SELECT * FROM c where Contains (c.Name, "Sample") • (2.45 RU)

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DEMO Calculating RU On-The-Fly

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public static async Task> GetItemsAsync(Expression> predicate) { double queryCost = 0; IDocumentQuery query = client.CreateDocumentQuery( UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(DatabaseId, CollectionId), new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = -1 }) .Where(predicate) .AsDocumentQuery(); List results = new List(); while (query.HasMoreResults) { var response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync(); queryCost += response.RequestCharge; results.AddRange(response); } Debug.WriteLine(queryCost.ToString()); return results; }

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Request Unit Management Single Partition Container Partitioned Container Minimum Throughput 400 RU/sec 1.000 RU/sec Maximum Throughput 10.000 RU/sec Unlimited Offer offer = client.CreateOfferQuery() .Where(r => r.ResourceLink == collection.SelfLink) .AsEnumerable().SingleOrDefault(); offer = new OfferV2(offer, 12000); client.ReplaceOfferAsync(offer); A partition key is required to scale your collection's throughput beyond 2,500 request units in the future

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Affecting RUs are; • Item size • Item property count (Indexing) • Data consistency (Strong or Bounded Staleness) • Indexed properties (lazy indexing can help) • Document indexing (Disable if you don’t need) • Query patterns (predicates, UDFs, data source size) • Script usage (SPs, triggers)

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What if you exceed? HTTP Status 429 Status Line: RequestRateTooLarge x-ms-retry-after-ms :100

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Partitioning Partition schema is immutable

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Let’s have a birds eye view

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Reading data with partitions.

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Reading data with partitions.

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How to detect Hot Partitions?

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Choose Your Consistency Level 01 Strong Bounded Staleness Session Consistent Prefix Eventual Clear Tradeoffs • Latency • Availability • Throughput Lower latency, higher availability, better read scalability.

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Bounded Staleness When choosing bounded staleness, the "staleness" can be configured in two ways: number of versions K of the item by which the reads lag behind the writes, and the time interval t 01 Strong Bounded Staleness Session Consistent Prefix Eventual Lower latency, higher availability, better read scalability.

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Consistent Prefix Consistent prefix guarantees that reads never see out of order writes. If writes were performed in the order A, B, C, then a client sees either A, A,B, or A,B,C, but never out of order like A,C or B,A,C. 01 Strong Bounded Staleness Session Consistent Prefix Eventual Lower latency, higher availability, better read scalability.

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Multi-Model API

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Native Support for Multiple Data Models • Database engine operates on atom-record-sequence (ARS) based type system • All data models are efficiently translated to ARS • API and wire protocols are supported via extensible modules • Instance of a given data model can be materialized as trees • Graph, documents, key-value, column-family, … more to come KEY-VALUE COLUMN-FAMILY DOCUMENT GRAPH

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Auto Indexing • IndexingMode • Consistent (Collection Consistency applies) • Lazy (ingest now, query later) • None (EnableScanInQuery) • DataTypes • String, Number, Point, Polygon • Index Types • Hash (joins) • Range (<, >) • Spatial • Precision can be defined.

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Analyzing Query Performance • QueryMetrics • RetrievedDocumentCount • WriteOutputTime • DocumentLoadTime • IndexLookupTime • UserDefinedFunctionExecutionTime • SystemFunctionExecutionTime

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4 Axis SLA Latency @ 99th percentile SLA Throughput SLA Consistency SLA Availability SLA 2 4 3 1 Cosmos DB: 99.99% HA within a single region 99.999% across regions 99.99 SLA throughput, latency, consistency all at the 99th percentile

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Security • Documents and backups are encrypted at rest • IP-based access controls • Role-based access controls • Automated online backups • Attack monitoring • Geo-fencing

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Disclaimer • Cosmos DB is not a SQL Database, no complex table joins. (you are doing it wrong) • Other NoSQL databases are good at doing one or two things really well but not native to Cloud.

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Summary Every region is writable!!! <10ms write latency 99.999% availability Flexible consistency levels Flexible conflict resolution

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Azure Cosmos DB Workshop

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Free CosmosDB Book

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Thanks! Slides: Daron Yöndem | @daronyondem