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CCIO Leaders Network CCIO Summer School 4-5 July

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Developing Clinical Informatics Leadership Dr Susan Hamer Organisational and Workforce Development Director, National Institute of Health Research Dr Joe McDonald Chairman, Deputy Medical Director CCIO Leaders Network, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

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A changing world • Changing burdens of disease • Chronic diseases • Multimorbidity • Persisting inequalities in health • Workforce crisis/ projected shortfalls in health professionals • Funding shortfalls • Safety issues • Meeting Expectations

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Top Ten Priorities for commissioners (Kings Fund 2013) 1. Active support for self management 2. Primary prevention 3. Secondary prevention 4. Managing ambulatory care-sensitive conditions 5. Improving the management of patients with both mental and physical health needs 6. Care coordination: integrated health and social care teams 7. Improved end of life care 8. Medicines management 9. Managing elective activity- referral quality 10. Managing urgent and emergency activity

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Healthcare and Workforce Implications Health Education England • Flexible and adaptable for new care pathways; different ways of working; different relationships with patients and carers • Strong communication skills • Need the skills to ensure decisions are evidence based and personalised to specific needs of patients, with the potential use of mobile technology to support this working • Clinicians will need to empower patients to manage their own conditions • Clinicians need to be fully immersed in the use of new technology to deliver care and advice • The workforce need to understand and support the spread of innovation

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Top Six for Nursing 1. Helping people to stay independent, maximising well being and improving health outcomes 2. Working with people to provide a positive experience of care 3. Delivering high quality care and measuring impact 4. Building and strengthening leadership 5. Ensuring we have the right staff, with the right skills in the right place 6. Supporting positive staff experience

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• What do we mean by clinical leadership? • Why the interest?

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Why clinical leadership? • Association with improved clinical outcomes • Sustainability • Understanding of the who, what and how it takes to change practice (innovation) • Systems understanding • Swifter implementation • Direct relationship with patients

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Why not clinical leadership? • Too slow to change (occupational boundaries) • Always want the evidence (when not always there) • Too busy • Time frames need to be theirs • Speak about the patients need rather than understand the patients needs • May require incentives • Too many

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Doomed to Fail! • Technology projects v practice development • Added on v integrated • Organisational benefits v local benefits • Additional service cost v how we cost our service • Special initiative v how we deliver care • Top down v systems understanding • ? • ?